Saint Mary of the Assumption

Religious Education

Parent Handbook

99 Valley Road

Katonah, New York10536


Admission Policy

Parents registered in our parish are encouraged to enroll their children in the religious education program. There is no discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin or disability.

Mission of Saint Marys Religious Education Program

We, at the parish of Saint Mary of the Assumption, look upon religious education as a total parish experience involving not just the child, but also parents, families, catechists, clergy and religious that form our parish community of faith. We believe that religious education is getting to know Jesus, and learning what is expected of one who chooses to follow him in the Catholic tradition. Our program reflects an integrated learning experience composed of catechesis, prayer, sacramental preparation, traditional Catholic doctrine, biblical studies, liturgy, and other dimensions of a vibrant Catholic life. Through the light of faith, we hope to develop in those entrusted to our care, a deeper relationship with God.

Parental Role

Parents are primarily responsible for the religious development of their children. How a child prays, worships God, and relates to others in a Christian way are values which children should already be experiencing before they begin formal religious education. These are values that develop from the religious environment at home.

The Eucharist, the center of our faith, is the focal point of religious education. Therefore, it is essential and expected that the children attend Mass each week.

Student Role

All students are expected to attend Religous Education classes weekly.Children should come to our program with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. All class work and homework should be completed. All classmates and teachers should be treated with mutual respect.

Tasks of Religious Education

The role of the religious education program is described at length in a Church document titled General Directory for Catechesis. This document outlines six tasks of catechesis that every catechist strives to incorporate in lessons during the year. These six tasks are:Promoting knowledge of the faith, Liturgical education, Moral Formation, Teaching to pray, Education for community life and Missionary initiative. Everything that is required for participation in this parish program is related to our Mission Statement and the accomplishment of these six tasks.

Mass Attendance

Religious Education is not completewithoutweekly attendance at Mass.We have a wonderful “Family Mass” on Sundays at 10am. Second graders are given a personal book, “My Picture Missal”that they can bring to church with them in order that they may fully understand and follow the mass on their level. All students should live a life that reflects the values and teaching of Jesus Christ.


Catechists are volunteers who selflessly give their time to teach our children. Our Catechists are moms, dads, college students, high school students, business people, and even grandparents who have a love of their faith and are eager to pass it on. They prepare weekly lessons, which coordinated with the school textbook, initiate an understanding of our Catholic faith and a love of Jesus Christ. We are always looking for Catechists and catechist assistants should you feel the calling. All you need is a love of your faith and a love of children. All catechists are Safe Environment trained, as required by the Archdiocese of New York.


Students currently enrolled in the program are automatically sent registration forms by mail in April and given a specific time range in which to register. A late fee is added after the time frame has expired. If you wish to be placedon a certain day you must register early, especially if you have more than one child and they all need to be placed on the same day or if you are part of a car pool.

First Graders must supply a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate.

Families newly moved to the area are allowed to register once our current families have registered. Families switching from another CCD program must register with our parish, attend Mass and support Saint Marys for a period of at least one year before they can enter the religious education program.They must also supply a copy of the records from their previous school, as well as copies of Baptismal and First Holy Communion records.

Class Schedule

Session days and times are as follows:

Monday 4:30-5:45

Tuesday 4:30-5:45

Tuesday 6:00-7:15


Wednesday6:00 to 7:15


In case of inclement weather please listen to radio station WHUD 100.7 or watch News 12 Westchester on TV. In addition, an e mail will be sent out to all families using the e mail supplied to us at the time of registration. If the Katonah-LewisboroSchool District cancels school, Saint Marys will also cancel classes.


Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, to arrive on time’ and remain for the entire class. To assure continued quality of Religious Education for your children, regular attendance is necessary. Participating in sports or after school activities should not conflict with class time; they do not constitute a justifiable absence from class or activities. All absences must be called in. A log is kept in the office as to the reason for the absence. Four absences are allowed to cover the times when a child is sick or a family emergency or commitment arises. At three absences a letter will go home to keep the family updated as to the amount of absences. If a child is absent more than four times, and it is due to an illness, we ask that a doctor’s note is submitted. After 4 absences, the student will be required to attend make up classes in May, or do additional assignments, which must be completed to move on to the next grade level.

Arrival and Dismissal

Children shouldarrive on time for classes. Tardiness is disruptive and distracting to the rest of the class and disrespectful to the teacher. We keep a poster board on display in the front foyer where the children arrive.

When a teacher arrives and is ready for her class to come up, a push pin will be placed next to the teacher’s name and students may proceed to class. No students should be in the classrooms before the teacher arrives.

Upon afternoon dismissal, parents must go to the classroom to pick up their child when the bell rings. If you need to pick up a child early, please come to the office. No one is allowed in the halls other than the catechists and staff once the classes have started. Students will not be released from the building without a parent.DO NOT TELL YOUR CHILD TO MEET YOU IN THE PARKING LOT, YOU MUST COME IN. If for some reason you cannot come in, we will walk your child out to the car. If anyone other than the parent is to pick up, please send a note to be kept on file in the office.

Upon evening dismissal, students will be dismissed onto the paved area in front of the school where they can wait to be picked up. Parents are welcome to come into the building and wait in the foyer for the bell to ring.

Calendar Information

A program calendar will be sent home with each family on the first day of school. The Katonah Lewsiboro calendar is followed for seasonal recess and holiday observances. We do not close for parent teacher conference days. If the school has a half-day, we will still have CCD classes.


Most of our communication is done through e-mails. Our e-mail address is . Highly important correspondence pertaining to registration, Confirmation, and Communion is mailed home.


Textbooks are issued the first day of class. It is important that your child come to class prepared with his/her textbook in hand. If a text book is lost, please bring $20 to the office for a replacement book. It is too disruptive when two children are “sharing” because one cannot find their book.

Donations of pencils and erasers are always welcome.


Homework assignments will be determined by the individual catechists.

If an assignment is given, it should be taken seriously and returned to class in a timely manner.

Progress Reports

Progress Reports are completed by the Catechists mid year to evaluate the students understanding of the material and to evaluate participation assignments, effort, and behavior.

Cell phones and other “extras”

All cell phones must be turned off and kept out of sight. If a student is caught making a call or texting the cell phone will be taken from them and returned after class. If a student takes a picture with the cell phone it will be sent down to the office for pick up by a parent.

Please do not send your child with toys, cards, stuffed animals etc. They should be left at the CCD office and picked up after class.

Dress Code

In order to have a program conducible to Christian values, please be mindful of how your child comes dressed for class. Shorts and skirts should be of reasonable length.Halter tops and spaghetti straps should not be worn. Hats should be taken off upon entering the building.


All of our Catechists are volunteers who give freely and selflessly of their time and deserve our utmost respect, consideration and support at all times. If a student is disruptive in the classroom, the student will be sent down to the office.

First Offense: The student and catechist will need to write down what happened and sign it. No call will be made home.

Second Offence: Again, the student and teacher will write down what happened and sign it. This time the parent will be called and notified.

Third Offence: A meeting will be scheduled between the student, the parent the catechist and the coordinator to discuss what is needed to remedy the situation. At this time it may be necessary for a parent to be present in the classroom for the remainder of the year.

Fourth Offense: A meeting with the pastor and possible expulsion from the program.


Food is not permitted in the classroom. A water bottle will be permitted. If your child is feeling they must have something to eat as they have little time between getting out of school and coming to CCD, please have them eat their snack in the car or you may sit with them in the cafeteria prior to the beginning of class.

At special times of the year, i.e., Christmas, Easter, a teacher may have a small celebration in the class and a small treat may be provided.

Please make sure that we are aware of any food allergies.


Penance and First Communion

Preparation for Penance and First Communion takes place in second grade. Children must have two years of formal religious education before receiving Penance and Holy Communion. Parents are asked to attend a parent meeting in the fall. Students are reminded that they should be attending regularSunday Mass.


Confirmation takes place in the eighth grade. Any child who does not attend religious education program after First Holy Communion and wishes to return will be required to complete the grade level curriculum missed. In addition to attending regular religious education classes, Confirmation candidates should be attending weekly Mass and will need to complete 20 hours of community service which can be started in the summer before 8th grade. Each student will have an individual sponsor who must present and a written statement from their pastor at his/her parish affirming that the sponsor is qualified.

Children’s Choir & Lecturing Opportunities

Children are invited to join the children’s choir and to serve as lectors during the family mass. Please see us in the office if you would like to join and we will pass your name along to Barbara Benvenga, our music director, or Steve Mangione, coordinator of lectors.


From time to time a teacher may not be able to teach a class. We may send out an e-mail to the class looking for a substitute. When we do this, we always put together a lesson plan/video for that class. Please considerlending a hand. You will also be setting an example for your child to get involved and volunteer. You may actually come back to teach.

In any case, please consider helping out from time to time with your child’s class.