Roskruge Bilingual Magnet School
School Council Meeting


January 18, 2017

Date: January 18, 2017

Time: 4:30 pm

Meeting Site: Roskruge Bilingual Magnet School, Library

1.  The meeting was called to order at 4:33.

a.  The members present: Manuel Avila, Grace Contreras, Ricardo Gomez, Zulema Felix, Carina Kennedy, Dale Lopez, Sarah Mc Craren, José Olivas, Monica Sanchez, and Nina Womack-Rangel

b.  The members absent: Nora Jaramillo, Maria Gudino, Christina Madrid-Castro, Cassie Martinez (alt), and Rita Verdin

2.  Call to the Audience

a.  Nothing was shared.

3.  Minutes

a.  Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed.

b.  Ms. McCraren made a motion to accept the minutes. Ms. Felix seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved.

4.  Action Items

·  None

5.  Discussion/Information Items

a.  Celebration—110 Years of Excellence in Education/Creation of Subcommittee

i.  A subcommittee is forming to plan the celebration. This subcommittee will begin meeting in February and is open to all current and former staff and students, parents, and community members. The celebration itself will take place in the fall of 2017.

ii. Mrs. Kennedy will email the staff to encourage involvement. Facebook and other media (such as the newspaper) will be used to get involvement. Mr. Olivas will put a message in the February newsletter, as well as on Parent Link.

iii.  Ms. Contreras is also in need of a co-chair.

iv.  Ms. Felix asked about how we will get funding. Ms. Contreras mentioned that they obtained donations from the community during the 90th anniversary celebration. Businesses donated T-shirts, buttons, etc.

b.  Update on DEAR

i.  Mr. Lopez presented the idea of starting DEAR back up again to the teachers. There was no objection from the teachers.

ii. Ms. Gallegos did make a suggestion to change the name to TEMAL (Todo El Mundo A Leer).

iii.  Due to a district audit, morning announcements must be made right after the last bell at 8:53. TEMAL Time could then start right after announcements and end at 9:03.

iv.  Mr. Lopez will speak to Ms. Bly, the librarian, about the kick off. He would like it to start during Love of Reading week in February.

c.  School Policy Regarding Tardiness

i.  Mrs. Kennedy brought up some issues that teachers have been having with student tardiness this school year. Some teachers give lunch detentions, but there is no school-wide policy regarding this.

ii. Mr. Olivas mentioned that there are usually monitors in the halls encouraging students to get to class except for periods 3, 4, and 5 when they are monitoring lunchtime. He also mentioned that there is not enough room/personnel for lunch detention in the office or elsewhere on campus.

iii.  Council members shared some ideas:

§  Rotate lunch detentions within grade-level teams (each teacher has lunch detention in his/her room once a week for that entire grade level.

§  After school detention.

§  Reward system for students with no tardies.

§  Meeting with student, teacher and administration during PUMA time.

§  Use MTSS sheets to record tardiness.

§  Teachers share what is working.

§  Chronic offenders should be referred to administration.

d.  Principal’s Update

i.  Mr. Olivas gave the principal’s update.

ii. The computers are finished being moved in the library. All computers from the little lab have been moved into the main library area. We now have a book room.

iii.  Staffing:

§  Ms. Zepp is still out. She is taking it month by month and Mr. Lopez is subbing for her while she is out.

§  There is a half time evening custodian position available. With all the areas we are using we qualify for 3 ½ custodians which is one more full time custodial position.

§  Still in need of a bilingual TA for middle school science.

§  Looking for a computer technician for this year, as well as a math resource teacher.

§  Mr. Olivas turned in his intent to separate with the district. He is retiring; his last day will be June 30th.

e.  Next Site Council Meeting Date

i.  Next meeting is scheduled for February 15th at 4:30 pm in the library.

6.  Motion to adjourn by Ms. Womack-Rangel, seconded by Mr. Avila at 5:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Carina Kennedy

Facilitator, Roskruge Bilingual K-8, School Site Council