Worksheet for Assignment 1, SYST 3000.

Please fill this out using a word-processor

Title of paper examined: ______

First author of paper examined: ______

Concept Name / Positive or negative? / Quote from paper supporting your categorization / Page #
Category 1: IT Artifact
This category’s focus is on depicting characteristics of the technology, including perceptions and attitudes.
Particular system used
Faithfulness of appropriation
Positive attitudes toward computers and innovations
Role with regard to technology
Category 2: IT and Support
The IT and support category focuses around beliefs and perceptions about technology and availability of support for such technologies
Resource availability
Informal network
Relative advantage
Ease of use
Psychological climate
Media richness
Communication channel
Information intensity
Category 3: Project
The project category focuses on the difficulty of developing and accessing the technology and the perceptions of the top management or powerful individuals, as well as individual characteristics important to project success.
Task analyzability
Information source
Management involvement
Level in organization
Equipment availability
Project team composition
User participation
Cognitive ability
User involvement
Computer literacy
Computer training
Personal innovativeness
Management support
MIS service quality
Category 4: Performance
The performance category concerns how individual behaviors conform to organizational expectations
Job performance
Stakeholder participation
Category 5: IS Maturity Concepts
IS maturity deals with the extent to which the organization has a “historical” infrastructure indicative of a technology-savvy organization and similarly mature project development strategies.
Project development strategy
IT maturity
Category 6: Interorganizational Relations
Focus is on any connection or association allowing the linking of organizations.
Reciprocal investment
Project uncertainty
Interorganizational intensity
Asset specificity
Category 7: Structure
The structure category is often defined in terms of the coexistence of different parts in a purposeful arrangement, working together as a whole
Task uncertainty
Environmental uncertainty
Resource interdependence
Department integration
Organizational age
Organizational size
MIS centralization
Electronic integration
Environmental competition
Extent of strategic planning
Category 8: Task Communication
The focus here is on conveying or exchanging information and knowledge about tasks or work assigned to a person as a duty.
Task interdependence
Importance of communication
Category 9: Task
Task definitions center around a piece of work or duty assigned to an individual.
Task difficulty
Leader skill
Job expertise
Task autonomy
Job satisfaction
Task variety
Individual effort
Task significance
Task feedback
Task identity
Category 10: Individual
The individual category deals with concepts related to the individual persons and their characteristics.
Job tenure
Organizational identification
Category 11: MIS Department
The MIS department category focuses on characteristics of the section in an organization tasked with managing technology-related resources
Extent of implementation planning
MIS department power
Age of MIS department
MIS department maturity
Category 12: Environment
This category focuses on external conditions under which an organization develops and exists.
Environmental complexity
Environmental heterogeneity
Environmental hostility
Environmental dynamism
Interorganizational power