Capital Projects Update

South Seattle Community College

February 2005

Olympic Hall

This significant classroom and office building is occupied and operational. Work was completed on budget, and on schedule. Minor work and adjustments continue (and will continue until all systems are corrected), they include: Mechanical System adjustments & balancing, and door hardware adjustments. The additional furniture requested for OLY is now in place.

OLY Site Work

Minor Site has been postponed until spring - minor regradeing and hydro-seeding of the field West of OLY hall parking lot. Ellen Sollod’s sculpture in tentatively scheduled (per state Arts Commission contract) for installation in mid-April

OLY Backfill

Renovation work in the initial portion of the Robert Smith Building and the Science Building is complete. AV work in the Science Building classrooms continues. Additional furniture requested for science classrooms is now in place - each renovated classroom now has the seating capacity of 45.

Additional backfill Work in RSB have begun and are slated for completion by spring break. Work includes significant renovation of RSB 81 &16. RSB 81 will be renovated to 5 enclosed offices and 2 open offices for use by Worker Retraining and WorkSource. Renovation of RSB 16, GP classroom, includes upgrades to mechanical systems, and lighting.

Tentative plans for the Expansion of the Fitness Center are currently being estimated by LMN Architects to determine costs based on program needs established by Fitness Center Staff and Faculty.

Campus Master Planning

SSCC continues with a process to update the city-mandated master plan (master plans are a requirement of all major institutions located within the City of Seattle). The process involves the college working with neighborhood representatives, and city regulatory agencies (Department of Neighborhoods and Dept. of Planning and Development) to assess the growth potential of the college. The master plan will set the growth capacities that best suit the college interests, within the guidelines of the growth plans of the of the City Seattle and the neighborhood’s interests. Mithun Architects has been advising the college in the process - providing planning work, and final documentation. Mithun is a local architecture firm with strong experience in campus planning and environmentally sensitive design.

Campus Capital Repair Work Completed

Emergency Electrical Repairs: Work to replace older failing electrical transformers in the southeast quadrant of campus has been successfully completed. New underground piping was installed in the electrical utility trench in anticipation of replacing and relocating HVAC equipment that will have to be demolished as part of the new Tillicum Replacement Building.

Jerry Brockey Building HVAC Repairs: New HVAC equipment and ductwork was installed to improve temperature control and acoustics in JMB “A”.

Technology Building HVAC Repairs: A new rooftop HVAC unit was installed in the TEC Building to provide separate temperature control for rooms 119 and 122.

FSD Building Mechanical Improvements Work has been completed to improve ventilation in the new kitchen dishwashing area and food court grill and replace failed air-conditioning equipment in the main cafeteria.

Misc. Site work: Several long deferred site improvement projects have been completed including; repairs to Alkai kitchen sanitary sewer lines, drive and parking lot asphalt patching throughout campus, new asphalt parking, storm drainage and security fencing between Aviation Building and the Machine Shop, improvements to storm water collection and drainage behind building 133 and along the east side of the Commercial Truck Driving concourse drive.

Campus Capital Repair Work Pending

Upgrades to older Fire Alarm Systems: The campus’s original Fire Alarm system is no longer maintainable and needs to be upgraded. A new system “head-end “ will be replace the antique located from the Pastry Program area and several buildings will be prioritized for system upgrades.

Natural Gas distribution and metering: In the last several years the increases in our use of natural gas have outgrown the capacity of our campus distribution system. New gas lines will be installed along with new metering devices for several buildings later this spring.

New Welding Program storage facility: Plans are being developed for a new 1,600 SF storage building to be located on the north side of the existing welding space in building #122.

Building roof and exterior envelop repairs: Repairs to the exterior surfaces of the JMB and TEC buildings will be put out to bid later this year with work occurring during the summer break.

Pastry & Baking Arts Renovation

The Design Development phase, with significant input from Pastry faculty and Campus Services is complete. The project enters into the Construction Document phase and is scheduled for construction summer quarter - June through September. The Pastry & Baking Arts Renovation project is a major reworking of existing spaces that will have positive impacts on how students learn and will be a showcase facility for the Culinary Arts program.

Due to the planned expansion of the Pastry program labs, offices and support space, Campus Services offices (including mail and shipping/receiving functions) will be relocated to the Machine Shop.

Tillicum Replacement

The project will replace the existing Tillicum Bldg, old Garden Center structures, the Career Link Portable and the CED #5 portable witha new classroom and office building. The building will contain 5 new classrooms, and offices for the Academic Center. The Design development phase is nearly complete. Work continues on establishing a firm cost estimate and developing design details. The building will be a significant addition to the SSCC campus, both by the architectural design and by placement. The building placement will begin to architecturally re-connect the North side of Campus with the South.

Duwamish Building A

The new Bldg A is complete and is occupied & operational. Minor adjustments and repairs continue. Additional furniture for changing the computer lab to a Conference Room has been requested.

Duwamish Industrial Excellence Center

Master planning work for the DATC campus is complete. The mater plan provides for the addition of the new ‘Trowel Trades’ building in a manner that improves traffic patterns and provides expansion room for partner buildings that will complete the Industrial Excellence Center.

The 'Trowel Trades’ project is approximately halfway trough the schematic phase of design. The new building will replace existing buildings ’C’ and ‘D’. The new building will be 2 separate structures, one comprised primarily of trade Training shops and support space and the other geared more towards classroom instruction and administrative functions. The new building will have significant and positive impact on the how apprentices are trained and on further developing the Industrial Excellence Center.

Foods Building Interiors

A furniture plan that works within the existing architecture of the building is currently being developed. The addition of the furniture and some minor renovations will greatly improve the function and appearance of what might be the most public building on campus. The furniture plan will be an improvement that all Students, Faculty, Staff, and Visitors of the SSCC community will notice and use.

Campus Capital Project Requests

A clear and regimented process for requesting capital improvements is being developed. The initial step in the process includes a scope and programming exercise to determine the needs and feasibility of each requested project. This feasibility study will be passed on to College decision makers to authorize and approve. Current requests in this phase are:

Allied Health Center - renovation of existing class-labs in the Science building for expansion of the nursing programs and science course offerings.

Testing Center - renovation of existing spaces to better accommodate the needs of students.

Registration Area - renovation of existing spaces to improve and enhance the ‘front door’ of the college

For further information on any of the above projects, please contact Kelly Goold - Capital Projects Coordinator @ 764.5386 or