Church Phone: 734-6485 Cell Phone: 391-0584

Home Phone: 734-6605 e-mail:


Did you know that western hognose snakes look a lot like prairie rattlesnakes? Both have very similar markings and are close to the same size. I suppose there’s some sort of survival reason for this. What I will say is that, when you come across a hognose laying in the middle of the trail in the North Unit, it causes a person’s heart rate to increase a bit (OK, a lot).

Hognose snakes don’t have rattles, but young rattlesnakes don’t have rattles, either. The best way to identify them is to look at their heads. Hognose snakes have a turned up “nose” from which they get their name. Rattlesnakes have more of a triangular head. Now, the only way to really tell is to get close to the snake’s head. Anyone want to volunteer?????

In any event, I used my walking stick to gently move the snake off the trail. A little excitement and we continued to hike. Our reward was to come out at the Little Missouri River at a beautiful spot where the river took a turn from flowing north to flowing east. The sun was starting to set and the colors of the surrounding hills were incredible.

Sometimes as we journey through life there are distractions – dangerous or not, we may not even know, but we continue on.

I think of this now as we approach the fall. Sunday School and Confirmation are about to begin again. School starts. Sports start. The schedule gets busier. The elections are nearing. The mud is flying. Harvest is ongoing. Our faith journey may have more distractions than normal.

When I’m out hiking we encourage everyone to be aware of our surroundings. You never know when a buffalo will appear…or a snake…or a storm…or, in the mountains, a bear… Because we encourage everyone to be aware, we don’t allow ear buds. We want everyone to hear what’s going on.

In this same sense, I encourage each and every one of us to be aware of our surroundings, our schedules, our fears, our hatreds, our joys, our apathies, our struggles, whatever might be a distraction in our faith journey, whatever might get in the way of worshiping our Lord and Savior. Take your walking stick, gently move those distractions aside, and continue the journey. The reward is incredible.

Please note that in September we will worship at 10am. Sunday School and Confirmation will start on September 11th at 9am. We will switch to the regular fall schedule on October 2nd with worship at 8:30 and 10:30 and Sunday School and Confirmation at 9:30. We’re trying this schedule so that we can all worship and feast together on Harvest Festival Sunday (Sept 25).


August 10, 2016

Ø  Noted that July’s worship attendance was up 53% over July of 2015.

Ø  Noted that July general offerings were down 8% and overall giving was up 4% compared to July of 2015.

Ø  Noted that year to date, general offerings are down 8% but overall giving is up 8%.

Ø  Noted with appreciation that 630 school kits were assembled for Lutheran World Relief.

Ø  Designated Harvest Festival proceeds as follows: 50% for debt retirement and 50% for Sunne’s general fund.

Ø  Noted that tree stumps had been removed at the parsonage and that a new push mower was donated for the parsonage.

Ø  Noted that water came into the church basement near the north heating and air unit. Vinyl patching has been applied outside the building and that seems to have taken care of the problem.

Ø  Discussed the Trinity River Band and how well received they were.

Ø  Discussed Vacation Bible School and how excited people were to have Camp of the Cross lead VBS. There is significant interest in having the Camp back next year.


Let’s Wipe Out The Debt

Our total debt, as of July 31, 2016 is $95,076.77

plus interest at 6.75%.


Sunne is now able to offer a simple way of

giving to God’s ministry at Sunne. Through

Simply Giving, an electronic fund transfer

program, members and friends of Sunne can make a monthly or semi-monthly gift directly from a person’s checking or savings account into Sunne’s account. This program is available no matter where a person banks. For more information, please contact Sunne Treasurer, SuAnn Olson at 258-3887. Please prayerfully consider this excellent opportunity.



Harvest Festival will be September 25th with worship at 10 a.m. and dinner served from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet at the church for all the needed donations: pies and cheesecakes, potatoes, meat money, veggies, buns, etc. There’s also a sign up for the work schedule. Set-up will be on Saturday, September 24th at

9 a.m. People of all ages are encouraged to help. Freewill offering for the dinner.

THANK YOU to all who helped in any way with the Lutheran World Relief School kits. We were able to assemble and pack 630 school kits. AMAZING!!!! Thank you!


Congratulations to those

celebrating their baptismal

anniversaries in September.

1--Anthea Schmitt

2--David Falkenstein

3--Betty Werre

5--Ron Reimann

6--Sherry Tschosik

7--Mason Oswald

10--Danielle Schill

11--Ruby Anderson

11--Jeanine Helm

15--Luke Odegard

15--Tavi Hirchert

15--Tori Hirchert

16--Tim Silliman

17--Nicole Nodland

21--Betty Falkenstein

23--Jeff Olson

25--Pamela Vetter

26--Marion Anderson

27--Summer Pearson

28--Chad Oswald

29--Rose Strand

30--Lynette Clausen

30--Tenley Nodland

Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kit Mini Drive

We will have a mini-drive for Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits through October 9th. Items needed are: bath size bars of soap, bath towels, and combs. Please have all items to the church by October 9th so that we can get the kits ready for the October shipment. Items can be placed in the tub by the office.

Sunday School begins September 11th at 9 a.m. with a special morning of camp songs, treats, and horse drawn wagon rides. Sunday School classes are available for youth beginning at age 3 (if parents accompany) or age four if unattended and go through 6th grade. Confirmation is offered for those in 7th and 8th grade. If you are interested in teaching or helping, please contact Jen Vesey at 400-7075.


will meet from 11am to noon on Sundays, September 11, 18, and 25 and from 11:30 to 12:30 on Sunday, October 9th at Sunne.

9th graders meet with the church council on Wednesday, October 12 at 7pm. Confirmation Sunday is October 30th during the 10:30 a.m. worship service.


Because we value the Word of God and the study of God’s Word, we will be giving Bibles to the following fifth grade students during worship on Sunday, September 25th: Tayler Cleveland, Kade Kassian, Kole Kirchmeier, and Drew Nodland.


Your Grandparents

September 11th for

Grandparents Day

Sunne Lutheran Youth (grades 7-12) will have a scavenger hunt and cook out on Sunday, September 25th. Meet at Pastor Paul’s (209 Louise Avenue) at 4pm. Food, fellowship, and fun will be part of the event. Friends are welcome. Drivers are needed. Prizes for the first place team!


Because we value worship so highly at Sunne, we will be giving personalized hymnals to all our third graders during worship on Sunday, September 18th. Receiving hymnals are Harper Clausen, Teigan Earsley, Jace Kirchmeier, Seth Morlock, Mason Oswald, Tucker Schacher, Sophia Tarpley, and Emma Vesey.

Quilting season at Sunne is beginning September 29th at 10 a.m. Quilts are made for local and global missions and are given to area ministries such as Ruth Meiers Hospitality House, Abused Adult Resource Center, Manchester House, Charles Hall Youth Services, and local victims of house fires. Quilts are given globally through Lutheran World Relief. If you can’t help on Thursdays, there are plenty of things that can be done at home on a person’s own time.

WELCA will meet at 9 a.m.

September 11th.

With election of officers.

SEPTEMBER 2016 Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church

PO Box 217 Wilton, North Dakota

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Kenny Franklund / 2
Michelle Franklund / 3
Ulane Franklund
10 am Communion Service / 5
Bernice Franklund / 6
Olive Fricke / 7
Grant Gorden / 9
Penny Gorden / 10
Brian Guderjahn / 11
Terri Guderjahn
11 Rally Day
9 am SS/Confirmation
9 am WELCA Bible study
10 am Worship Service
11 am 9th grade Confirmation / 12
John Hagen / 13
Leone Hagen / 14
2 pm
Council Mtg. 7:30 pm
Martin Hagen / 15
Wilton Food Pantry 4-6pm
Mark Hakanson / 16
Stacey Hakanson / 17
Jesston Hakanson
18 Third Grade Hymnals
9 am SS/Confirmation
10 am Communion Service
11 am 9th grade Confirmation / 19
Jaron Hakanson / 20
Marcus Hall / 21
Daphne Hall / 22
Bruce Hansen / 23
Jan Hansen / 24
Harvest Festival
Set-up 9 am
Logan Hansen
25 Fifth Grade Bibles
9 am SS/Confirmation
10 am Worship Service
11:00 am-1:30 pm Harvest
11 am 9th grade Confirmation
4:00 pm SLY Scavenger Hunt / 26
Brady Hansen / 27
Lois Haugen / 28
Alan Hausauer / 29
Quilting 10-3
JoAnn Hausauer / 30
Beverly Hausauer / The names on the calendar are to remind us to pray for one another.

Pastor Paul Schauer: 734-6485 office, 391-0584 cell phone, 734-6605 home