Academic Suspension Appeal
Version: 12/13
Use this form to petition for waiver of academic suspension or readmission to OCU after academic suspension.
Your answers must be typewritten in this form.You may 1) save the completed form and submit it through your OCU email account or 2) print it and submit a signed copy to the Registrar.In the space below you will be answering an important question:
Why should the Academic Policies committee consider your appeal?
In your answers, we are looking to see if you:
- Understand why you did not succeed academically.
- Have addressed any circumstances that hindered your academic performance.
- Have experienced a change in attitudes that hindered your performance.
- Have a plan that will help you succeed when you return.
- Be thorough
- Get help if you don’t know how to complete an item.
- Incomplete forms will result in your appeal being denied.
If you need assistance, contact the Academic Coach or the Registrar’s Office.
Academic Coach: call 740-477-7849or stop by the Coach’s office in Student Development.
Registrar: call 740.477.7780 or stop by the office on the lower level of the Graham building.
- Submit your completed appeal to the Registrar’s Officein one of these ways:
- In person or by mail: Registrar's Office, Ohio Christian University, 1476 Lancaster Pike, Circleville, OH 43113
- By fax: Toll Free: 877.883.9910, or Local: 740.420.5920
- By email: scan the forms and email them to .
- If applicable, include supporting documentation.
- For appeals based on medical or psychological issues, statements from your health care provider showing how your circumstances impacted your academic performance will be helpful.
- Keep the originals. After your review, these copies will be shredded.
- Appeals will be heard by the Academic Committee.
- Students who are academically suspended, and not granted an appeal, must sit out a full academic semester (not counting summer sessions). To be readmitted, these students must complete the Former Student Application available from the Admissions Website.
Be sure to submit your request on time.
Please see your suspension letter for the date the appeal is due.
Student Information
Name: / Type here / Student ID:Academic Program:
This request is for (click one box)
☐ / Waiver of academic suspension
☐ / Readmission after academic suspension
Last term attended: / ☐Fall / ☐Spring / ☐Summer / Year:
Semester you wish to return: / ☐Fall / ☐Spring / ☐Summer / Year:
Credits Attempted: / Cumulative GPA:
Credits Earned: / Semester GPA:
☐I am attaching documentation to this appeal (a doctor’s statement, etc.)
What documents should we find attached?
You will be notified of the committee’s decision through your OCU email unless that account is no longer active.
☐My OCU email address is no longer active, please write me at (email or postal address):
State your educational goals: What degree do you want to earn and why? What do you plan to do after college?How will a degree help you reach those goals?
What were the three most important reasons for your academic underperformance?
For each of these, what is your specific plan of action to overcome them if you come back to OCU? Attach additional pages if you need more room to explain.
First reason for your underperformance:How will you overcome this challenge?
Second reason for your underperformance:
How will you overcome this challenge?
Third reason for your underperformance:
How will you overcome this challenge?
What academic support did you use the semester before you were suspended?
OCU Support ServiceHow often?
☐Writing Center☐Study Tables
☐Academic Coaching
☐Career Development Center
Additional Comments.What would you like the committee to know about you or your circumstances that you haven’t mentioned above?
Why do you believe the committee should grant your appeal? How can we be sure you will have a more successful semester if you return?
If my appeal is granted I will use the academic support resources such as Academic Coaching, and observe the other stipulations set by the committee.
Signature Date
You may email this document from your OCU account instead of signing it.Please submit pages 2-6.
Please do not write below –- Committee Use Only -– Please do not write below
Appeal Decision
Before the Meeting– to be completed by Registrar staff
Student’s Name: ______
Date received: ______Was the appeal complete enough to consider? ______
Items missing or incomplete: ______
Semester of Suspension/Dismissal: ______
Hours: Attempted: ______Earned: ______
GPA: Cumulative: ______Semester: ______
Additional Information:
1)Attach a copy of the student’s most recent transcript
2)Provide this information from the Academic Coaching Office:
- The student’s history of academic appeals
- the student’s level of engagement with academic coaching services
During the Meeting– to be completed by the Appeals Committee secretary
Date Appeal Was Heard: ______
Committee Decision
___Appeal is Denied (Indicate why the appeal was denied)
___Appeal is Granted (List the stipulations under which the student may continue)
Standard Academic Support requirements:
- Enroll in PS097 Academic Success
- Weekly Study Tables assigned by the academic coach
Limitations on course load: 12 hours
- Academic Success may be counted in or excluded from this total
After the Meeting
Date decision was sent to student: ______
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