Terramar School
7000 W. Happy Valley Road
Peoria, Arizona 85385
Basic Expectations and Procedures for Physical Education
Dear Middle School Student,
Welcome to Physical Education! We are looking forward to an excitingtime this semester. Our goal in Physical Education is to provide you withthe skills and knowledge to enable you to become a lifelong physicallyactive person. We will provide you with a variety of activities to get youmoving and hope that you will have fun!
Physical education is a part of the total educational program in all grades atTerramar School. Students are encouraged and instructed to improve theirpersonal health, skill performance, and leadership abilities. We will learn toappreciate and perform individual, group and team activities which they canuse and enjoy, both in the present and future.
The following guidelines have been written in order to help you succeed inand enjoy your class. Read them carefully; discuss them with your parent(s)/guardian(s). We look forward to helping you reach your potential.
Physical Education Attire (Dressing Rooms, Lockers, and Locks)
A. The following items are required for each student in PhysicalEducation.
- Supportive athletic shoes (no sandals, open toe/back shoes, slippers or boots,etc.)
- Sneakers must be laced and tied for maximum support
- Hygiene items such as deodorant (no aerosol cans)
B. Physical Education attire needs to adhere to the school dress code.
Clothing that disrupts, or substantially distracts the educationalprocess will not be
C. While indoors, hats and sunglasses are not allowed.
D. It is recommended that Physical Education clothes be taken home andwashed when
E. The following are not permitted in class:
- Hoop or dangling earrings
- Bracelets/anklets/necklaces/dress watch/rings
- I-Pod/MP3 Players
- Cell Phones
- Any other electronic devices
- Make sure all valuables are locked in your locker.
Backpacks are not allowed in locker room! Backpacks will be left in a designated area in the Multipurpose Room.
Time Expectation
- 8th grade students are required to enter multi-purpose building on time and quietly sit close to television so they can hear daily announcements.
- 7th grade students are required to enter multi-purpose building on time and quietly go tolocker room to change.
- Students then have 5 minutes to dress out and get into squadlines.
- Students are required to participate in the warm-up activity prior to instruction.
- Students are not to leave the area of instruction without teacherapproval.
- Students will not be allowed back into the locker rooms oncethe door has been closed for class.
No food, gum, candy or beverage (other than water or Gatorade). Theseitems are not allowed in the locker room or in any other Physical Educationarea.
Any unnecessary items brought to class will be taken. All valuables shouldbe locked in student lockers. School staff will not be held responsible forvaluables or money lost or stolen in the locker rooms. We highlyrecommend that students keep all valuables and large sums of money athome. Please remember to always lock yourlockers and do not share your combination with anyone.
One master combination lock will be provided to each student for the year free of charge. If a student loses their lock, they must provide their own or purchase a new one from the PE department for a charge of $5.00. The Physical Education staff will be the only other people who know thestudent’s combination. Students are not allowed to share their combinationswith friends. Sharing locks and lockers may result in lost or stolen items. Students are required to put their clothes in the lockers and lock the locks each PE period. Leaving clothes on benches and floors will not be tolerated. There are two sizes of lockers in the locker rooms. The small ones are usedfor Physical Education and the larger ones are used for Athletics (afterschool teams).
Medical Excuses – VERY IMPORTANT!
- Students may be excused from class for medical reasons with a written note from aparent or guardian for no more than threedays. You may still be required to participate inclass on an adjusted level.
- Notes written by parents must state the student’s first and last name, the date, thereason for requesting the excuse, theparent/guardian’s signature and a phone number where they canbe reached.
- Anything over three days may require a doctor’s note.
- Notes from the school nurse will be handled as follows:
Students must still change for Physical Education class but maynot be required to participate, depending on the severity of theillness/injury, as determined by the school nurse.
Absences/ Tardies
Students who miss or are late to class for any reason will be required tomake up their work.
Grading Policy
Grades will be a combination of active participation, homework, and written exams. Each of the areas may be assessed at least at least once or several times during a grading period depending on the unit of study. 8 points are given each day for participation.
Each student will also receive a citizenship/behavior grade separate from their achievement grade.
Grading Scale for an achievement grade and citizenship grade:
Achievement grade Citizenship grade
A= 90-100% E= Excellent
B= 80-89% S= Satisfactory
C= 70-79% N= Needs Improvement
D= 60-69% U= Unsatisfactory
F= under 60%
The Physical Education theme for the 2013/14 school year is R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Each student will be required to adhere to the following:
R = Right to Learn, always respect other’s right to learn
E = Effort, always try to give best effort
S = Safety, always take in consideration the safety of oneself and others
P= Purpose, always conduct oneself in a purposeful manner
E= Enthusiasm, always try to show enthusiasm while participating
C= Challenge, always try to challenge oneself to exceed expectations
T= Trust / Team Building, always work cooperatively with other classmates
Respect: Yourself (by working hard and safely everyday)
Others (always encourage – never put down)
Respect the directions of all teachers. A reasonable degree of quiet is appreciated by students and adults alike. Talk quietly in the Gym, locker rooms and hall, no shouting or screaming. Conduct becoming ladies and gentlemen is expected. Obscene language, physical misconduct, fighting, loitering, “horse play”, running, pushing, or littering are not permitted in shower, dressing areas, gym or outside PE areas.
Equipment: Respect all equipment. Use it for intended purposesonly. Abuse of the equipment resulting in damage or the braking of the equipment will result in the student responsible having to pay for or replace it.
Behavior Contingency Plan:
1st Offense: Verbal warning
2nd Offense: Removal from activity
3rd Offense: Titan reflection sheet, parents contacted.
*Serious offenses, including but not limited to, acts of vandalism, fighting,harassment, bullying, obscene language, or any other destructive behaviorabsolutely will not be tolerated. Immediate referral will be given.
Contact Information
Bob Smith
Deann Potts
Due back to the Physical Education Department by:
Friday, August 16th, 2013
Student – Teacher – Parent Agreement
My child and I have read and discussed the information presented and
understand that it is my child’s responsibility and obligation to follow thebasic expectations and procedures in order to succeed in Physical Educationclass. As the parent or guardian, I will encourage my son/daughter to meet these expectations and will support the Physical Education department andschool’s action, in the event that my child does not follow the rules. Pleasefill out this page and return it to your Physical Education teacher. Allstudents are responsible for knowing and abiding by the stated requirements.
Your First and Last Name (printed)______
Your Physical Education teacher ______
Your Grade ______
Your Signature
Date ______
Parent/guardian signature ______
Parent/guardian printed name ______