Thorson PTO Meeting
Date: September 11th, 2017
Attendance: Sam Cox, Orrin Gorelick, Michael Maher, Michael Anderson, Angela Little, Amy Sterkenberg, Jennifer Thomsen, Jamie Dement, Sarah Enwald, Tom & Krista Hartling, Gretchen Seymour, Amy Kahn, Lisa Shamakov, Susan Brumgartner, Caroline O’Leary, Elizabeth Charland, Kathleen Anderson, Peter Sonnenberg, Sara Her, Margaret Gorelick, KassyBartelme, Molli Rasmussen, Alicia Schmid
Meeting is called to order at 7:00pm by Sam Cox
Minutes: Motion to approve Minutes from Juneby Lynn seconded by??. Motion passes.
Principal’s report:
•Enrollment has risen to 489 students (+ E.C. students puts Thorson over 500)
• Have added a new section of 4K, a new section of 1st grade. There are now 4 1st grade sections in total.
•Thorson has 27 new 5K students that had not attended Thorson’s 4K program.
• Also, there are 29 new students in grades 1-5 that were not students last year at Thorson.
•Introduction of new staff members
•Thorson has added new self-dimming lights
•There have been room moves (4K, E.C. rooms)
•There are now exterior cameras for added security
• And, a new playground!
•PBIS – students have been to an assembly where they were reminded that they are expected to be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn
• Jaguar Jumpstart beginning soon
• Students can still earn PAWS, they will be on the bulletin board as well as receive a stamp so parents know the same day.
Treasurer’s report:
•2016-2017 tax returns completed, 990E2
•$3000 was moved from TAG to General Fund, putting TAG balance at $92,070.21.
• There is a new check request form in the Thorson office
New Business
• Lego Club will begin September 21st
•Book Fair will be held in the Presentation Room from October 5th – October 13th. Each teacher will have a “wish list.” Volunteers are still needed. Sarah is looking for someone to co-chair for next year.
•Donuts will be changed to Pastries with Parents and will be scaled way back this year. It will run on Tuesday, October 10th in the morning, but there will also be ice cream and cookies or some sort of light refreshments after school as well. This is to bring parents into the book fair more than anything else.
•The 2017-2018 budget is going to be discussed line by line during the October PTO meeting. Accountability is the main issue and all areas need to be looked at in light of the shortfall the PTO faces in paying off the playground. Suggestions for revenue savings will be discussed at length, and will include Artist-in-Residence, Wellspring, bus transport, field trips, father-daughter dance. Chairs and active participants are encouraged to attend this meeting to have appropriate input to each matter.
•The golf outing at the Bog will be held Sunday, October 8th. Foursomes are still badly needed. $100 per golfer to register includes 18 holes, cart, beverage, food.
•October 15th is the first Box Top Collection date.
•Janice Levy and Mary Kay Bourbulas were suggested as possible recipients of the Oak Leaf award (recognizing volunteers), something typically given at the end of each school year.
•Fundraising ideas were discussed at length. Ideas included Class legacy/competition, letter to parents asking for one last donation,
Close of meeting was motioned at 8:11 PM by Lynn Winter. Motion seconded. Motion passed.