Name Date Class

Mathematics and Science Chapter 2 Lesson 2

1. When do scientists rely on estimates?

2. Why are both accuracy and precision important in making a

3. What do the significant figures in a measurement include?

4. What is percent error calculation used to determine?

5. ___estimate
6. ___accuracy
7. ___precision
8. ___significant figures
9. ___percent error
10. ___mean
11. ___median
12. ___mode
13. ___range
14. ___anomalous data / a. how close a group of measurements are to each
b. the number that appears most often in a list of
c. the digits in a measurement include all digits
measured exactly, plus one estimated digit
d. the numerical average of a set of data
e. how close a measurement is to the true or accepted
f. an approximation of a number based on reasonable
g. a calculation used to determine how accurate an
experimental value is
h. the middle number in a set of data
i. data that do not fit with the rest of a data set
j. the difference between the greatest value and the
least value in a data set

Name Date Class

Mathematics and Science Chapter 2 Lesson 2

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.

1. ___A low percent error indicates that the
result you obtained is

a accurate

b inaccurate

C an estimate

d anomalous data

3. ___Which term refers to how close a
group of measurements are to each

a estimate

b percent error

C accuracy

d precision

2. ___Which of the following is the middle
number in a set of data?

a mean

b median

C mode

d range

4. ___If you add up the values in a data
set and then divide the sum by the total
number of values, the result will be the

a mean

b median

C mode

d range

Fill in the blank to complete each statement.

5. Scientists often rely on a(n) ______when they cannot obtain an exact

6. When you ______measurements, the answer should only have the
same number of significant figures as the measurement with the fewest significant

7. A reliable measurement is ______both and precise.

8. Calculating percent error and checking the reasonableness of data are two of the
math tools scientists use to analyze ______.

9. ______data are data that do not fit with the rest of a data set.

10. The significant figures in a measurement include all digits measured exactly, plus one