Test 3: ch 7-10
CSC 1010 Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm - 6:45pm
Nicholas A. Keller
October 27, 2016
Put your name; first then last, (example: Nicholas Keller) under this line:
Put your campus ID (example: nkeller4) under this line:
Put your Panther # (example: 123 - 45 - 6789) under this line:
(important!) Read before beginning:
1) Each question has one answer.
21) put cellphones away
29) Circle the whole answer and not just the letter of the answer.
Chapter 7
1. Which of these is TRUE about primary storage:
A. It's nonvolatile
B. less expensive than secondary storage
C. slower than secondary storage
D. used for short term storage
2. The "R" in "RAID" stands for
A. relevant
B. redundant
C. repeating
D. Rutherford
E. really
3. Which of these stores the most information:
B. Blu-Ray
4. Which of these stores less than 1 GB per side:
B. Blu-Ray
5. Which of these has a moving part(s) (small electric motor in the device):
C. external SSD
D. https USB
6. Which of these statements about the cloud is FALSE:
A. it only stores files and provides a way to download them remotely
B. it requires an internet connection
C. it can be used to rent computing capacity
D. software can be licensed on the cloud
7. An office wants to collectively edit a 1TB file they should use:
A. a Blu-Ray disk they pass around
B. an external hard drive they pass around
C. a network attached storage system
8. Which of these is NOT a benefit of cloud storage (over buying the same hardware/software to use on-site):
A. cheaper software/hardware maintenance
B. access speed
C. lower initial hardware cost
9. When an operating system opens a program it loads it into:
Chapter 8
10. Which of these is NOT digital:
A. a file stored on a computer
B. The sound emitted by speakers
C. the signal carried by a USB wire between a microphone and a computer
11. 8 gigabits per second equals:
A. 80 megabits per second
B. 80 megabytes per second
C . 1 megabytes per second
D. 1 gigabyte per second
12. Modulation and demodulation refers to:
A. conversions between analog and digital signals
B. the 2 different computer chips that compress and decompress files
C. A signal to noise ratio increaser common on newer digital TVs
D. A signal to noise ratio decreaser common on newer digital TVs
13. A company based in Atlanta wants internet far faster than a home internet connection as cheap as they can get it (without sacrificing speed), they should get:
A. 3G
B. Satellite
C. fiber optic
14. Bandwidth refers to:
A. The number of different file types an internet connection can transfer
B. the speed of an internet connection
C. The number of different customer types an ISP serves
15. Which of these is false about HTTPS:
A. your ISP charges you extra to use it
B. banks use it
C. it uses encryption
16. Which of these covers the widest geographical area:
17. All of the computers in a room (except for 1) are connected to 1 computer; called the central node. If two computers, neither a central node computer, want to communicate their communication is relayed/passed by the central node. I have just described what type of network:
A. bus
B. ring
C. star
D. tree
E. mesh
F. social
18. I'm attacking a network; in which of these networks can the destruction of 1 computer more substantially reduce the value provided by the network:
A. client/server
B. peer-to-peer
19. Which of these statements is true:
A. Two companies have an intranet connected through an extranet
B. Two companies have an extranet connected through an intranet
20. Which of these statements is TRUE:
A. Firewalls prevent all communication
B. Firewalls protect networks against internal threats
C. Firewalls protect networks from external threats
Chapter 9
21. You're entitled to look at your records held by government agencies:
A. true
B. false
22. Employers can monitor anything you do on their computers:
A. true
B. false
23. Online advertisers primarily use:
A. first party cookies
B. second party cookies
C. third party cookies
24. Which of these is potentially more harmful to a computer user:
A. second party cookie
B. keystroke logger
C. small images hidden within an email message
25. Which of these types of personal information is not protected by a privacy law:
A. financial information
B. internet search history
C. medical records
D. educational records
26. When your computer is remotely controlled by a hacker it is called a:
A. virus
B. worm
C. trojan horse
D. zombie
27. The "D" in "DoS" stands for:
A. denial
B. distributed
C. devious
28. Which of these types of malware is disguised a legitimate program:
A. virus
B. worm
C. trojan horse
D. zombie
29. Which of these is true about a phishing attack:
A. Can only be stopped by anti-phishing software (free or paid)
B. tricks a user into downloading a malicious program
C. tricks a user into giving the attacker confidential information like passwords
30. Which of these is NOT a biometric credential:
A. fingerprint
B. iris scan
C. password
31. Which of these is used to give a remote employee secure access to a company network:
32. The "R" in "DRM" stands for:
A. rights
B. reasonable
C. relevant
D. redundant
Chapter 10
33. What is the name of the department that would hire, fire, and manage employee benefits:
A. accounting
B. marketing
C. human resources
D. production
E. research
34. There is a coal company, DeadCarbon Inc. The person that directly manages the coal miners is what level of management:
A. middle management
B. supervisors
C. top management
35. A manager that is doing long range planning is engaged in what type of thinking:
A. operational
B. strategic
C. tactical
36. Which of these is NOT an expert system:
A. database of student records
B. cancer diagnosis program
C. pharmacy drug interaction program