Careers in Science
Sheep Industry Science Camp
June 19-21 2006
Could We Have Your Views?
School ______Year Level ______
Please evaluate the activities listed below and ring the appropriate number.
Poor Good Great
Visit to the sheep property at Karoonda12(4)3(12)4(7)5
Science activity on Skats12(3)3(13)4(7)5
Night walk at Yookamurra123(2)4(9)5(12)
Visit to Australian Science and MathsSchool1(1)2(1)3(5)4(11)5(5)
Science activities at Flinders university12(1)3(6)4(11)5(5)
Night Activities123(1)4(5)5(17)
Visit to wool stores12(3)3(5)4(11)5(4)
Activities at Turretfield123(6)4(12)5(5)
Accommodation at Yookamurra1(2)2(8)3(11)4(2)5
Marion Camping Village123(2)4(6)5(15)
Overall assessment of program123(2)4(11)5(10)
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- Great fun*4 – more getting to know you activities, enjoyed program*5, new experiences and information.
- Appreciated generosity. More emphasis on environmental issues, next time wouldn’t change anything.
- I learned a lot . Interesting.
- A good camp, good mix.
- Fantastic opportunity to blend with other students.
- Yookamurra should have provided blankets – it was freezing,*2, It was different, This camp was good but there were some bits I did not understand.
- It was nice that you bort us lunch.
- Turrettfield was good but we were a bit tired. Maybe earlier in the trip.
- I think we should have to pay some money because most of us felt guilty.
Would you encourage friends to apply next year?YES( 23)/ NO(0)
Anything else you would like to see in the program
- Maybe include more hands on activities.
- Maybe see the final product of wool after factory to see enhancement.
- See more career pathways in wool.
- To see more univisity,NoA bush campout, competitions, rock climbing Trip to roseworthy, more environmental stuff.
- You could focus on other areas next year like cattle.
- More shopping time.
- Introduce people into other ag areas such as fruit, birds.
Has the camp changed your attitude to science in agriculture?YES(19) / NO(3)
- I did not realize how in depth science was. It’s very interesting.
- Although I found it interesting I am determined to become a vet, but I might consider going into more depth in animals of agriculture.
- It has changed my attitudes but had points for and against it.
- I haven’t made up my mind yet.
- Yes I found out how science works with the environment with the interest of conservation.
- Yes it has made me realize how big the industry is and how important it is.
- No but I have a much better understanding of what it is all about.
- I would now like to get into the biology industry. On micron wool.
- I enjoyed a more practical view.
- We have seen in the labs what goes on rather than just hearing about it.
- Yes I think it has because there is more out there than in the classroom.
- To study harder in science.
- Its shown me how vast science is, also how science and thinking is involved in modern farming.
- It has made me more aware of what goes on and now I can appreciate the information I have learnt on this camp a lot more
Before the camp were you interested in studying science or agriculture when you leave school? YES(15) / NO(8)
- Now I can see that there may be a future in the agriculture industry.
- I don’t really know what I want to do but it would be good.
- I wanted and still want to be a zoologist.
- I want to be a politician.
- Its interesting.
- I was interested.
- They are both subjects I enjoy and I have wanted to do this sort of thing for a while before this camp.
- Yes it has been a long dream of mine to get into environmental based occupation.
- I was but wasn’t exactly sure what.
- It was an option.
- I want to study veterinary science.
- I barely knew much about the industry and the science behind agriculture.
- It has now opened my eyes.
Are you now considering studying science at Flinders or AdelaideUniversity when you complete year 12? YES(7) / NO(12)
- Science is a great subject although there are areas that apply to my abilities.
- I don’t think Flinders covers Vetinary science , otherwise I would.
- Science involves a lot of occupations that I would be interested in.
- Yes but I may choose to do a TAFE course instead as it is more direct learning.
- Yes Definitely.
- I am planning to do study – the full 8 year course.
- Not sure what I want to do.*2
- It was interesting though.
- No because you can’t do an honours year and only do a few years in Adelaide.
- Vet school in Perth or zoology.
- Because I would like to get better in science.
- I am interested in going to ADFA, but that may change as time goes by. So maybe yes.
- Maybe depending how I go in my other subjects, but I prefer a few different subjects over science at the moment.
Peter Haines – Science Education Officer.
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