December 1, 2015

«First_Name» «Last_Name»



«City», «State» «ZipPostal»

RE: Review of commercially grown rice varieties in accordance with the California Rice Certification Act

Dear «First_Name»:

The California Rice Certification Committee (Committee) established pursuant to state law requests that you complete the attached form titled California Commercial Rice Varieties Commercial Impact Review for each rice variety for which you produce basic seed (seed that is the initial source of seed for increase) and has not been previously submitted to the Committee for review. The completed form(s) should be mailed to the California Rice Certification Committee at 1231 I Street, Ste 205, Sacramento, CA 95814 or faxed to 916-387-2265, no later than Friday, January 30, 2016. A summary of previously reviewed rice varieties is included for your assistance. It is not necessary to return this form, if the variety appears on this list.

Please note that the committee may not be able to review and approve varieties for planting this season if submitted after February 1.

This information will be used by the Committee to identify all rice varieties produced commercially in the state and determine whether the rice possesses characteristics of commercial impact. In the event the Committee concludes that a rice variety possesses characteristics of commercial impact, the Committee will recommend to the Secretary of Food and Agriculture terms and conditions for planting, producing, harvesting, transporting, drying, storing, or otherwise handling the rice. No rice may be offered for sale prior to review by the Committee and is subject to applicable regulations adopted by the Department of Food and Agriculture if it has characteristics of commercial impact.

State law defines commercial rice production in California as any variety of rice planted on more than 50 acres. Characteristics of commercial impact is also defined in state law as characteristics that may adversely affect the marketability of rice in the event of commingling with other rice and may include, but are not limited to, those characteristics that cannot be visually identified without the aid of specialized equipment or testing, those characteristics that create a significant economic impact in their removal from commingled rice, and those characteristics whose removal from commingled rice is infeasible.

Thank you for your assistance and please contact Tim Johnson at 916-387-2264, if you have any questions.


Lorenzo Pope

Chair, California Rice Certification Committee