P.O. Box 441

6198 W. Hardscrabble

Pine, AZ 85544

Phone: 928-476-4272

Fax: 928-476-4634

Pine-Strawberry Fire District


February 15, 2017

1)  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm

2)  Pledge of Allegiance

3)  Roll Call – Present were Bob Papke, Bruce Dow, Melvin Palmer and Chuck Ackerman. Dave Burkhart was absent.

4)  Presentations –None

5)  Correspondence- Two Thank you letters were read by Board Chairman Mel Palmer. Thanking PSFD for service. Both were impressed with the courteous, compassionate, gentle, caring serviced rendered.

6)  Call to the Public – None

7)  Approval of Minutes and Financial Report

a. January, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes –Chuck Ackerman moved to accept the minutes. Bob Papke seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

b. January, 2017 Financial Reports were given by Ben Archer-Clowes of the James Vincent Group. Chuck Ackerman moved to accept the financial statements as presented and authorize the Board Chairman to sign them. Bob Papke seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

8)  Fire Chief’s Report (Available on our Website) – Including but not limited to:

a)  Significant emergency incidents

b)  Other non-emergency Fire District Activity

c)  Progress report on Fire Board directed business activities or projects

d)  Report on emergency call volume from previous month

e)  Report on vehicle maintenance from previous month

f)  Report on training activities from previous month

g)  Specific program updates or demonstrations

9)  Other Fire District Related Reports

a)  District Board Chairman’s Report – None given

b)  Chaplain’s Report – responded to 3 Calls and made 5 contacts

c)  Employee Assistance Fund Committee – There has been no activity.

d)  PSPRS Board Report – None Given

e)  Firefighter’s Association Report – None Given

f)  Labor Organization Report – None Given

10) Old Business

a.)  Discussion and possible action related to a progress report on the “Hall” decision and pension reform related to the Public Safety Retirement System. Chief Morris stated that the lower courts are still working with the “stakeholders” to work out the details of this decision and that there is nothing significant to report at this time. No action taken.

b.)  Discussion and possible action related to an update on the application to the Arizona Department of Health Services for an ambulance fee rate increase. Chief Morris explained that we are following the Hells Gate FD’s recent application and that they received quite a significant increase. The James Vincent Group is currently working with the Fire Chief on our proposal and it may be July or later before we learn what DHS may approve. No Action Taken.

c.)  Discussion and possible action related to an update on the March 8th Special Board Meeting. Chief Morris is preparing an information packet for the Special Budget Meeting to be held on March 8, 2017 at the Pine Senior Center located at 3916 N. Highway 87, Pine, AZ. The meeting will be for discussion and recommendations for the 2017/2018 budget planning on the voted approved funding for vehicle and facilities. No official business will take place.

11) New Business

a)  Discussion and possible action related to the 2017 Levy Tax Worksheet increase in revenues. The Levy revenue will be $94,867 (4.8% increase) which will offset the $75,000 Pension Liability. The Ambulance Rate increase will be approx.$33,000 for a total increase of $128,000 in new revenue. The District will discuss expenditures at the special budget meeting and how we will be utilizing these funds. No action taken.

b)  Discussion and possible action related to the 2017 Health Insurance rate increase. Chief Morris reported that our health insurance rate increase will be 4% (or $8,871.00). No action taken.

c)  Discussion and possible action related to the appointment of a Board Member to the District’s Employee Assistance Committee. Board member Bruce Dow volunteered to serve on this committee. No formal action taken.

12) Future Meeting Date will be March 15, 2017, at 6:00 pm.

13)  Future Agenda items –

14) Adjournment – Bob Papke made a motion to adjourn. Chuck Ackerman seconded the

motion and it passed unanimously at 6:37 pm.
