El Camino Police Department
Division Council Meeting
April 21, 2010
Present: Mike Trevis, Jonathan Ott, Arlene Bautista, Dal Toruno, Erick Mendoza, Josh Armstrong, Tosh Tipton, Jorge Cervantes, Mitchell Kekauoha
The meeting began at 2:02 p.m. The minutes of the March 18, 2010 meeting were approved as written.
Old Business
Police Officer Embroidered Badge/Patch for Police Officer Polo Shirts
The El Camino Compton Center police officers went with design which the El
Camino officer chose.
EC Compton Center After Business Hours – Connect Buzzer to ECPD Dispatch Center
The buzzer for the EC Compton Center Police Dept. cannot be connected to El Camino Police Department’s Dispatch Center because the current system that is there now is an intercom. It does not network with the ECPD dispatcher. It is recommended that a Code Blue phone be mounted on the wall at the EC Compton Center PD in place of the buzzer. We should consider sending one of the El Camino College Code Blue phones that will be surplused.
Chief Trevis walked through the new Humanities Plaza. A new Code Blue phone is there. It has been tested and some adjustments need to be made.
New Business
Radio/Tiburon/CLETS Audit
The CLETS audit went well. The firewall needs to be replaced which is included in the police department’s Plan Builder. The router needs to be replaced. It’s a known issue. The auditor said that EC Compton Center PD shouldn’t enter stolen vehicles, abstract warrants, etc. They need to contact the LA County Sheriff’s Department for this information because this is where EC Compton Center PD does its booking. Josh will write it up instructions for this.
Tiburon – Officer will be receiving automated emails for reports which have problems. Chief Trevis expressed the need to reinforce the most common police report errors.
Radio – FCC and CBPRA has approved increasing the radio signal to 50 watts - 100 watts. We are adding another channel, channel 2, for semi confidential radio communications.
Department Camera
Every so often, the department camera goes missing. Should a sign in/out log be used to keep track of it?
Repair to Police Unit (Driving with Parking Brakes On)
Unit 55 was brought in for repairs. The wear on the rear pads are indicative of an officer driving the unit with the parking brakes on.
Erick and Josh are the fleet managers. If repairs need to be done, advise Josh. Since we are close to the end of this fiscal year, the department needs to be frugal in repair expenses.
Range Facility/Firearm Inspection/Court Appearance Schedule
Range facility – do we have a facility? Right now the El Camino Police Department is still using Gardena range. Corporal Brock has approved using the Gardena range for qualifications. He should be contacted to schedule range qualifications.
Periodic Weapon Inspections – Department weapons should be inspected at least once a year. Tosh is making his way with this.
Court appearance schedule - Torrance Court and Compton court require 60 day lead time.
Grant Writing Team (Equipment for PD)
Several officers have expressed interest in writing a grant(s) to obtain equipment for the police department. Chief Trevis has asked that Ruben and the officers who are interested to meet with him to further discuss this.
Construction Update
Construction of the Humanities Plaza is done. A pedestrian walkway created with K-rails is in Lot K and Lot A south in front of the business building construction. The renovated Bookstore is now open. Lockers are located outside the bookstore. Cameras have not been installed at the bookstore. This is scheduled for a later time. The Social science building renovation is on-going. There is discussion on building a new parking structure at Manhattan Beach Boulevard.
Today the police department was given the green light to reinstall the credit card feature on the parking permit machines. Bank of America reduced credit card fees. There is a monthly fee and a charge of 20 cents per transaction. We will try it on some machines and monitor the monthly expenses.
El Camino Compton Educational Center – Construction is slated to remodel the entire campus in twp parts. Most of the campus’ electricity is considered dirty electricity since the electrical is from the 1940’s. The glass on the LRC will be replaced instead of demolishing the entire building. Several meetings have been held to discuss the construction and to establish an emergency operation center in the MIS building.
Incidents on Campus
During the Onizuka Space Day and the Pow Wow events there were young people who brought soft pallet guns on campus. There were booked.
Round Table
Jan Caldwell
Jan asked for further clarification the agenda March 18, 2010 item which addressed when students should be let into officers after business hours. Upon request, an officer can open the facility provided someone from the police department is with that person. It will be left to the officer’s discretion, comfort level. The person should describe the item(s) he/she is retrieving, and only that item(s) can be retrieved.
George Cervantes
What is the status on the tactical vest for EC Compton Center Police Department? Chief Trevis will follow-up on this.
Mike Trevis
If officers clean a department weapon with cleaning solvents, it should be done outside in the sally port and away from any entrance to the building. This will prevent residue from getting into the air conditioner vents which in turn would circulate in the building.
The meeting ended at 3:10 p.m.