Acids/Bases/Equilibrium Study Guide

Equations that will be provided: That means you need to know how to use your calculator!!!

[H+][OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14M

pH = -log[H+] [H+] = 10-pH

pOH=-log[OH-] [OH-] =10-pOH

From the Book

Section 18.2 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium

Section 19.1 Acid-Base Theories (ignore Lewis Acids/Bases)

Section 19.2 Hydrogen Ion and Acidity

Section 19.3 Strengths of Acids/Bases

Section 19.4 Neutralization Reactions

Topics Covered:

□  Properties of acids/bases

□  Arrhenius definition of acids/bases

□  Calculate pH, pOH, [H+] or [OH-] when given the appropriate information (Equations provided above)

□  Determine whether a substance is acidic or basic with pH, pOH, [H+] or [ OH-]

□  Predict products of neutralization reactions

□  Calculate, perform, and describe titrations

□  Strong acids/bases vs. Weak acids/bases – Memorize strong acids and strong bases! (everything else is weak)

□  Concentrated/Dilute Acids/Bases

□  Bronsted-Lowry definition of acids/bases (conjugate acids and bases)

□  Reversible reactions and equilibrium – What does equilibrium mean?

□  Le’Chatlier’s Principles

□  Naming acids (ate-ic acid, ite-ous acid, ide-hyro-ic acid) and bases

Practice Problems:

1.  What are three characteristics of acids? Three of bases?

2.  What is an indicator? What is an example of an indicator?

3.  If a solution has a pH of 4.5, what is the [H+] and [OH-]? Is this solution acidic, basic, or neutral? Explain.

4.  What would be the pH, pOH, [H+], and [OH-] of a 0.00000793M HCl solution?

5.  What is the pH and pOH of a 0.0365 M solution of HNO3?

6.  What is the [H+] and [OH-] of 0.0349 M KOH?

7.  Complete the following reactions:

A.  HNO3 + KOH ®

B.  HCl + Ca(OH)2 ®

C.  H2SO4 + NaOH ®

8.  What does neutralizing mean? How do you neutralize an acid? What is the neutralization point?

9.  If 19.65 mL of HCl is neutralized by 37.2 ml of 0.45M KOH, what is the molarity of the acid?

10.  How many mL of 3M H2SO4 will you need to neutralize 120ml of 1.3 M NaOH?

11.  98.2 mL of 0.00047 M NaOH is neutralized by 12.34 mL of H2SO4. What is the pH of the acid?

12.  According to the titration graph above, is an acid or base in the flask? Is an acid or base in the buret? Explain how you know.

13.  In the titration graph above, label which is the line is a strong acid/strong base titration and which is a weak acid/strong base titration. How do you know?

14.  What is the difference between strong and weak acids? Examples?

15.  What is the difference between concentrated and diluted acids?

16.  In the following reactions, label the Bronsted-Lowry acids, bases and their conjugates:

A.  NH3 + H2O ↔ NH4+ + OH-

B.  HF + H2O ↔ F- + H3O+

17.  Write the formula of the conjugate acid of each Bronsted-Lowry base: ClO-2, H2O, H2PO4-1, NH3

18.  What is the “equal” part in equilibrium?

19.  In the table indicate (circle) the initial stress on the system, the direction of equilibrium shift, and the change of concentration of each substance.

Fe+3(aq) + V+3(aq) + H2O(l) <--> Fe+2(aq) + VO+2(aq) + 2H+(aq)

add HCl
add Fe(NO3)2
add FeCl3

20.  Name the following: H2SO3, H3PO4, H3N