AOD Resident Notes and ReportsUser Guide
Table of Contents
Resident A/R Notes3-4
Print Resident A/R Notes5-7
AOD Collections Report8-10
A/R Detail Inquiry11-18
A/R Detail Inquiry: Payer Codes 19
Research Private Pay Balance 22
Research a Medicaid Balance 23
Resident A/R Notes
One of the 2 ways you can enter resident notes into AOD is through Resident A/R Notes. To access this, click on Billing: 1st/3rd Party, then click on Reports/Statements. Then click on Resident A/R Notes.
You will then see the screen above. Type the resident’s last name and/or scroll to choose a resident to add notes on the account. Once you have selected the resident, you will see the following:
Use the tab key to move your cursor. You can enter or modify the date, then tab to the Payer field. Press F5 on the keyboard to select the payer type for which you are entering relevant notes. Scroll to choose the payer and click Select. If you do not select a payer, no notes will print. Do not select MP – use Pend.
You wIll now be in the note field. Type your note here. All Past Due Accounts should have the following information entered into AOD for Private payers : Date any contact that was made with the resident, Responsible party, or caseworker. Describe how contact was made: mail, phone, or in person; who was contacted: name, relationship, phone, address; what was discussed, next follow-up or action; and by whom the contact was made by. Keep copies of all documents in the resident's file.
For the Pending payer, notes should include: Date of admission, monthly income, date of Medicaid application and forms sent to caseworker, follow-up with caseworker information and updates, etc.
When you are finished, click OK to exit. You can go back in to your note to edit or to add additional notes simply by clicking into the note field, and then clicking the Modify button on the top left toolbar (blue M with pencil icon). You can delete your note at any time by clicking into the note field then clicking Modify and then Delete (red D on top left toolbar).
To add notes for a second payer: Click your cursor in the note field you already have, then click the orange “C” icon on the top left toolbar (next to Modify). Now use the arrow key on your keyboard to arrow down and creative a new line. You can now choose a 2nd payer and repeat the process to add notes for this payer as well. You can add notes for additional payers as well, and you may find notes already there from the A/R specialists for other payers.
Print Resident A/R Notes
To print resident A/R notes, click on Billing: 1st/3rd Party, click on Reports/Statements, and click Print Resident A/R Notes.
Here you have the option to choose notes from a specified date span. Enter the desired start date. Then you can choose the Payer Type for which you want to print notes by clicking in the box (arrow above) and pressing F5 on your keyboard.
Scroll to select the desired payer and click Select. You can select up to 4 payers. Next you have a few more options. You can click on Print Multiple Residents Per Page unless you prefer to have one page per resident. The other two options are not necessary at this time.
Click Continue to proceed. You will see the following screen:
You have several options for running this report. First, you can choose to run the report for all residents with balances by clicking Alphabetic, or you can choose an individual by clicking on Individual. If you are running the report for all residents, you also want to enter a date for the field Admitted as of. You may want to change this date back to the default date of 9/1/2003 so that it captures all residents. If you do not change the date here, the report will only show those residents currently in the facility.
You must then click on Rebuild List, which will allow the system to compile the most updated information.
If you want to run the report for all notes, simply click Continue at the bottom.
If you are running the report for an Individual, you will only need to click on Select Names, (see arrow below) and the system will take you to the profiles where you can scroll to select the resident you want.
You can begin typing in the last name here, and it will scroll to the resident. Click Select. Then click Ok. Click Continue. Click Yes to start execution, then click Print.
AOD Collections Report
Once you have logged in to AOD, You will see menu options for Billing: 1st/3rd Party and Trust Fund. Click on Billing: 1st/3rd Party and you will have options for AR Detail Inquiry and Reports/Statements. To access the collections report, click on Reports/Statements. You will then click on Other Reports, then Collection Reports. This will take you to the screen seen here:
You have a number of options on the screen for formatting your report. The system will automatically present you with the current month billing period, but you can change this to run the report from earlier periods, which would allow you to see which months older balances fall into. You also have the option to print or not print the resident’s contact information on the report – click the box if you do NOT want contact information to print. You will not normally change the month spans for the Aging categories unless you are looking at older months. The default settings on the Balances Over and Balances Under are designed to show all balances and you will not normally need to make any adjustments to these fields. The fields at Last Name From and Last Name Thru will allow you to run the report for a sample of residents from the report, or for just one resident by entering the same name in both fields. If you leave the fields blank, the report will generate for all residents with balances.
At the top of the right side of the screen, you see up to 6 Payor Type fields. If you leave these blank and continue, the report will display balances for ALL payers. You can select which payers you would like to view – up to 6 payers - by clicking in the field and using F5 to display the menu of options.
Use your arrow key to scroll and make your selection. We ask you to focus on PRIV (Resident balances and payments), MCAD (Medicaid), HOS (Hospice), PEND (Medicaid Pending), PPMI (Private Pay Medicaid Intended). But you can generate reports using any single payer or combinations of payers depending on the types of balances you are researching.
Also, be sure to click Print Resident Notes for each Payor Type so that any existing notes wil print on your report. The system will also ask you to specify the date span for notes displayed. You can choose the span to reflect specific notes as desired, or you can choose to see all notes by entering the default date of 9/1/2003 (which is when AOD began in our facilities).
Finally, you can choose how you wish the report to be organized. Normally we would run the report by resident, which will present the residents in alphabetical order. Click Continue to generate the report.
A/R Detail Inquiry
A/R Detail inquiry will allow you to look at the resident’s account in our actual billing system. Here you will see all billing entries for all payers including details such as posting dates, payments, system-generated charges, data entries, and so forth. Once you become comfortable reading the A/R Detail, you will find it a valuable tool for helping you to research resident accounts. To access A/R Detail Inquiry, click on Billing: 1st/3rd Party. Then click on A/R Detail Inquiry. This will take you to the screen shown below.
The first thing you must do is enter the From date in the field at the top left of the screen (arrow above). Use the default date of 01/2003. This will take you to the very beginning of the account. Then tab over until the system takes you to the Profile Lookup, Residents & Non-Residents screen.
Here you will see the menu of residents to choose from. You can change the Range field from All Profiles, to Active Profiles Only, or to Active Profiles and Profiles with an A/R Balance. Choosing All Profiles is the fastest option! If you choose Active Profiles only, you will have to wait for the system to range and sort. From here, you simply type the resident’s last name and scroll to select the correct resident. Once you have selected the resident, you will see this screen:
Here you will see the details of billing and the resident’s account. You will need to become familiar with the Bill Codes and other abbreviations for the functions in our system – see key.
*The first column to the left indicates the Billing Period. The billing period will always indicate the last day of the month.
*The next column labeled Date indicates the date that the transaction was actually posted to the account or the date that the service occurred.
*The column labeled Transaction Type indicates the way in which the transaction was posted to the account – either generated at month end, as a pre-bill, by data entry, etc. Transaction types are listed below.
*The column labeled Bill Code indicates the type or payer type for which the charge or payment is being generated or posted to. Bill code types are listed below.
* The column labeled Count indicates the number of days being billed or the number of units being billed. In some cases the count will show “1” when the billing is not based on days or units (such as a Pre-Bill, for example).
* In the Amount column, you will see the actual billed amount, or payment amount. These will be displayed as debits (positive numbers) and credits (negative numbers).
*ThePrivate Paysection is divided into 2 columns and displays billing to and payments by the resident. The Typecolumn shows the payer type, and the amountcolumn shows the actual charges to and payments by the resident.
* The last section labeled 3rd Party is also divided into two columns showing Type and Amount. Third Party would include all billing and payments that are not from the resident. This includes Medicare, Insurance, Medicaid, VA, Hospice, etc. The charges and payments shown here indicate billing and payments made to or from those payers.
There are also several tools on the bottom of the screen that will help you to research accounts.
The Census button on the bottom left of the screen (see arrow above) will allow you to view the individual resident’s census from admission through the last updated day in AOD. When you select Census, you will see the following:
On the left will be a list of the months the resident was in the facility. You can click on the month you wish to view, and you will see the days of the month displayed to the right.
You will see these columns:
*ADM: indicating which admission is being viewed; if the resident discharged and re-admitted, there will be more than one admission.
*ST: the status of the resident –A is for admitted, D for discharged, EX for expired, and so forth, same codes as for the web census program.
*Unit #: the room number
*Type: the type of room, such as private, double, etc.
*LOC: the level of care; SK for skilled, ICF for intermediate, and Private Pay rates are coded with ICF1, ICF2, etc.
*PAYR: payer type, such as PRIV for private pay, MCAD for Medicaid, etc. Complete list at the end of this section.
*MC: a Y or N indicating is the day is a Medicare co-insurance day (Y for yes) or not (N for no). Co-insurance days are Day 21-100 of a Medicare A benefit period.
*PAYR2: Secondary payer if there is one. This could be Secondary Insurance. If the resident is on Medicare A, it could also be Medicaid (MCAD) or Private Pay (PRIV) until the resident comes off of Medicare.
The codes used in AOD are very similar or the same as the web census program.
Click OK to exit this screen and return to the A/R Detail Inquiry.
The Detail button will allow you to see the details of a specific transaction in A/R Detail.
If you need more information about a line of the A/R Detail that you are researching, click the Detail button. In particular, notice the field near the top left of the screen labeled Reference #. This will tell you which Deposit number a specific payment was on, or Voucher number if from Medicaid. In the box to bottom right of the screen, you can see the date that a payment was posted or that a transaction was posted to the account. This information can be very helpful when researching accounts. You can print this page, if necessary, by using Print Screen.
When you are finished with the detail screen, simply click OK to return to the A/R Detail.
The Aging button will allow you to view the resident’s individual aged balances by payer type. When you select Aging, you will see this screen:
This will show you the current balances by payer and by month. To exit this screen, just click on Cancel.
The Notes button: You can also View Resident Notes and input resident notes by clicking on the Notes button.
Click OK to exit and return to A/R Detail Inquiry.
A/R Detail Inquiry Key to Transaction Type Codes and Bill Codes
Private Pay Codes: For the private pay resident, you will see particular codes that are associated with the payer used throughout the billing.
*RBP: Room & Board Private Pay
*PG: Pre-bill, private pay. AOD generates the daily room & board rate that is in the system for that resident, multiplied by the number of days in the month that is being pre-billed. The number of days would be shown in the column labeled Count.
*RG: Pre-bill reversed; this would be seen if the resident had changes in the census since the last time statements were generated. The system would reverse the original pre-bill, and then recalculate the resident’s room & board charge based on the actual census. This new charge would be shown with the code WG. The RG would indicate a negative number of days in the Count column (negative 30 or 31) as the system is reversing out the original pre-bill.
*WG: If the original pre-bill was reversed due to changes in census or payer type (such as going on to Medicare, etc.) the new charge is generated with the Bill code WG. There will a count associated with the WG lines indicating the number of days that are being generated at the private pay rate.
In the example above, the resident had originally been billed for the 30 days in April, for a charge of $3960. We can see the payment made by the resident for $-3960 on 3/26/04. We then see that the system reversed the Pre-bill, and generated charges for 4 days, for 4 more days, then for 2 more days. We would need to view the census for the resident to determine why the billing but was reversed, but it is always dues to a change in census or payer. In this case, the resident went to Medicare after returning from the hospital, and you would need to view more A/R Detail than I have shown here to see that.
*CR: this code indicates Cash Receipt and is a payment posted to the resident – or private – side of the account. The column labeled Date indicates the date the deposit was posted, and if you click on the payment line in AR detail, then click the Detail button at the bottom of the screen, you can view the Reference # indicating which deposit the payment was on.
*DE: Data Entry, this code indicates that a transaction was done manually, not by the billing system, usually in order to make a correction to the account.