Dear Parents,

One of our favorite aspects of teaching is the opportunity to collaborate with parents. The following survey will give you a chance to brag about your fabulous child, and it will provide us with valuable information. Please share as much or as little as you would like. We’re also interested in any skills or areas of expertise you may have that might be of value to our learning this year. Use the back page if you have more to say than space provides. You may also type your responses by accessing the electronic version of this form at . Please feel free to discuss the survey with your child or to return it in a sealed envelope or e-mail. Thank you so much for taking the time to assist us in this way!

The 5th Grade Teachers

Child’s Name______Your Name(s)______

1. What are your child’s major areas of academic strength?

2. What special personality or character traits have you observed in your child?

3. How would you describe your child’s preferred learning style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, needs repetition, etc.)?

4. Has school been an enjoyable experience for your child thus far? Please explain.

5. What interests/motivates your child?

6. In what extra-curricular activities does your child participate?

7. What are your child’s main areas of academic weakness?

8. How would you like your child to grow and develop as a person?

9. Describe the nature of your child’s social connections (one close friend, many friends,

shy, etc.).

10. Describe your child’s tolerance for/ reaction to frustration. What helps your child work

through frustration?

11. What wonderful things about your child should we know? What concerns/comments

about this school year do you have?

*Finally, we would love to take advantage of the resources you all could bring to our team this year.

12. What kind of work do people in your household do?

13. What hobbies or interests do people in your household have?

14. What languages do people in your household speak?

15. Do you have any connections to people (friends, neighbors, etc.) whose work

could be of interest to our students or enhance the 5th grade curricular experience?

16. Circle all that apply. I am able to help the class by/with:

sending suppliesbeing a mystery readerworking with small groups of students

helping with a one-time projectchaperoning a field tripclass activities/celebrations

working one-on-one with a studentother ideas ______

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide this valuable information. We look forward to a fun and successful school year with you and your child.