Homework Policy/ OOPS! Slip

Today,______, received an OOPS! for the following reason:

______Assignment was not turned in today when due

______Assignment was partially completed

______Assignment was not made up when absent

·  What is an OOPS!? You are allowed 3 OOPS! per grading period for daily homework assignments and still earn an “A”. Refer to the following grading scale:

No OOPS! used 100% A+ Awesome Job!

1 OOPS! used = 97% A

2 OOPS! used = 95% A

3 OOPS! used = 93% A

4 Assignments missed = 85% B

5 Assignments missed = 75% C

6 Assignments missed = 65% D

7 Assignments missed = 55% F

8 or more missed = 0 %

·  Homework assignments are used to reinforce concepts taught in class, and to help teach responsibility. Homework is worth 25% of your biology grade.

·  Students are not allowed to turn in late homework because we go over the answers in class on the date it is due.

·  Long Term QTR Projects will lose 10% for each day late. No OOPS! are used.

·  All homework slips are to be signed and returned. I will keep all slips on file. If not signed and returned, a teacher detention will be assigned for each day and I will call home.

·  Mandatory teacher detentions will be assigned when 5 or more homework assignments are missing. Students will complete work to make-up points.

Student’s Signature ______

Teacher’s Signature ______

Parent’s Signature ______

Homework Policy/ OOPS! Slip

Today,______, received an OOPS! for the following reason:

______Assignment was not turned in today when due

______Assignment was partially completed

______Assignment was not made up when absent

·  What is an OOPS!? You are allowed 3 OOPS! per grading period for daily homework assignments and still earn an “A”. Refer to the following grading scale:

No OOPS! used 100% A+ Awesome Job!

1 OOPS! used = 97% A

2 OOPS! used = 95% A

3 OOPS! used = 93% A

4 Assignments missed = 85% B

5 Assignments missed = 75% C

6 Assignments missed = 65% D

7 Assignments missed = 55% F

8 or more missed = 0 %

·  Homework assignments are used to reinforce concepts taught in class, and to help teach responsibility. Homework is worth 25% of your biology grade.

·  Students are not allowed to turn in late homework because we go over the answers in class on the date it is due.

·  Long Term QTR Projects will lose 10% for each day late. No OOPS! are used.

·  All homework slips are to be signed and returned. I will keep all slips on file. If not signed and returned, a teacher detention will be assigned for each day and I will call home.

·  Mandatory teacher detentions will be assigned when 6 or more homework assignments are missing. Students will complete work to make-up points.

Student’s Signature ______

Teacher’s Signature ______

Parent’s Signature ______