East Berks Football Alliance

(EBFA - Our Kids – Their Dreams)

De-Registration Form - Player - 2017/18


Incomplete or incorrectly filled in forms will be returned. /
League Usage Only Date ______
EBFA Registration Id No ______
Section 1 - to be completed by the Player’s Guardian (Players complete for U17s, U18s and U21s)
Club Name / Age Group
Team Name / Section/Division
Player Name
Date of Birth
(a) / I agree to my son/daughter being de-registered with the East Berks Football Alliance, from the above mentioned Club.
(b) / I confirm that we have fulfilled all his obligations to the above mentioned Club by returning all the kit and equipment that belongs to the Club and have discharged all outstanding Club/Team fees.
Name / Contact Number
Signature / Date
Section 2 - to be completed by the Club’s Chairman or Secretary
Player Name
EBFA Player Reg No.
(a) / We agree to the above mentioned Player being de-registered with the East Berks Football Alliance, from the above mentioned Club.
(b) / We the above mentioned Club confirm the player has discharged fulfilled all his obligations to the Club.
(c) / The players EBFA registration card is attached to this de-registration form
Club Official’s Name / Position / Chairman/Secretary
Signature / Date

The De-Registration Fee is £10 and will be charged by invoice to the Club.

Please scan or take a photo of the completed form and send to

Note to players and club officials

This de-registration form de-registers the player from the named club under the rules and regulations of the EBFA and the FA. The player is then free to sign for another team if he so wishes and the registration form must be sent to the Registration Secretary by his new Club.


Version 1.0a