Teacher: Mrs. Adriana Rogers Course: Math 8
Room:E-2Phone #: (909) 355-3137
Website Page: mrsadrianarogers.wordpress.com
Welcome to the 2016-17 school year! As your student’s new math teacher I would like to invite you to contact me if you should have any concerns about your student throughout the year. You are also invited to stop by at any time; my classroom is always open! I am sure that by working together we can make this experience a valuable one for your student. I would like you to know and be familiar with my classroom expectations and policies so please read this syllabus and go over it with your student.
Grading Scale:
Participation (HW/Classwork/notebook)...... 10%
Formative Assessment (Quizzes/ Post Test)………...20%
Learning Task (Performance task)……………………….20%
Final Assessment (Culminating Task)...... 50%
Total 100%
A 90 – 100%
B 80 – 89%
C 65 – 79%
D 55 – 64%
F 0 – 54%
Course Requirements
Homework: Homework is a VITAL part of this class. The homework will be practiceon what we covered in class or review on what we have covered before. Homework is assigned every night (Monday - Friday) but will never be more than 7 problems.
Classwork: Classwork will range from individual work to group work. Be sure to complete all of it and if you are absent it is your responsibility to get it done.
Notebook: Students will be required to keep their notebooks with them at all times. The notebook includes notes and classwork. Please don’t lose this resource!!!
Quizzes: Quizzes will be based on the skill that we have been working on in class. These quizzes will be announced. You may retake a quiz after you make corrections on your original quiz. You have two weeks from the day the quiz is given back to retake it.
Performance Tasks: Performing tasks will be given throughout a unit of study. These performance tasks will require for you to work in a group to gain insight of what the problem is about. Once the group part is done you will work individually to complete the task. This is a good way to see what you have learned and what you may need help with. Performance Tasks are not available for retakes. Please study, do your homework, ask questions, come to tutoring if needed, and contribute in the group task in order to be fully prepared.
Culminating Task: Will be given at the end of the unit. In order to prepare for this task you will need to understand the previous tasks. It is very important to understand your mistakes and misconceptions on the previous tasks. Performance Tasks are not available for retakes
Post Tests: The District will provide the post test for each unit. Each post test will cover the unit of study for that time frame. Each performance task for each unit will prepare you for the post test. These tests will be announced and not available to retake.
The Late Work Policy
As your students’ teacher, I want your child to complete the work and learn. Assignments are given to enhance your students learning, it is not given to be busy work. Please cooperate with this policy to help build responsibility, a positive work ethic, and your child’s knowledge.
Grade Print Outs: Grade Print Outs will be given at the end of every month, which you must return with a parent/ guardian signature. This will provide you and your parents with your monthly grade.I strongly encourage you and your parents to log in to Aeries to see your current grade. The print outs will be given out on the following dates:
** It is not fair to you or your parents if you are up cramming to finish up late work because you did not do it when it was assigned. Please take the time to do your work. The only one the work is going to benefit is YOU!!!! **
Materials Needed: (If for any reason you cannot obtain any of these materials let me know).
Paper (filler paper)
More than one sharpen pencil/ mechanical pencil
Glue stick
Dry erase marker
2-Pocket Folder with Fasteners (should be able to hold up 3-whole punched papers)
Agenda (The school will provide this for you)
Home-School Communication
(Detach and Return This Page)
Student Name (PRINTED): ______
Period: ______
Date: ______
My student and I have read and reviewed the syllabus:
- Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
- Student Signature: ______
Preferred method(s) of contact from the teacher:
Home Phone: ______
- Best time to contact you?______
Cell Phone: ______
- Best time to contact you? ______
Email: ______
Written Note