
The Comes Apart at the Seams

Sectional Issues

Missouri Compromise: 1820

•  Missouri admitted as a slave state & Maine admitted as a free state to maintain the political balance in the Senate.

•  Any states created out of Louisiana Purchase north of 36-30 to be free states

Moderate Abolitionism 1820-1850

•  Promoted gradual, voluntary manumission

•  American Colonization Society

–  James Madison & Henry Clay were former presidents of society

–  Local branches in every state

–  Churches & state legislatures provided money to buy and transport slaves [approximately 6,000 from 1821-67] to Liberia which had been purchased by ACS in 1820’s

Radical Abolitionism : 1820-1850

•  William Lloyd Garrison

•  David Walker

•  John Brown

Issue of Slavery In Mexican Cession

•  The Wilmot Proviso, introduced by Representative David Wilmot, proposed to ban slavery from any territory acquired from Mexico as a result of the Mexican-American War

•  Passed by the House twice, it was rejected by the Senate

•  Expressed Northern Abolitionist position against extending slavery into any new territories

Compromise of 1850

•  Discovery of gold in California 9 days before the signing of the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo led to the formation of a state government in November, 1849 and a demand for immediate admission to the Union as a free state

•  This action precipitated a heated and sometimes bitter debate between Northern and Southern forces in Congress

•  Settlement of the debate was referred to as the Compromise of 1850

•  Was a package of 5 bills that provided:

•  California was admitted as a free state [California Admission Act – Sept. 9,1850]

•  The principle of popular sovereignty was applied to remainder of Mexican Cession

•  Northern boundary of Texas fixed at 36-30’ and Texas compensated $10 million for territory ceded to U.S. Government

•  The slave trade was abolished in D.C.

•  A new and stronger fugitive slave law.

Fugitive Slave Act -1850

•  Required that all persons charged with executing the law must enforce the act and cooperate with slave catchers

•  Abolished the previous “safe” harbor of the northern states

•  Forced many escaped slaves to flee to Canada

•  Intensified the abolitionist movement by forcing many in the North to take a stand in opposition to slavery

•  Led Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Uncle Tom’s Cabin: 1852

•  Originally serialized in the National Era

•  300,000 copies sold first year – more than 1 million by 1860

•  Convinced thousands in north that slavery was an evil

Kansas-Nebraska Act: 1854

•  Introduced by Sen. Stephen A. Douglas

•  To promote western migration & building railroad to the west coast

•  The Louisiana Territory between 37N & 49N was to be organized into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska

•  The Missouri Compromise ban on slavery was repealed and replaced with the concept of “popular sovereignty”

•  Bitter and protracted sectional debate in Congress

•  Bill finally passed by Senate 37-14 and the House on May 22, 1854, 113-100

•  President Pierce signed the bill into law

•  Rancor over the act caused a split in and eventual dissolution of the Whig Party

•  Led to the formation of the Republican Party

•  Led to civil strife in Kansas

New Political Parties

•  The issue of Slavery and Abolition led to the formation of new political parties in the West:

•  Liberty Party [1840 & 1844] wanted immediate abolition of slavery

•  Free Soil Party [1848] was opposed to extending slavery into new territories

•  The Know-Nothing Party [1849] opposed to Catholics and immigrants

•  Republican Party [1854] opposed to extending slavery into new territories

“Bleeding Kansas,” 1856

•  Northerners wanting to win Kansas as a free state created aid societies such as the New England Emigrant Aid Society to offset efforts from Missouri

•  Border Ruffians” from Missouri were bent on securing Kansas for slave block

•  The situation spawned rival governments and constitutions

–  Lecompton Constitution = pro-slavery

–  Topeka Constitution = free state

•  Brutality occurred on the floor of Congress when Preston Brooks (SC) beat Charles Sumner (Mass) with a

brass-headed cane

War in Kansas

•  Free state settlers armed themselves with “Beecher’s Bibles”

•  Border Ruffians sacked Lawrence, Kansas

•  John Brown retaliated by attacking and killing 5 proslavery men at Pottawatomie Creek

•  The four month civil war killed 200 people

Election of 1856

•  The new Republican Party ran John C. Fremont of California fame for President

•  He ran on a platform of excluding slavery from new territories

•  Many Northerners could not bring themselves to vote for him

•  Democrats won 174-114 electoral votes

“The Impending Crisis”

•  A book by Hinton R. Helper, a non-slave owning southerner

•  Argued that slavery had ruined the South economically

•  Further inflamed sectional feelings

•  Abolitionists used book to bolster their cause

•  Was almost as influential as Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Dred Scott v Sanford (1857)

•  The Case = Scott a slave from Missouri had lived for a time in Illinois. On his master’s death, abolitionists, on his behalf, sued for his freedom on grounds that his living in Illinois had made him a free man

•  Missouri court ruled against him

•  Sold to J.F.A. Sanford of New York to get the case into Supreme Court

•  The Chief Justice Roger B. Taney (Md) and 4 of the 7 members of the Court had been appointed by Jackson and were from the South.

•  The Court ruled that:

–  Scott had no case as he was not a citizen – the Constitution did not consider Negroes citizens.

–  Scott was still a slave – living in Illinois had not made him free because his stay did not affect Missouri law.


Taney’s Obiter Dictum

Taney, in a lengthy opinion (obiter dictum), went further, stating that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional as it violated the 5th Amendment.

•  The Court, in effect, stated that Congress could not bar slavery from the territories.

•  The South was jubilant over the ruling – they had won the slavery argument.

•  The Northern Abolitionists were forced to rethink their position.

Illinois Senate Election, 1858

•  Abraham Lincoln opposed Senator Stephen A. Douglas for the senate seat

•  Lincoln-Douglas Debates

–  Lincoln talked about slavery being regarded as an evil that had to be dealt with

–  Freeport Debate and the Freeport Doctrine

•  Lincoln lost the election

The “Freeport Doctrine”

•  At Freeport, Lincoln asked Douglas if popular sovereignty was possible after the Dred Scott decision

•  Douglas answered, “The people of a territory could keep slavery out by refusing to enact black codes or other laws necessary for its survival”

•  Northern abolitionists and Democrats were pleased with this position and they reelected him

•  Southern Democrats denounced it as it promised them less than Dred Scott

•  Doomed Douglas’s chances of winning the Presidency

John Brown’s Raid- October, 1859

•  Brown led an assault on the Federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry to get arms to arm the southern slaves

•  Lacking support the “revolt” was quickly ended and Brown & his 22 followers were captured (17 were killed) by U.S. Marines under Robert E. Lee

•  Brown was tried for treason and hanged on Dec. 2, 1859

•  Brown became a martyr to the Northern Abolitionists

•  Southerners viewed the raid as proof that the Republicans were bent on freeing the slaves

•  Sidelight: Brown’s widow and family moved to Red Bluff, California. Citizens built her a house that still stands on Main Street.

Edmund Ruffin, Radical Secessionist

•  Skilled agriculturist

•  Believed increasing northern industrialism threatened the South. Began to advocate secession in 1840’s.

•  1855, turned over his plantations to his sons and daughters, in order to devote himself full-time to the cause of secession. Became “fire eater”

•  Became an “honorary cadet” at VMI so he could attend John Brown’s hanging.

•  Sent 15 of Brown’s spears to Southern legislators saying "Sample of the favors designed for us by our Northern brethren."

•  Manipulated split in Democratic party to ensure Republican victory and Southern Secession

•  Wrote anti-northern novel to counter Uncle Tom’s Cabin and advocate secession

Presidential Election of 1860

•  The older party cohesion had broken down

The Democrats were divide

•  Pro-Douglas Democrats forced a “Freeport Doctrine” Plank into party platform and nominated Douglas

•  Southern Democrats left the convention and later nominated John C. Breckinridge (Kentucky) on a platform endorsing the “Dred Scott Doctrine”

Republicans, sensing victory, nominated Abraham Lincoln, who they viewed as a moderate.

•  Republican Party platform crafted for broad appeal:

–  Restrict slavery to those states where it currently existed

–  Pass a homestead act

–  Provide government support for a Pacific railroad

•  The Constitutional Union Party was formed from old Whigs and Know-Nothings to attempt to preserve the Union by compromise.

•  Nominated John Bell (Tennessee)

•  Two separate contests

–  Lincoln versus Douglas in the North

•  Republicans = northern enforcement against slavery

•  Northern Democrats = continuing compromise on slavery

–  Breckinridge versus Bell in the South

•  Southern Democrats = states rights even at cost of secession

•  Constitutional Union the “Bell Ringers” = preserve the Union

•  Virtually no interchange between northern campaigns and southern campaigns

•  Lincoln won 180 electoral votes (only 47% of popular vote

•  Douglas won 12 electoral votes

•  Breckinridge won 72 electoral votes

•  Bell won 39 electoral votes

Post November, 1860

•  The south saw the handwriting on the wall

–  Northern vote =192 electoral votes

–  Southern vote = 111 electoral votes

•  The South believed that the North was going to control the future of the country and, therefore, their destiny