September 5, 2002 The Birmingham News
Universe designed just for humanity?
Michael Newdow and other atheists who seek to ban the words 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance, want the term 'God' off money and want to kick the chaplains out of Congress probably believe that their opinions are based on education and knowledge.
Atheists might be enlightened if they review the tremendous information now available in cosmology, modern physics and astronomy. A study of these subjects would reveal that the origin of our universe could only have occurred by 1) creation by a higher power, i.e., God, or 2) spontaneous generation, possibly by a quantum fluctuation from nothing. While the former may be impossible to prove, the latter can be disproved to a very low probability.
There are many physical constants and laws that govern the universe. A slight change in only one of many of these laws, constants and forces would have created conditions unsuitable for the development of life. Our universe seems to be 'tailor made' for humans. While the probability of even one of these entities being suitable in a random generation is very small, the product of all of these improbabilities is infinitesimal, in my opinion.
Many great scientific minds believed in God. For example, Albert Einstein mentioned God often. He believed in an exactly engineered universe. Even Charles Darwin was a reverent agnostic.
Some may argue that there are (or have been) a vast number of universes and given infinite time, all improbabilities will occur. However, there is absolutely no evidence for either.
L. G. Bullard
Center Point
These atheists probably believe that their opinions are based on education and knowledge. (A mild ad hominem)
The origin of our universe could only have occurred by 1) creation by God, or 2) spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation is disproved by a low degree of probability. Therefore, it was created by God. (False dichotomy)
Einstein often mentioned God, and believed in an exactly engineered universe. Darwin was a reverent agnostic. Many great scientific minds believed in God. Therefore, God exists (implied). (Appeal to unqualified authority)
We haven’t proven that there has been a vast number of universes, therefore there has not been a vast number of universes. (Appeal to ignorance)