For Quadrant: Wholesale Electric Quadrant

Requesters:WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee

Request No.: WEQ 2009 AP Items 5.a.2 (R08004) and 5.i (R09011)

Request Title:Multiple Annual Plan Items Affecting WEQ-011 Gas/Electric Coordination


Accept as requested / X / Change to Existing Practice
X / Accept as modified below / Status Quo


Per Request: / Per Recommendation:
Initiation / Initiation
X / Modification / X / Modification
Interpretation / Interpretation
Withdrawal / Withdrawal
Principle / Principle
X / Definition / X / Definition
X / Business Practice Standard / X / Business Practice Standard
Document / Document
Data Element / Data Element
Code Value / Code Value
X12 Implementation Guide / X12 Implementation Guide
Business Process Documentation / Business Process Documentation


Acceptance of this recommendation by the Wholesale Electric Executive Committee and membership ratification is pending approval of the Wholesale Gas Quadrant recommendation.


The proposed changes to WEQ-011 fully address WEQ 2009 Annual Plan Items:

5.a.2 Gas / Electric Communication Consistency Changes (R08004)

5.i Change Power Plant Operator to Power Plant Gas Coordinator (R09011)

In addition to these WEQ 2009 AP items the recommendation addresses terms/definitions contained in WEQ-011, which will be revised/added and then movedto WEQ-000. The reasoning for expanding the scope to include definitions that are transitioning to WEQ-000 was to have a common point of contact with the WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee. The changes included in this recommendation have been reviewed with the WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee. The WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee will recommend similar changes in their Business Practices.

Though the text in the two Quadrants standards may no longer be duplicate languge between the two sets of Business Practice Standards, the Joint WEQ and WGQ Business Practices Subcommittees have review the proposed changes and agreed that the differences in the language do not have a material impact on the Business Practice Standards. For example, when describing a term, the WGQ uses the phase “Is the term used to describe” while the WEQ does not use that phrase. Another example is the WEQ will spell out Transportation Service Provider, while the WGQ will continue to use the acronym TSP for Transportation Service Provider. The WEQ will not use TSP over concern that someone may confuse a Transportation Service Provider with a Transmission Service Provider when reading the NAESB WEQ Business Practices.

Recommended Standards:

See attached document


a. Description of Request:

5.a.2 Gas / Electric Communication Consistency Changes (R08004) - Adding an Introductory and Applicability Section to the document

5.i Change Power Plant Operator to Power Plant Gas Coordinator (R09011)

b. Description of Recommendation:

Added Introduction and Applicability sections to the Business Practice Standards.

Changed Power Plant Operator to Power Plant Gas Coordinator and change Power Plant Operator’s Facility to Power Plant Gas Coordinator Facility.

Reviewed definitions that were shared with WGQ and agreed to standardize definitions so that the definitions for NERC terms were consistent with NERC definitions. The definitions will be moved to WEQ-000 under WEQ 2009 Annual Plan Item 5.b “Modify NAESB definitions to address internal inconsistencies and inconsistencies with the NERC glossary. Revised existing NAESB glossary/definition of terms to be applicable to entire set of WEQ Business Practices.”

Developed definition for Transportation Service Provider.

Consistently applied Balancing Authority (BA) and Reliability Coordinator (RC) to the Business Practices, which eliminated the need to specify Independent System Operators, Regional Transmission Operators, Regional Reliablity Coordinators, and Independent Transmission Operators.

General consistency clean-up throughout the document with capitalization of terms and use of abbreviations and acronyms.

c. Business Purpose:

Address WEQ 2009 annual plan items 5.a.2 (R08004) and 5.i (R09011)and to support WEQ Annual Plan Item 5.b

  1. Commentary/Rationale of Subcommittee(s)/Task Force(s):

Please refer to the following meeting minutes:

  • WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee – January 12, 2009
  • Joint WEQ and WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee – January 30, 2009
  • WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee – April 13, 2009
  • WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee – May 18, 2009
  • WEQ Executive Committee Meeting – June 8, 2009
  • WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee – June 16, 2009
  • WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee – July 13, 2009
  • Joint WEQ and WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee – September 14, 2009
  • Joint WEQ and WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee – September 28, 2009

Initial Formal Comments submitted on Annual Plan Item 5.a.2:

  • Midwest ISO Comments
  • WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee Comments
  • Entergy Late Comments

The WEQ BPS orginally drafted a recommendation for Annual Plan Item 5a.2 (R08004) in January 2009 and made the decision to not submit the recommendation until it was determined that additional changes were not needed to WEQ-011 to support Annual Plan Item 5.e “Provide for Enhanced Granularity for Public Utilities in Identifying Critical Operational Flow Orders. (R08020)”. The subcommittee agreed to post the recommendation for Formal Comments at their April 13, 2009 meeting. When the subcommittee reviewed the initial set of formal comments the WEQ BPS agreed that additional consistency issues should be addressed regarding the references to specific entities. On June 8, 2009 the Executive Committee agreed to remand the Recommendation back to the subcommittee for additional work. Since that time Standards Request R09011 was triaged. Rather than developing multiple recommendations for WEQ-011 Gas/Electric Coordination, the subcommittee agreed to develop a single recommendation to address both Annual Plan Items.

Last Edit June 4, 2010

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