8th GRADE SCIENCE 2010-2011

MartinezJunior High School




(925) 313-0414 Ext.1408

Students, Parents and Guardians,

The purpose of this letter is to welcome you to eighth grade science as well as explain course goals and content, homework, assignment due dates, grading, late work, classroom supplies, textbooks and present the Student Laboratory and Safety Guidelines.

Course Goals and Content

The main goal in this class is to show up, pay attention, do the work, behave and respect other students and equipment. Students will take part in individual and group experiments and investigations.

The content will mainly focus on physical science: motion and forces, structure of matter, chemical interactions, Earth in space and WISE (Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment) projects. Please go through the textbook to get a better understanding of the curriculum.


Class time will be spent doing experiments and investigations. Therefore, homework must include reading, reflecting on recent class work, and finishing incomplete work. Assignment due dates will be posted. Late work never receives full credit unless there is an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire on missed work.


I will use a points system and rubric to grade work. Your child’s grade will be based approximately 75% from assessments (tests and quizzes) and 25% from class work and homework. Rubric: 4 – advanced, 3 – proficient, at grade level, 2 - basic, working toward standard and 1- below basic.

Classroom supplies

Students need to bring composition book, white ruled paper, 3 x 5 or 5 x 8 index cards (at least 10 blank cards each day), sharp pencils (mechanical pencils are great), pencil sharpener, eraser, blue or black pen, colored pencils, scissors, and glue. Optional items include a calculator and a small metric ruler.


One textbook will be sent home.

  • Focus on Physical Science California ISBN 0-07-874185-8 by Glencoe

Please keep the book in a safe place. Students do not bring the book to and from school. They stay at home!

Student Laboratory and Safety Guidelines

Review the guidelines with your child. Please complete, sign and return the Student Laboratory and Safety Guidelines.

Have a great year,

Mr. Hartman