How to grade ALLHomework (MASTER RUBRIC)

Warm Up / Full Credit: Question is written down. All work is written down. / -1 Point: Some writing is missing. Directions are only partially followed. For example: the problem asked to get the names and times of 10 students and I only wrote down the times.
Notes / Full Credit: Question is written down. All work is written down. / -.5 Point: There is information missing. Not all of the notes are written down.
Classwork / Full Credit: Question is written down. All work is written down. / -1 Point: The question is not written down or not all of the work is shown. / -2 Points: The question is not written down and not all of the work is shown.
TWPS / Full Credit: Question is written down. All work is written down. / -1 Point: The question is not written down or the answer is not written down in a complete sentence. / -2 Points: The question is not written down and the answer is not written down in a complete sentence.
Homework / Full Credit:The answer is detailed and enough work is done for the teacher to look and see the thinking of the student. / -1 Point: There is little work shown in the problem or the answer is not written in a full sentence. It is unclear if the entire question has been answered.
Handouts / Full Credit:All of the questions are answered in detail / -1 Point: One question is not answered or one of the questions is not answered in a full sentence. Any work is missing. / -2 Points: More than one answer is not written in a full sentence. One problem is not answered and another problem is not answered in a full sentence or some work is missing
-3 or more points:More than one answer is not written in a full sentence. One problem is not answered and another problem is not answered in a full sentence or some work is missing
Vocabulary / Full Credit: #1 There is a definition.
#2 There is your own example.
#3 There is a sentence using the Vocabulary word / -1 Point:
  • There is a definition
  • Either one of the next two boxes are empty or incomplete