Created by Kerry Moody

Week Beginning: 19.3.2012 / PLC: What amazing animals can we find in our World? / Week: PLC 3

Key Question: Why do animals have patterns? Why do some animals change colour?

CLLD FOCUS: Overview 11 – stories with predictable and patterned language: Key Outcome: Using the model from reading, create own patterned narratives

PSRN FOCUS: NLC &Pattern: Use the stripes on a tiger as the starting point for exploring symmetry.

Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Physical Development :
Warm Up: Display the animal pattern poster cards around the room and ask children to sit in the middle of the floor. Explain that you want them to find their families, represented by the cards. Give verbal clues to children, for example, ‘We are tall with long necks’. The pair can then move like giraffes to the relevant card. Continue until all children are safely ‘home’. Invite each group to move around with their ‘family’ and pretend to be on safari, walking amongst them taking photographs. (PD 1, 2, 4)
See Separate planning – Ball Games – See PE/Physical Development Medium Term Plan: Reception/Year 1 –Ball Skills scheme. (PD7, 8)
Plenary: Play version of musical statues in which children are animals walking through a jungle. When the music stops, the animals frieze so that they cannot be seen by predators. (PD 1, 2, 4) / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/G Reading
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers/G.Reading / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/G. Reading
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers/ G Reading
Children: MA Raindrop - Yellow / Children: MA Rainbow – Red text / Children: LA Snowflake – Dk Pink / Children: HA Sunshine – Blue text
Setting up continuous Provision/ Outdoor Activities then
Ind Readers / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj: Continue a repeating pattern with three colours/shapes/objects
Warm Up: Ask chn to recall doubles up to 5+5 using doubles song!! Doubles doubles, I can add doubles. It’s no trouble for me to add doubles. (On favourites)
Main Teaching Session:
Use 3 colours of interconnecting cubes to make a repeating pattern e.g. blue, red, green, blue, red, green, blue... Invite chn up to add the next 3 cubes. Does everyone else agree? Say pattern tog to see if it sounds right. Rpt with a pattern where one colour is repeated, e.g. blue, blue, red, green, blue, blue, red, green. Say it rhythmically to emphasise the pattern. Ask chn to add the next 4 cubes, then rpt saying the pattern as a class. Ask a pair of chn to start a pattern, and the rest of the class to follow it. / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj: Continue a repeating pattern with three colours/shapes/objects
Warm Up: Counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s using song and actions. Use the 1-100 grid to support counting to 100. Chn match fingers to the ones digits and emphasise the 5s.
Main Teaching Session:
Draw a circle, square and triangle on the IWB arranged randomly, not in a line. Ask chn to draw these 3 shapes in any order that they like in a line on their whiteboards. Show one child’s w/b. Does anyone else have the shapes in this order? Any chn that do stand in a line. We’ve made a repeating pattern, each little bit is the same. Read along pattern tog, e.g. square, circle, triangle, square… Rpt with other patterns. Ask chn to draw 2 of one shape and 1 of each of the others to make a line of 4 shapes and rpt. / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj: Continue a repeating pattern with three colours/shapes/objects
Warm Up: Play finger aerobics. Chn put their hands behind their backs. Shuffle a pack of 1-10 cards. Show one at time. Chn quickly bring their hands out to show the correct no. of fingers. Ext: Show a card – how many do we need to make 10?
Main Teaching Session:
Using small world animals that make distinct noises, e.g. dogs, cats, ducks, cows, pigs. Arrange 3 of these on the floor to make a repeating pattern, and then ‘read’ it as e.g. woof, meow, quack, woof, meow… Chn join in and carry on saying the pattern of animal noises until you say stop. Make a pattern where one noise if repeated in each section e.g. woof, meow, woof, quack, woof, meow, woof, quack… Rpt with other patterns without using animals can chn continue the pattern just by hearing it? / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj: Continue a repeating pattern with three colours/shapes/objects
Warm Up: Point to no.’s on the 1-100 grid as chn pass Grandpa Muddles round the circle counting to 100. Whoever says a multiple of 5 holds G. muddles up in the air. Carry on round the circle to 100. Ext: Repeat counting backwards….
Main Teaching Session:
Take chn into the hall. Lay a skipping rope on the floor to form a line, and say that this is a mirror! Ask a child to stand on one side and make a shape, e.g. a star shape. The child on the side must pretend they are the refection and mirror the shape. Chn work in pairs to do the same. Take some photographs to add to a Symmetry display.
10:00 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Show awareness of symmetry (40-60 mths)
Show chn pictures of butterflies and flowers and discuss their symmetry. Help chn to draw, paint or use collage materials to make symmetrical flowers/ butterflies. Use mirrors to check that they are symmetrical. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Show awareness of symmetry (40-60 mths)
Take chn outside to look for examples of symmetry. Help them to take photographs. Use them to create a display.
Chn use gummed shapes to make own symmetrical butterflies. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Show awareness of symmetry (40-60 mths)
Take chn outside to look for examples of symmetry. Help them to take photographs. Use them to create a display.
Chn use gummed shapes to make own symmetrical butterflies. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Continue a repeating pattern with three colours/shapes/objects
Begin a pattern of movements: e.g. pat the top of your head, clap, then slap your lap, pat, clap, slap… Chn join in when they know what the pattern is. Rpt with different body movement patterns, e.g. stamping, pat knees and stretch. Ask LP to make up their own patterns – model it to the grp then all join in. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
Children: HA Giraffes / Children: MA Crocodiles / Children: MA Penguins / Children: LA Pandas / Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
10:20 / PLAYTIME
CT – Ph3
DW – Ph2
Cons.. ai, ee, oo, oo / Carpet session 2: L&S
Segmenting for spelling:
Phoneme frame p88: wait, pain, tail, bait.
Blending for reading: Countdown p86 aim, main, rain, sail.
Reading captions activity Drawing p95: I am in the rain. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: see, tree, feet, weep.
Blending for reading:
Countdown p86 jeep, seem, week, deep, keep.
Reading captions activity Drawing p95: I can see a tree. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recap long ‘oo’
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: too, zoom, cool, boot.
Blending for reading: Countdown p86 food, loot, moon, root.
Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: The boot is too cool. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Teach short ‘oo’ using phonics scheme Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: book, look, cook, good.
Blending for reading: Countdown p86 took, foot, wood, hook.
Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: I can cook good food. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Find any letter learnt so far, from a display, when given the sound.
Practice reading was, will, with
Be able to spell the tricky words the, to, I, no, go.
Be able to blend and segment in order to read and spell (using magnetic letters) VC words ox, CVC words rain, see, food, book and pseudo words zoop, meep.
11:00 / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories. Develop an understanding of the elements of stories such as the sequence of events
Introduce book, The Mixed Up Chameleon. Look at cover. What is a chameleon? Read 1st two pages of story. What can a chameleon do? Change colour. Read on, encouraging chn to name the different animals in the zoo. Point out how the top LHS of the page is cut away. What is drawn here? Encourage chn to count the animals as they appear, matching to fingers. How many in all? / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Use talk to clarify thinking and feelings, & begin to dev lang of des. Watch reading of shared text on Youtube.
v=FNolRgH7AIU Encourage chn to name each animal as it appears in the text. What colour was each of the animals? How was the animal described in the story? Choose an animal and ask chn to recall description. Model writing a list of the animals as they appear e.g. The Polar Bear is big and white. Then write The……. is smart. The ….. can hide in its shell. Chn guess which one you are describing. Repeat this, then choose a child to describe an animal from the book or own choice. Model writing this on the board. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Use talk to clarify thinking and feelings, and begin to develop a language of description Look again at The Mixed Up Chameleon. Read to the zoo page. What other animals might we see in a zoo. Chn make suggestions. Model writing these as a list. Which animal is the largest? The elephant. How can we describe him? Write ‘large like a ___’. Take suggestions for what to write, e.g. house, bus, hill, skyscraper. Point to fish. She is very small. Write ‘small like a __’ and take suggestions: small like an earring, small like a seed etc.
In a circle, ask each child to think of the animal they would be and why. I’m a snake, long like a woolly scarf. I’m a giraffe, tall like a statue. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Use talk to clarify thinking and feelings, and begin to develop a language of description. Explore and experiment with sounds, words and texts
Show the book again/ alternatively watch video on youtube to stimulate chn’s interest. Which animals are the chn’s favourites? What animal would chn like to be? Choose a child to act out ‘being’ their favourite animal (e.g. slink like a cat, slither like a snake, pounce like a tiger). Describe the way that animal moves. Encourage chn to use a wide vocabulary describing the animals’ movements. Write some of the ‘doing’ words on the f/c. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Listen with enjoyment and respond to rhymes and make up their own.
On board, write ‘Granny’s in the kitchen, Making bread and tea, There’s a monkey in the shed, But he can’t catch me!’ by Valerie Bloom (The Works, p3). Read this to the chn several times so they can say it with you. Create some actions to help them recite the poem. What other animal could be in the shed? Repeat the rhyme, replacing ‘monkey’ with a diff animal and a diff action! Repeat for diff animals/ actions.
11:20 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Re-tell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of stories
Work with the chn to mix colours appropriate to paint a track down a piece of paper making and matching colours in the order given down the RHS of the book.
Using images from the story – ask chn to match the animals to their correct colour and use these to structure an oral recount of the main events.
Chn to record their own version of the story. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Attempt writing for different purposes. Use a pencil to form letters correctly.
Explain that each person is going to write a page for a big book called The Mixed Up Class of the animal they would be and why.
With a TP, ask them to think of an animal and a feature the animal has that they would like to have.
Using finger paints, each child to draw a picture of themselves with their chosen animal part.
Use a writing frame to support writing I wish I had the ……. of a …… / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Attempt writing for different purposes. Use a pencil to form letters correctly.
Explain that each person is going to write a page for a big book called The Mixed Up Class of the animal they would be and why.
With a TP, ask them to think of an animal and a feature the animal has that they would like to have.
Using finger paints, each child to draw a picture of themselves with their chosen animal part.
Aply knowledge of phonics and familiar words to write caption to match picture. I wish I had the ……. of a …… / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Attempt writing for different purposes. Use a pencil to form letters correctly.
Need chn’s photo’s. Explain to the chn that we are going to make our own version of this book for the reading area and the title will be ‘The Mixed Up Class’ Who do they think the characters will be?
Ask each person to say which animal they would like to be and why? Record ind sentences onto a talking card before asking chn to draw a picture of the animal they would be. Model writing I would change into ………. because…….. I would live…… I would eat….