General and Teaching Hospital Celje
Ageing, cardiology, musculoskeletal conditions, pharmaceutical interventions
Contact person details
Name: / CRETNIK , Simona
Position: / Responsible for European affairs
Name of Organisation: / General and Teaching Hospital Celje
URL: /
E-mail: / Contact
Telephone: / +386-34-233173
Fax number: / +386-34-233753
Type: Project Proposal
Title: Ageing, cardiology, musculoskeletal conditions, pharmaceutical interventions
Participation: Type A
Type Details: Our hospital is a teaching hospital which is located in Celje Slovenia. We are a part of Faculty of Medicine in Maribor as a teaching and researching institution.
Our research group is dealing with musculoskeletal science (fragility fractures, ageing process, hip surgery, spine surgery, biomechanics, epidemiologic data on aging crisis of the population,...). We are taking part at some national research programs (National-European trauma Registry, Blunt abdominal trauma, Genetics of osteoporosis, Clinical densitometry).
At internal medicine our colleagues are dealing with urgent cardiology, chronic heart failure, physiology.
Programme: FP7-HEALTH
Instruments: NoE Networks of Excellence,CSA-CA Coordination (or networking) actions,CSA-SA Support actions,BSG-CSO Research for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs),BSG-SME Research for SMEs,BSG-SME-AG Research for SME associations/groupings,CP-FP Small or medium-scale focused research project,CP-IP Large-scale integrating project,CP-TP Collaborative Project targeted to a special group (such as SMEs),ERC-ER1 Experienced researchers 1st stage,ERC-YR Young researchers,MC-IEF Intra-European Fellowships (IEF),MC-IOF International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF),NULLERC-ER2 Experienced researchers 2nd stage,CP-SICA Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICA)
Research interest:
Expiry Date: 2009-04-10
Workprogramme area(s)/key action(s):
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2) Translating research for human health
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.2) Cardiovascular disease
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.1.1) Large scale data gathering
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.3) Diabetes and obesity
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.2.2) Human development and ageing
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-4) Other Actions across the Health Theme
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-3.3) Enhanced health promotion and disease prevention
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-3.5) Specific international cooperation actions for health system research
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.4) Rare diseases
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-3) Optimising the delivery of health care to European citizens
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-1.3) Predicting suitability, safety and efficacy of therapies
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4) Translational research in other major diseases
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.3.1) Anti-microbial drug resistance including fungal pathogens
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-1.4) Innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-3.4) Horizontal Coordination and Support Actions across "Optimising the delivery of health care to European citizens"
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.5) Other chronic diseases
(FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-1.2) Detection, diagnosis and monitoring
Target Partner
Ageing, musculoskeletal conditions and pharmaceutical interventions might be common interest of our institutions.
Country: Any country
Organization Details
Name: / General and Teaching Hospital Celje
Address: / Oblakova 5
Type: / Research, Non Commercial
Number of Employees: / > 500
Turnover: / 0.07 million euro
SIC Codes: / Coordination, Cooperation , Research ethics , Healthcare delivery/services , Medical biotechnology , Medicine, Health
Keywords: / musculoskeletal science
genetics of osteoporosis
clinical densitometry
heart failure
Partners already acquired