Mrs Nikki Barron, Vice Chairman, 58 Caesar Avenue, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent, TN23 3PZ

01233 630690




Held at the Holiday Inn Central Ashford

11th February 2014 - 7.10 for 7.30 p.m. start.

It is a condition of the Summer League that your team is represented at the AGM. The Constitution states:

3.3 All teams applying for membership to the league MUST be represented at

the AGM non-attendance will result in the exclusion from the league.


1.  Apologies

2.  Minutes of previous meeting signed and agreed

3.  Matters arising

4.  Chairman’s report

5.  Vice Chairman’s report

6.  Treasurer’s report (will be available at AGM)

7.  Umpiring fixtures Rep’s report

8.  Umpiring tester/PathwaySecretary’s report

9.  Fixtures Secretary’s report

10.  Affiliation/Registration Report

11.  Duty of Care report / Youth League Rep’s report

12.  Member Report/Winter Rep’s Report

13.  Premier Division report

14.  First Division report

15.  Second Division report

18. Notified amendments of the constitution and byelaws

19. Election of officers and committee members

20.  Summer League 2013

21.  Ashford Netball Youth League

22.  Kent Netball

23.  Awards

24.  Any other business

Minutes of Ashford Netball League AGM meeting held on: Tuesday 12th February 2013
Venue: Holiday Inn / ACTION
Sharon Williams
Tracy Castle
Nikki Haxton-Jones
Denise Grove
Attending – representatives from all teams within the league.
Welcome/address from Dawn. Welcomed Hilary Riches – life member. Warned everyone that there’ll be a lot to go through. Follow Agenda, break, election of committee members, then presentation. Thanked Denise
2. Minutes from the previous meeting signed and agreed.
Proposed – Clare Cunningham
Seconded – Debbie Cook
as accurate.
3. Matters arising
None to report
4. Committee report - Chairperson (Dawn Cox)
Dawn thanked cttee members, captains and umpires for their contributions. Consolidation at Courtside – now it’s time to develop the league, before we get too comfortable.
No questions.
5. Committee report - Vice Chairperson / Secretary (Nikki Barron)
(Nikki Barron fulfilled role following resignation from previous member).
6. Committee report – Treasurer (Nicky Hawkes)
On invoice – give notice if you’re doing a bank transfer instead of a cheque or cash.
7. Committee report - Media Secretary
Good regular reports in paper – but from the same teams each week!
Position now vacant as Shani pregnant. Position needs filling.
8. Committee report – Umpiring Fixtures Secretary (SharonWilliams)
No questions
9. Committee report – Umpiring Tester Secretary (Denise Grove)
Dawn explained Denise’s role – both Beginner award for Ashford, plus the C award testing administration for Kent.
Testing of umpires changing for C/B/A. Clare Cunningham to explain further:
Kent will be circulating the changes from September. Ashford will attempt to do something on one of the pathway nights. Bleep Test now included for C award. C award minimum is level 4.1 – not a huge target, but will encourage fitter umpires!
Current process: C award course, written paper, theory. Going forward, you will have to pass the written before eligible to take the practical. Pre-assessment for C award will be discretionary, and not mandatory like it is for B and A award. Bleep to be done after written, and within 6 weeks (prior) to practical test. Ashford testers happy to help umpires with their preparation.
The changes are effective from 1 January 2013 (in other words, immediate).
New C award passes will be reassessed after four years.
10. Committee report – Coaching Secretary (Debbie Cook)
Lovely coaching session undertaken during October half-term.
11. Committee report – Fixtures Secretary (Mel Crawley)
No questions
12. Committee report – Umpiring Pathway (Nikki Haxton-Jones)
Potential umpires should contact her if they wish to join the pathway and become an umpire.
13. Committee report – Affiliation/Registration Secretary (Nicky Beeching)
Nicky reiterated again, the difference between affiliation and registration within Ashford Netball league.
Affiliation: September to August. Teams who did not play during the previous winter season need to submit proof, prior to taking the court for the summer league, that they are already affiliated.
Reminder also for Captains to second-claim players where necessary. Second Claim is where players play for a second team in another league. It’s as simple as ticking a box and there is no longer a fee – unless the second team is outside of Kent, eg, Sussex.
Dawn added from her Kent Cttee meeting, that there is a rumour that the affiliation fees will increase considerably from September. The Kent part of that may increase by £1 to £5.
14. Committee report – Duty of Care / Youth League (Sue Ellis)
Teams please remember that The League MUST hold details of U18s, and additional documentation for U14s. Youth League not happening in Summer 2013 due to insurance complexities and schools’ affiliation.
15.  Committee report – Winter Reps
Diamond (Versatility) – Angie Bishop
(Marisa / Emma / Nicky)
Red (H/cap) –
Blue (H/cap) –
White (H/cap) -
16. Committee report – Premier Division (Denise Chittenden)
17. Committee report – First Division (Emma Easby)
18. Committee report – Second Division (Marisa Vassello)
19. Committee report – Third Division (n/a)
20. Notified amendments to Constitution or Byelaws
Committee put forward the following:
a) Withdrawing the £5 additional fee per player exceeding 14 within each team (max 20 players still to apply).
Dawn explained The League only made an extra £80 from the additional players last year – nothing substantial, but currently an extra admin burden and potential
FOR all
b) Floating players to be reinstated, as per previous bye-law (rules read aloud). Must be affiliated – player’s responsibility to affiliate independently.
FOR 26
c) Use of social media technology to bring the game into disrepute – para to be added to the constitution (L&SE region has supplied the wording).
FOR 40
Team suggested the following
a) Umpire fee to be increased from £7. (One team suggested £8, one suggested £10) Flat fee – not relevant to qualification, as it should be “expenses”
Medway currently beginner £12, C/B/A awards £15
Sittingbourne currently £5 / £10
Tonbridge C £10 B £15
Tunbridge Wells – team’s discretion!!!!
Canterbury £7
County Guidance: Beginner 5-7 / C £10 / B £15 / A £20
Maidstone min £10, most practice £15
Question raised regarding court fees and other costs also increasing…. Probably!
A separate vote to tier according to award – must be suggested next year.
b) level of proposed new umpire fee
FOR 30
FOR 20 (£8 FEE)
AGAINST 22 (£10 FEE)
c) We currently do not allow more than 2 <15 players from one team on court simultaneously. Suggestion: to increase – providing that the players are of suitable standard (eg PROVEN County standard, and with parental consent in writing).
Debbie Woodward also stated that Breakaways is working with its younger players regarding their attitude.
This could potentially be a full team U15 – however, young teenagers have limited opportunity to play at this level competitively.
Marisa queried whether additional adult duty of care/supervision would be necessary.
Lynn Gray – Breakaways currently takes squads to Maidstone (too late in the evening) NWK to give them match play – and then they get poached by Telstars/Comets/Kent Club/Wealden etc. The U14s are good quality players, ranging from 5’7” to 6’11”. She may play the odd U13, but generally all O14s.
Denise asked whether parents would be there. Lynn’s answer – maybe the odd one, but most girls prefer not to have them there, and the parents would not hold the role of “Duty of Care” role, someone else would be there in that capacity.
Another person from ‘the floor’ stated that she had played against U11s in Portsmouth, with no problems.
Insurance – EN Gold insurance, is minimum cover. No-win, no-fee outside of EN insurance
Other local leagues have age 14 as minimum requirement for playing within adult league.
FOR 18
- - - - Refreshment Break - - - -
d) Umpires sometimes only qualify to get their team in the league, and are not confident doing higher level games. This is meant to help, not criticise umpires.
i)  At least one of the umpires should have played in Prem division for 2 years or more:
ii)  All umpires viewed at least once in season to offer guidance/help.
FOR 13
AGAINST everyone else!
e) When no-one from cttee available and game is abandoned (eg, fence down, leaves on court). Denise stated that they are expenses, and existing rules already cover the fact that the umpires should be paid. Nikki checked bye-laws that refer more to teams not turning up, rather than ‘act of God’
f) Opinion only for discussion: move to 6.45 / 8.00 games – majority in favour for leaving this as now. Too tight to reduce times between games.
Also reminder that motions carried tonight do not come into force until September 2013. / Motion carried
Motion carried
Motion carried
Motion carried
Motion to raise fee to £10 carried
Motion carried
Motion NOT carried
Motion NOT carried
Motion NOT carried
21. Election of officers and committee members
See table below.
Goodbye: Denise,
22. Summer League 2012
Spectacularly difficult combination to fulfil teams’ special requirements – but most managed! Welcome to the new teams: Rye Ladies, Countrystyle (new players),
Welcome Back: Berry Pickers, Mantaray, Cherrytree South Star.
23. Ashford Netball Youth League – Sue Ellis
Already covered
24. Kent Netball – Nicky Beeching
Please visit for all information on courses, fees, grants. Any issues to be raised can be done via NB if preferred.
25. Awards
Bev Homewood Awarded to Nicky Hawkes.
26. AOB
Notified in advance.
Anything from floor to discuss at ctt mtg; none.
Dawn’s notices:
* Courtside to ensure courts are playable! Umpires cannot foresee overhanging branches, leaves on courts etc and do not carry brooms and secateurs! (Dawn already liaising with Courtside)
* Players to turn up ready – not with nails still needing filing! Umpires should enforce Rule 21 (Failure To Take To The Court)
Dover League 35 year celebration – all welcome.
Hawkhurst ‘informal’ league want umpires! Sat AM @ St Ronan’s School.
C award umpire course being held at North School, Ashford. Players needed 21 April (indoors).
New Rule Books available to purchase – at back of hall.
Development: problems in Ashford league – not enough umpires, not enough teams! We’re too old! Only opportunities for Secondary School aged children is via Breakaways Netball Club. Dawn would like to develop opportunities and would like to set up a project to work on this.
Division Titles (Money and Certificates)
Versatility: Winners: Halsion, Runners-Up: Red Cow Inn
Red h/cap: Winners: ANC Dragons Runners-Up: Cherrytree North Star
White h/cap: Winners: Breakaways Gold Runners-Up: Berry Pickers
Blue h/cap: Winners: ANC Panthers Runners-Up: Crawley Insulation
Star Players (Maltesers)
Versatility Div: Vicky Homewod
Red: (4) Sarah Clapp & Karen Robinson
White: (5) Emily ----(Elmtree) , Vicky Murphy, Millie Piper
Blue: (4) Joanne Simmons, Sheila Jones, Georgie Homewood
Ashford Favourite Umpires (Flowers)
Nikki Barron
Cindy Penny
Angie Bishop
Helen Webb
Sue Ellis
Debbie Woodward
(Angie Bates & Debbie Borthwick were also mentioned)
* Folkestone Town won a Kent netball award for development.
Meeting closed 9:55


Committee proposals for changes to the constitution.

The committee makes the following proposals for consideration of amendments to the Constitution and Bye Laws

Byelaw 2.2
An affiliated but un-registered player registering on the day of the match must complete a ‘New Player registration Form’, which must be countersigned by the opposing Captain. This form must be forwarded to the Divisional Representative within 6 days of the match. / Byelaw 2.2
An affiliated but un-registered player registering on the day of the match must complete a ‘New Player registration Form’, which must be countersigned by the player and the opposing Captain. This form must be forwarded to the Divisional Representative within 6 days of the match.
Constitution 3.6
Any team withdrawing from the league shall forfeit all subscription moneys paid and are liable for all court fees to the end of the season. / Constitution 3.6
Withdrawal from the League
1. Any team applying for entry to the league but withdrawing prior to the start of the season shall forfeit all subscription moneys paid and the individual registered players may be liable for their portion of the court fees to the end of the season.
2. Any team withdrawing from the league following the start of the season shall forfeit all subscription moneys paid and are liable for all court fees to the end of the season.
Constitution 3.2
Individual players under 15 may be admitted to the league at the discretion of the committee with parental approval but THIS MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE THE PLAYER TAKES TO THE COURT. One point deduction for failure to adhere to this. / Byelaws 2 Eligibility
Individual players under 15 may be admitted to the league at the discretion of the committee which must be obtained before the player takes to the court. One point deduction for failure to adhere to this.
Byelaws 2 Eligibility
New – renumber as necessary / Byelaws 2 Eligibility
Individual players under 18 must submit parental approval to the Duty of Care Officer before the player takes to the court. One point deduction for failure to adhere to this.
Here is a summary of ‘offences’ that attract League point penalties (max 5).
Playing an unregistered player Bye Law 2.1
Card not signed by opposing Captain Bye Law 2.2
Payment for registration of new player not received Bye Law 2.3
Late card Bye Law 4.4
Card not completed correctly Bye Law 4.4
Card not received Bye Law 4.6
Team Umpire failed to turn up Bye Law 4.6
Failure to attend an EGM Constitution 9 9.5
Non Payment of affiliation/fees Bye Law 1.3
Incorrect Movement of players within a club Bye Law 2.10.9
Incorrect approvals for Under 15’s Constitution Membership 3 3.2
Adding players to new teams/squads inappropriately Bye Law 3.5
Non payment of court fees resulting from cancelled game Bye Law 4.15 / POINT DEDUCTIONS
Here is a summary of ‘offences’ that attract League point penalties (max 5).
Playing an unregistered player Bye Law 2.1
Card not signed by opposing Captain Bye Law 2.2
Payment for registration of new player not received Bye Law 2.3 remove
Late card Bye Law 4.4
Card not completed correctly Bye Law 4.4
Card not received Bye Law 4.6
Team Umpire failed to turn up Bye Law 6.9
Failure to attend an EGM Constitution 9 9.5
Non Payment of affiliation/fees Bye Law 1.3
Incorrect Movement of players within a club Bye Law 2.9.9
No Committee approval for Under 15’s Byelaw 2…
Incorrect approvals for Under 18’s Byelaw 2…
Adding players to new teams/squads inappropriately Bye Law 3.5
Non payment of court fees resulting from cancelled game Bye Law 4.15
Byelaw 5 Uniform
5.5 No gloves may be worn unless a medical certificate is produced.
5.6 The Committee has agreed that hats may be worn, but the final decision lies with the Umpire who can decide on the appropriateness. / Byelaw 5 Uniform
5.5 Clothing should comply with the latest England Netball directive.
5.6 The Umpire must decide whether clothing (eg hats or gloves) is appropriate and has the right to refuse it being worn in play.