茅ヶ崎方式ニュース英語サロン/ニュースOnline英会話 ~Presented by Jバイリンガル

英文読解★時事英会話 【上級】 2018年1~3月期 課題Topic2a
News Discussion Topic2a【Advanced】 January-March, 2018

The Japan News January 02, 2018

Ingenuity needed to shape future of society with AI technology

  1. How can cutting-edge technologies, which continue to evolve, / be used to improve people’s lives? / Wisdom must be exercised for technological innovation / to help society survive with a falling population.
  2. With the declining birthrate and aging of society progressing, / Japan’s productive population is expected to be 69 million in 2030, / down by 7.5 million over 15 years. / A labor shortage has become more serious year by year, / making business management circumstances tougher.
  3. Japan’s labor productivity per hour is among the lowest of major countries. / Furthermore, if the population continues to shrink, / the nation cannot avoid a further decline / in its international competitiveness.
  4. Artificial intelligence (AI), / robots and the internet of things (IoT), / which connects all sorts of things through the internet, / are all technologies / that have come under the spotlight / as keys to overcoming such challenges.
  5. These cutting-edge technologies / help make up for companies’ manpower shortages. / Increased profits due to improved work efficiency / could lead to pay increases / and raise hopes for boosting consumer spending.
  6. It is essential for the government / to facilitate AI taking root in society, / such as by developing a new legal framework and easing regulations.
  7. For example, / laws to deal with accidents / and damage involving self-driving vehicles and other AI-equipped products / remain to be seen.
  8. The United States and China have taken a lead / in AI development / with their capital strength and rich human resources. / Japan also needs to create an environment / in which it will not miss out in the competition.
  9. It is a source of concern / that many people argue / the sophistication of AI and robots could not only eliminate the labor shortage / but also result in increasing unemployment in the future.
  10. According to a joint survey by Japan and Britain, / half of current jobs are anticipated to be replaced by AI and robots / in the next 10 to 20 years.
  11. AI technology / for automatically translating foreign languages / has already been used / by tourist facilities, local governments and other entities. / Banks have also taken advantage of AI / to propose their products.
  12. It is assumed / that more and more cash registers at supermarkets / and reception work at hotels, / among other functions, / will become unmanned in the next several years.
  13. “Investment in humans” will be vital. / Shifting human resources to new growth areas / is urged. / To deal with the situation flexibly, / it is crucial for companies / to enhance efforts such as training their employees.
  14. However, there has been a trend / of companies spending less on employee training / since the 1990s. / Establishing a system / in which members of society can acquire new skills / and brush up their knowledge / at universities, vocational schools and other places / — instead of leaving such work to companies — / is also a challenge.
  15. Experts have various views / about whether AI can equal human thinking in the near future.
  16. Efforts in government, industrial and academic spheres/ are urged to fully analyze, / at least, the side effects of technological innovation such as unemployment / and consider countermeasures.

–Questions for Discussion –

  1. Would you give us a brief outline of this article?
  2. What is your impression of artificial intelligence (AI) or the internet of things (IoT)?
  3. Are you afraid Japanmaylose its international competitivenessif the population continues to shrink?
  4. Should Japan catch up with the United States and China in AI development?
  5. Are you concerned that half of current jobs might be replaced by AI and robots in the next 10 to 20 years?
  6. What kind of countermeasures should the government and industriesconsider to deal with the side effects of technological innovation?
  7. What do you most agree or disagree with in this article?
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about this topic?


-参考【日本語対訳】- 読売新聞 社説 2017年12月31日

人工知能の未来 社会に根付かせる工夫が要る

  1. 進化し続ける最先端技術を国民の暮らしにどう役立てるか。人口減社会を乗り切る技術革新のあり方について、知恵を絞らねばならない。
  2. 少子高齢化の進展で、2030年の日本の生産年齢人口は6900万人となり、15年間で750万人も減る見通しだ。労働力不足は年々深刻化し、企業の経営環境が厳しさを増していく。
  3. 日本の時間当たり労働生産性は、主要国で最低水準だ。このうえ人口減が進めば、国際競争力の一段の低下が避けられない。
  4. こうした事態を打開するカギとして、人工知能(AI)やロボット、あらゆるものがインターネットにつながるIoTの技術が脚光を浴びつつある。
  5. 最先端技術が、企業の人材不足を補う。効率化で増えた利益は賃上げにつながり、個人消費の盛り上がりも期待できよう。
  6. 政府は、AIを社会に根付かせるため、新たな法整備や規制緩和などの後押しが欠かせない。
  7. 例えば、自動運転車などAIを使った製品による事故・損害に対処する法律はこれからだ。
  8. AI開発は、資本力と人材の層の厚さに勝る米国、中国が先行する。日本も競争に乗り遅れないような環境作りが必要となる。
  9. 気がかりなのは、AIやロボットの高度化が、人手不足の解消だけでなく、将来的に失業増を招くとの指摘が少なくないことだ。
  10. 日英の共同研究では、10~20年後には現在の職業の半分が、AIやロボットで代替できるようになるとの予測がある。
  11. 既に外国語を自動翻訳するAIは、観光施設や自治体などで利用が始まっている。銀行もAIを商品提案に役立てている。
  12. 数年後には、スーパーのレジやホテルのフロント業務なども、無人化が進むとの見方がある。
  13. 「人への投資」が大切となろう。新たな成長分野への人材移動が求められる。柔軟に対応できるよう、企業は、従業員研修などの充実に努めることが重要だ。
  14. だが、従業員の教育訓練費は、1990年代以降、減少傾向にある。企業任せにするのではなく、大学や専門学校などで、社会人が新たなスキルや知識を学び直せる体制作りも課題である。
  15. 近い将来、人間の思考に匹敵するAIが登場するかどうかは、専門家にも多様な意見がある。
  16. 少なくとも、技術革新に伴う失業などの副作用について、産学官で十分に分析し、対応策の検討を急いでもらいたい。

【Review Questions from Topic1a】Reconsider current laws to protect children from harm involving selfies

  1. Would you give us a brief outline of this article?
  2. What do you think of children who send a selfie of their nude photo?
  3. Would the revised ordinances be effective to prevent abuse of children involving selfies?
  4. Why does the current law against child prostitution and child pornography have no provision banning requests for photographic images?
  5. Do you support the ordinances that have been strengthened to make offenders liable to punishment?
  6. Have you ever heard of any particular “revenge porn” case?
  7. What do you most agree or disagree with in this article?
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about this topic?

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