17 August 2004


Present: Prof Geoffrey Bolton (Chancellor) (chair)

Prof John Yovich (Vice Chancellor)

Ms Pat Allen

Mr Mal Bradley

Assoc Prof Nick Costa

Prof Tom Lyons

Mr Andrew Bain (secretary)

Mr Nathan Giles, Manager, Corporate and Public Relations

Apologies: Mr Malcolm Macpherson

Judge Kate O’Brien

Prof Simone Volet

1.  Membership

The meeting noted that Academic Council has reappointed Professor Volet for another three year term on the Committee, expiring on the first day of second semester 2007.

2.  Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 5 December 2003 were confirmed.

4. Terms of Reference of the Committee

The Committee’s current terms of reference are:

1.  To award honorary degrees and Senate Medals in accordance with policies approved by Senate, and after inviting nominations from Senators and staff.

2.  To determine the number, location, timing and ceremonial arrangements of Graduation Ceremonies.

3.  To determine who shall deliver occasional addresses at Graduation Ceremonies and the annual Murdoch Lecture.

4.  To determine the academic dress and official robes of the University.

The meeting considered a discussion paper from the University Secretary. This drew attention to practical difficulties with decisions on graduation ceremonies and occasional speakers having to wait for meetings of the Committee, and queried whether decisions on colours of academic dress and timing of graduation ceremonies are operational matters best left to management. The Committee agreed with this approach.

HACC/1/2004 / (a) / that the Committee be given the following new terms of reference:

1. To award honorary degrees and Senate Medals in accordance with policies approved by Senate, and after inviting nominations from Senators and staff.

2. To determine who shall deliver occasional addresses at Graduation Ceremonies and the annual Murdoch Lecture. Where a decision needs to be finalised before the next meeting of the Committee, the Chancellor may decide on its behalf.

3. To exercise oversight of Senate guidelines and policy on honorary degrees, Senate Medals, Graduation Ceremonies and regalia.

(b) / that Senate delegate to the Vice Chancellor decisions on Graduation Ceremonies (including their number, location, timing and ceremonial arrangements) and on academic dress and official robes of the University, within any guidelines or policy adopted by Senate.

It was foreshadowed that draft guidelines on graduation ceremonies and regalia will be brought to the next meeting for consideration. The University Secretary flagged that these might be very brief. It was noted that the speakers at graduation ceremonies need to be invited well in advance.

5. Graduation Ceremonies Review

The meeting reviewed the March 2004 graduation ceremonies in light of a report of the survey evaluation conducted by the Office of Corporate and Public Relations. It was noted these results show a staff preference to continue using the Perth Concert Hall. The meeting was advised that tentative bookings for the 2005 graduation ceremonies have been made with both the Perth Concert Hall and the Perth Convention Centre, and that on-campus ceremonies cost about $18,000 more in total (this increases significantly if the ceremonies are not all held in one week). The Committee liked on-campus ceremonies, but had concerns relating to cost, lighting, and the lack of a fall-back venue in case of rain. It favoured on-campus ceremonies as a long-term objective.

HACC/2/2004 / (a) / to invite the Office of Corporate and Public Relations to investigate holding smaller ceremonies on campus;
(b) / to encourage approaches to potential benefactors to fund the infrastructure for on-campus graduation ceremonies;
(c) / to support holding the 2005 graduation ceremonies at the Perth Concert Hall, unless the Perth Convention Centre is significantly cheaper.

6. Second Semester 2004 Graduation Ceremonies

A. Dates for the Ceremonies

The Chancellor, on behalf of the Committee, had approved the following dates for these ceremonies:

Perth Wed 22 September 2004 Perth Concert Hall

Singapore Wed 6 October 2004 Raffles Convention Centre

HACC/3/2004 / to endorse the above dates for the second semester 2004 Graduation Ceremonies.

B. Occasional Speakers for the Ceremonies

The Committee considered who will be the occasional speakers at these two ceremonies. There was some support for inviting a distinguished Singapore alumnus to be the occasional speaker at the Singapore ceremony, but it was recognised there may be insufficient time to arrange that for this year. Some other names were also mooted. Mr Giles was invited to bring forward names on possible speakers at the 2005 Singapore ceremony.

HACC/4/2004 / (a) / to invite Emeritus Professor Horst Ruthrof to be the occasional speaker at the 22 September 2004 graduation ceremony;
(b) / to delegate to the Chancellor the decision on the occasional speaker at the 6 October 2004 graduation ceremony.

[Note: Subsequently the Chancellor has decided that the occasional speaker at the October ceremony will be Prof John Edwards, Dean of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences.]

7. Murdoch Lecturer 2004

The meeting noted that Ms Wendy McCarthy AO has accepted the invitation to be the Lecturer this year. She will deliver the 2004 Murdoch Lecture on Thursday 30 September. She is Chancellor of the University of Canberra, former Deputy Chair of the ABC and Chair of the Australian Heritage Commission.

8. Honorary Graduates 2005

The Chancellor invited preliminary ideas on who might be awarded honorary degrees next year. It was noted that all Senators and staff will be invited to submit nominations. It was also suggested that, next year being the University’s 30th anniversary, consideration be given to honouring persons who had played a significant role in the foundation of the University and who have yet to be honoured. It was agreed that the next meeting should receive a list of those members of the Planning Board and the first Senate who are still alive and have not previously been honoured by the University. It also was suggested that some of the professors emeriti be considered as occasional speakers at the 2005 graduation ceremonies.

9. Meeting Dates

The Committee has two further meetings scheduled for this year. It was agreed to cancel the October meeting, as several members will be interstate or overseas, and the new terms of reference will mean less business. The November meeting will have three items of business:

o  decide on honorary graduates and occasional speakers for 2005

o  determine the Senate Medallists

o  determine the Murdoch Lecturer for 2005

Friday 26 November 2004, 8am / Monday 15 November 2004



Honorary Awards and Ceremonial Committee minutes - 17 August 2004