President’s Commission on Diversity

October 15, 2007

Room 306 MainBuilding


Members Present:Chike Anyaegbunam, Patty Bender, Mary Bolin-Reece, Laverne Carter, Chester Grundy, Bessie Guerrant, Vanessa Jackson, Ibrahim Jawahir, Sara Jones, Jane Kirschling, Michael Lee, Bob Mullens, Richard Sutphen, Lionel Williamson, Jeff Dembo, Karen Slaymaker, Mahjabeen Rafiuddin, Lina Crocker, Gail Harrison, Sharon Taylor New, Chris Harper, Allan G. Richards, Rakesh Kandibanda and Linda Rakes.

Members Absent: Bob Brown, Marilyn Lyons, Druscilla Bakert, Lori Gonzalez and Oscar Arevalo.

Welcome and Call to Order:Allan G. Richards, Ed.D.

Approval of Minutes:Allan G. Richards, Ed.D.

A motion to approve the September 20, 2007 minutes was made by Lionel Williamson and seconded by Patty Bender. The minutes were approved by a unanimous vote with no changes.

By-Laws:Bessie Guerrant

The By-Laws Committee’s proposed changes and recommendations to the By-Laws were discussed among the Commission members. After discussion of the proposed changes to the By-Laws, the Commissionagreed that the By-Laws shouldbe revised to reflect the suggested changes and brought to the November PCD meeting for approval. A motion was made by Vanessa Jackson to table the proposed By-Laws until the November meeting. Motion was seconded by Chester Grundy. Motion carried with a unanimous vote.

Nominating Committee Guidelines:Bessie Guerrant

The Membership Nominating Committee Guidelines and the proposed Nomination Form was presented to the Commission. Changes were made to the guidelines and to the form. The nomination form will be posted on the PCD website.

PCD Website:Rakesh Kandibanda

A visual presentation of the new PCD website was shown to the Commission members and the various highlights of the website were explained. The members were encouraged to submit their recommendations and suggestions for further improvements to the website.

PCD ListServe:Linda Rakes

The PCD listserve is now active and available to the Commission members. Listserve Information was given to the members as guidelines for use of the listserve.

Introduction of President Lee T. Todd, Jr.:Allan G. Richards, Ed.D.

Diversity and inclusiveness in an institutional culture are about valuing and respecting the differences among people, their points of view, opinions, ideas, and way of life. When we embrace diversity and inclusiveness we grow and develop intellectually, spiritually, morally, socially, and emotionally. This growth and development prepares us to be self fulfilled and be successful in this our global community that is culturally, racially, socio-economically, intellectually, and physically diverse.

An institution culture that engages diversity and inclusiveness teaches us to be cognizant of history and it also teaches us to be cognizant that images, words, acts, and deeds can deconstruct and reconstruct the human mind for effective learning, but when misused can do grave harm to the human spirit. An institutional culture that encourages diversity and inclusiveness also teaches us another lesson. The academy, at its best, is grounded in debate and civil discourse which ultimately leads us to a better place.

The events on campus sparked by the publication of the cartoon images in the independent student newspaper, the Kentucky Kernel, on Friday, October 5th are a reminder to us that we have made progress in creating an institutional culture that is diverse and inclusive but it is also a reminder to us of how far we have to go and the urgency with which we have to proceed here at the University of Kentucky.

President, Lee T. Todd, Jr. has challenged the campus anew for the work ahead in continuing to transform the University of Kentucky to truly embrace an institutional culture that encourages diversity and inclusiveness. Your work on the President’s Commission on Diversity is vitally essential to enable this endeavor to be successful.

The President is here with us today because of the importance of your work in helping the University achieve its goals and at the same time, helping humanity to see its purpose and its strength in diversity and inclusiveness... And to this end, The President will now deliver the Charge to the Commission and I welcome him wholeheartedly on your behalf”.

Charge to the Commission:Lee T. Todd, Jr.

Dr. Lee T. Todd, Jr., addressed the Commission by first expressing his gratitude to Dr. Allan Richards for his excellent leadership of the Commission since his appointment and to the members for their willingness and commitment to serve on the Commission. The Charge given to the Commission by Dr. Todd is as follows:

-The Commission will lead in diversity efforts on this campus with therenewed focus and energy that is currently present.

-Realize the importance of helping to create an inclusive institutional culture which will be paramount to the university.

-Promote ways of achieving procedures for accomplishing a changing culture and making diversity inclusive on this campus.

-Aid in working toward Goal Four of the UK Strategic Plan developed by the Board of Trustees this past year which calls on UK to embrace and nurture diversity in all that is done.

-Be aware that the actions taken on this campus influence the lives across the Commonwealth.

-Awareness and help given to UK students to develop the skills necessary to compete in a global economy which is a diverse economy.

-Be aware that it is mandatory to develop a warm and inviting culture if UK is to become a Top 20 public research university.

-Work from the Strategic Plan.

-Be an example of diversity for the Sate of Kentucky.

-Become leaders in culture and diversity.

-Question the hiring, interviewing and search processes in place for better retention campus wide.

-Go forward with the ambitious Strategic Plan adopted by the PCD.

-Develop plans and strategies to move the university forward.

-Continue to move forward with ambitious plans to help advance our ultimate goal of becoming a Top 20 public research university.

Adjourn:Allan G. Richards, Ed.D.

Meeting adjourned at 1:10pm.