President: Mr M. Bunney
MEMBERS PRESENT: - Mrs J. Deacon, A. Deacon, M. Bunney, Mrs C Francis, B. V. Corbin, R. Bradford, J. Peters, J. M. Armitage, Mrs R. Wills, J. Wills, M G Mitchell, M. Gaiter, H. Kennett, J. Gladwin, P. Gladwin, B. Woodall, G. Preece, A. Muir, J. Tyerman, D Clarke, P Amor, S Holmes
APOLOGIES: - J. Szarvas, D & B Kennett, D Posey, M Harvey, R Widdell
Prop. J Gladwin, Sec. B Corbin
The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting be accepted as a true record.
Carried unan.
Prop. J Peters, Sec. J. Tyerman
That the balance sheet be accepted.
A Vote of thanks was given to Alisdair Muir for auditing the balance sheet.
The Secretary stated that there had been 184 resignations of which half were reasons being deaths, ill health moving, work commitments and losing jobs
There were 8 defaulters all of whom had been sent recorded letters as per R.P.R.A. rule 174.
Prop. A Muir, Sec. E Kennett
That all resignations be accepted en bloc and that all defaulters be suspended and be sent to the R.P.R.A.
Carried unan.
Defaulters :-
CS750 G Peto
ES174 Kipling Partners
ES366 Mr. Paul Green
ES561 Glass Bros & Partner
NS154 Stephen Jackson
NS259 Daniel Tobias
WS089 Legge & Legge
WS322 Paul King
Prop. P Gladwin. Sec. J. Wills
That the Secretary be given permission to dispose of all unwanted documents prior to 2008.
The Chairman then stated that closed all business for the 2009 season and declare all offices vacant.
A vote of thanks was given to Jan for all her work during her term of office and a welcome was given to Carol in her new role as Secretary.
Prop. J Tyerman Sec. B Corbin
M Bunney be President for the 2010 season
Voting 21 for 1 against
Prop. A Muir Sec. B Corbin
That J Tyerman be co-opted as Vice President
Voted 20 for 2 against.
J. Wills, J Tyerman and B. Corbin are Vice Presidents for the 2010 season
Prop. J Wills Sec. J Tyerman
Mrs Jan Deacon be co-opted as a Life Vice President
Prop. M Bunney Sec. A Deacon
Mr B Corbin be co-opted as a life Vice President
Life Vice Presidents are: G Barrett O.B.E. Mrs R Wills, Mr & Mrs C & J Bennett, J Szarvas, Jan Deacon, B Corbin
Prop. J Tyerman Sec. B Corbin
A Deacon be Chairman for the 2010 season
Voting 21 for 1 against
A. Deacon was voted in as Chairman for the 2010 season
Prop B. Corbin, Sec. E. Kennett
M. Harvey be the Vice Chairman for the 2010 season
Prop. B Corbin Sec. P Gladwin
Mrs C Francis be the Treasurer for the 2010 season.
Prop. A Muir Sec. M. Armitage
J. Gladwin and Rose Wills be the R.P.R.A. delegates for the 2010 season.
Carried unan
Prop. M Bunney Sec. C Ret
A Muir and Rose Wills be Auditors for 2010 season
Prop. A Deacon Sec. R Wills
Pam Gladwin be the Press Officer for the 2010 season
Prop. R Bradford Sec. A Muir
J. Peters be co-opted on to the Committee
The Management Committee now consist of – All officers of the B.I.C.C. plus R. Bradford, M. Armitage, J. Tyerman, and J Peters.
RESULT OF VOTING ON New Rules and/or Amendments
Prop: A & T Deacon (CS078)
New General Rule 16
All Section Boundaries be decided by the elected Management Committee
YES I/We agree / 100 / NO I/we do not agree / 87ABSTENTION / 10
Prop: A & T Deacon (CS078)
Amendment to Rule 15
East Section:
Delete 00.50 West and insert 00.025 West. The rest of the Rule to stay the same
YES I/We agree / 87 / NO I/we do not agree / 90ABSTENTION / 16
Prop: J Harris & Daughter (ES128)
Delete General Rule 15, New General Rule 15 to read:
East Section –
Members flying East of 00.00 and less than 600 miles from Tarbes, code 5055 International race point
Centre Section
Members flying between West of 00.00 and 2.00 West and less than 600 miles from Tarbes, Code 5055, International race point
West Section
Members flying West of 2.00 West and less than 600 miles from Tarbes, code 5055 International race point
North Section
All members flying more than 600 miles from Tarbes, code 5055 International race point
YES I/We agree / 100 / NO I/we do not agree / 86ABSTENTION / 7
Prop: J Harris & Daughter (ES128)
Delete Race Rule 5, New Race Rule 5 to read:
Open and Section prize money to be decided annually by the Management Committee. Open prizes to be paid 50% to Winner, 30% to second, 20% to third. Section Prize money to be paid 100% to winner
YES I/we agree / 102 / NO I/we do not agree / 69ABSTENTION / 16
Prop: J Harris & Daughter (ES128)
Clock Rule 2
After the words clock sheets in the first line, insert the words “and envelopes”
YES I/We agree / 130 / NO I/we do not agree / 64ABSTENTION / 11
The secretary pointed out that this would involve a lot of extra costs and wastage and it was agreed to have clock envelopes with the secretary’s address on them at the Marking Stations.
General Meeting following A.G.M 24th January 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: - Mrs J. Deacon, A. Deacon, M. Bunney, Mrs C Francis, B. V. Corbin, R. Bradford, J. Peters, J. M. Armitage, Mrs R. Wills, J. Wills, M G Mitchell, M. Gaiter, H. Kennett, J. Gladwin, P. Gladwin, B. Woodall, G. Preece, A. Muir, J. Tyerman, D Clarke, P Amor, S Holmes
APOLOGIES: - J. Szarvas, D & B Kennett, D Posey, M Harvey, R Widdell
Russell Bradford mentioned the money in Zurich Investments matures in April and it was agreed to leave it there.
Bill Woodall took the floor to discuss Racing Rule 12 re the 5 minute rule i.e. “Members using the E.T.S. system must also clock both rubbers within 5 minutes of the time of each arrival (This is to comply with International Rules). Failure to comply will result in disqualification. His argument was that the Internationals have stated that the windup clock is not in use.
There was quite a heated discussion with several members present regarding the N.F.C. Tarbes race and after several members put the views forward it was
Prop: M Bunney Sec. A Muir
We wait until we get further information. This was agreed.
It was agree that A Deacon and J Tyerman look into this with the President of the Internationals.
A discussion was held regarding duplication. Again a heated discussion was held and the meeting was told that we would loose our status if we agreed to this.
No further business to discuss the meeting was closed at 1.15 p.m.