Name: ______Block______

TELESCOPES: Knowledge and Understanding

Complete each section in an organized and neat manner before submitting for feedback.

I.  RECALL: Define the following terms:

Telescope Infrared Telescopes

Optical Telescopes X-Ray Telescopes

Reflecting Telescopes Gamma Ray Telescopes

Refractive Telescopes Observatory

Radio Telescopes Magnification

II.  DESCRIBE: Answer the following questions:

How do refracting and reflecting telescopes use convex lenses and mirrors?

How is laser light different from ordinary light?

How are visible light, radio waves, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation different from each other?

How does the size of the telescope’s main lens or mirror affect its performance?

III.  EXPLAIN: Complete the following using appropriate scientific language (vocabulary):

Why are some telescopes placed on mountains or in orbit around the Earth?

COMPARE CONTRAST: light telescopes and radio telescopes (similarities and differences)

COMPARE & CONTRAST: refracting and reflecting telescopes (similarities and differences)

Explain with a drawing how a reflecting telescope and a refracting telescope work.

IV.  EVALUATE: Answer the following questions:

PREDICT: What would happen to laser light if it passed through a prism?

APPLY: How could the speed of light and a laser beam be used to measure the distance between two satellites?

APPLY: In order to increase the magnification of a magnifying glass, would you need to make the convex surfaces of the lens more or less curved? And why

APPLY: Make a sketch of an optical tool that would use 3 mirrors to make a beam of light return to its source. Your sketch should include:

The path of light waves through the tool

Labels indicating the names of the parts and how they affect the light

Several sentences describing one possible use of the tool

ANALYZE: Why might astronomers use different types of telescopes to obtain images of the same object in space?

ANALYZE: Why would it be difficult to build radio telescopes if they did not work well at low altitudes?