Curriculum Coordinating Council


September 14, 2016

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order in the high school resource room by Susan Grey at 3:45 PM.

Present: Michele Herring, Bob Ostmeyer, Nola Milligan, AJ Pence, Cyndee Bergin, Betsy Schmelzle, Susan Grey, and Cyrena Burghart.

The May 11, 2016 CCC Minutes were approved.

II. New Business

1.  Approve our By-Laws

The By-Laws were approved with no changes.

2.  Review Meeting Dates

Meeting dates remain as listed on the 2016-17 school calendar.

3.  KESA – Kansas Education System Accreditation

CCC members moved to Mr. Cooper’s classroom to view a KSDE video about the Kansas Educational Systems Accreditation (KESA) Cycle. Susan also went through a PowerPoint, speaking about key points of the new 5-year accreditation system. We are in year zero which is a preparation year.

4.  2015-16 Goals for 2016-17

A.  Help to Learn and Implement the New Science Curriculum

Training is needed to help with the science inquiry based learning curriculum. One suggestion was to have a training lead by the Science SAC. Teachers would break into level groups and work on science concepts that they could take right back to the classroom. Another suggestion was to try and find a good presenter to come in and talk about inquiry based learning.

B.  Plan for Cross-Curriculum Writing

A conversation about cross-curriculum writing needs to begin. Expectations need to be established for consistency in all classrooms. It was suggested that posters could be hung in each classroom to outline the expectations.

C.  Analyze District Assessment Scores and Use the Data to Identify District Goals

Assessment scores are not available yet. The State writing tests (MDPT) did not go well and scores for them were low – they may not be included in the assessment scores.

D.  Technology – Keyboarding, etc.

Keyboarding is a goal that CCC will pass to the Technology Committee. Hopefully they can come up with a plan of implementation.


·  Google training will be part of the in-service in October.

IX. The Next Meeting will be October 12th in the High School Resource Room.

Susan will look into a presentation from the Curriculum Leadership Institute for the October meeting.