2017-2018IISE University Chapter Activity Report (UCAR) Manual
Version Date: August 19, 2017
The ultimate purpose of measurement is to support, enhance, motivate, cause, focus, stimulate, and reinforce improvement. The intent of the University Chapter Activity Report (UCAR) is to provide a simple measurement system that will permit chapters to see improvement trends and to track their progress. It also provides visibility so that chapters’ accomplishments can be recognized and rewarded.Submission of the UCAR is a requirement for all university chapters in order to maintain good standing and remain eligible to receive chapter dues rebates. The UCAR is also the basis for the University Chapter Recognition Program awards.
The UCAR workbook contains the following sheets:
- Cover Page
- U.S. Chapters near Prof. Chap.
U.S. Chapters with a professional chapter within 50 miles complete this sheet - Other U.S. Chapters
U.S. Chapters without a professional chapter within 50 miles complete this sheet - International Chapters
Non U.S. Chapters complete this sheet - Transition Membership Recruitment
All university chapters must completely fill out the entire UCAR sheet that is applicable to their chapter (2, 3 or 4 above, with sheet 5 providing additional optional information) and must submit theUCAR to IISE Headquarters and to their RVP by April 30, 2018 to be eligible for chapter recognition awards.
- Submit the UCAR by email nd your RVP. A list of RVPs can be found online at
- The email subject line and filename must be formatted as follows: Chapter#UCARYear. Example: Chapter 30 it would be 30UCAR2018.
Failure to submit a complete UCAR on time will result in RED CHAPTER STATUS.
The UCAR is only one of the required documents for chapters to remain in Green Health Status. A complete list of requirements and deadlines can be found at
1. Planning and Administration
For university chapters, there are only a few basic administrative requirements, which are designed to ensure adequate representation and communication with the chapter, and to track and reward chapter accomplishments. In addition to basic administration tasks, strategic planning is essential to effective chapter operations. A strategic plan will allow all chapter officers to agree on the goals for the chapter year, as well as ensure a smooth transition from one group of student leaders to the next.
1.1Required Reports and Forms (15 Points)
Officer Slate
Your chapter is required to submit this form to IISE Headquarters immediately upon completion of your annual elections, or any other time officers and/or faculty advisors change(e.g., in the case of membership lapse as all officers and faculty advisors must be current IISE members). The form is necessary in order to keep chapter records up to date and ensure that chapter mailings and other communications go to the correct faculty member. The Officer Slate form will be due once per year (based on your chapter’s last submission). You may submit the Officer Slate more than once, but you are required to submit it at least once per year.
Financial Forms
Submission of the Financial Forms
- Financial Report
- Bank Statement or Letter/Email from Faculty Advisor Verifying No Bank Account
- ePostcard for the IISE group tax filing is required by law for all US chapters, unless your chapter has received specific exemptionThis section is omitted in the worksheet for international chapters.
This is also an IISE requirement for all US chapters to maintain good standing and remain eligible to receive chapter dues rebate checks. TheFinancial Form deadline for all US university chapters is April 30. Financial Forms and instructions are available on the IISE web site at
University Chapter Activity Report (UCAR)
The university chapter activity report (UCAR) measures the chapter’s progress and accomplishments. It ensures that the chapter is meeting the institute’s requirements, and is also the basis of the chapter recognition program.
The Officer Slate (due once per year, based on last submission date), Financial Forms (due April 30 for US chapters), and UCAR (due April 30) are required. No points are given for late submissions.
1.2Strategic Planning (5 points)
The university chapter’s responsibility is to provide meaningful programming to its members and support the university’s industrial & systems engineering program. As you know, planning is the key to success in meeting goals. The chapter should develop plans for both the long term and short term. The purpose of the plan is to communicate the chapter's objectives so that others can contribute to the achievement of those objectives.
It is highly recommend that each chapter should submit to IISE Headquarters and their RVP a plan for the school year, due on October 31. The minimum requirements for a basic Chapter OperationsPlanare key dates and the chapter program schedule for the year. You should also review your plan with your faculty advisor, keep a copy in your chapter records, and post it on your web site. The vitality of your chapter depends heavily on how much contact you have with your members. Hence, include in the plan maintenance of your web site, e-mail list, contact with other university chapters in your region, participation in the regional conference and so forth. Partial credit scoring is available for late Chapter Operations Plans as they are not required.
2. Chapter Programs, Activities and Outreach
Your chapter is responsible for serving members’ needs and ensuring member satisfaction at the local level. One of the primary ways of serving your members is through chapter programs, activities and outreach efforts. This section attempts to measure success in this area based on program/activity level.
2.1 Programs (up to 5 points)
Officers’/Business Meetings
The success of meetings is often used as measurement of success for the chapter. Business Meetings are specifically for the board to take care of chapter business, but should be open to all interested members. Your chapter is required to hold at least one Business Meeting per quarter or semester in order to maintain good standing. At minimum, a meeting should be held at the beginning of each term to determine what the chapter’s plans will be for the term.
General Membership Meetings
General Membership Meetings should provide an opportunity for members to gather to hear about the chapter’s plans and upcoming programs, as well as for non-members to learn about the chapter and IISE membership. Each chapter should host a minimum of one General Membership Meeting per quarter or semester in order to maintain good standing.
2.2 Activities (up to 17 points)
Active chapters should provide educational or social experiences for the members and visitors. An educationally oriented general meeting should provide students with useful knowledge and address issues such as technical topics, personal betterment and job-hunting. A socially oriented meeting should not only be fun, it should also be informative, because socials are good vehicles for member recruitment. The categories of activities for reporting in the UCAR include:Facility/Plant tours; Speakers;Attending professional chapter events; Participation in National Engineers Week (or similar activity within your country/region for international chapters);Attending or organizing a local conference or seminar;andSocial Events/Others.
2.3Outreach (up to 8 points)
Your chapter can claim points for any of the following member support and outreach activities.
Tutoring or mentoring service to fellow members and ISE students
Visits to local high schools and elementary schools
Career/grad school counseling
Invite professional members to events
Community projects where the IISE name is visible
3. Communication and Membership Recruitment
3.1Chapter Communication (up to 5 points)
Communication is the key ingredient to the success of any chapter program including meetings and events. The chapter should strive to reach and maintain contact with its members, local professional chapter (if there is one nearby), and Regional Leadership Team on a regular basis.
Contact with the professional chapters can broaden your leadership skills, networking skills etc., and further promote visibility for your chapter and IISE. The opportunity for networking with professional members is one of the most valuable benefits you can provide your members
IISE encourages all chapters to maintain open communication with their faculty advisor and Regional Leadership Team. They provide guidance and chapter management support.
The categories of chapter communication media for reporting in the UCAR include: Distribution list; Use of social networking for chapter contact/distribution; Chapter website; Copies to Regional Leadership Team; Sending communications to area professional members; Publish chapter news in university paper and/or newsletter; and Other.
3.2 Member Recruitment (up to 10 points)
Overall membership growth is derived from a combination of retaining current members and recruiting new ones. The categories of member recruitment efforts for reporting in the UCAR include: Letter/email/flyer to all new ISE majors; Letter/email/flyer to all undeclared engineering majors; Table/booth at student activity fair/event; Membership drive; and Send a letter/email to other engineering disciplines.
3.3 Conversion to Professional Membership (up to 15 points)
University chapters have the responsibility of encouraging the graduating student members (and nonmembers) to convert to professional members of IISE upon graduation and take advantage of the reduced dues for the first year of professional membership.The university chapter should hold a Transition Membership Meeting of graduating student members and facilitate the conversion by distributing the appropriate forms and collecting them to mail into IISE. Furthermore, contact information can be collected and provided to IISE Headquarters by completing the Transition Membership Recruitment worksheet. Note: The contact information must be given voluntarily by the student and all fields must be completed for each individual.
4. Regional / Institute Participation
4.1 Institute Participation (up to 10 points)
The Institute sponsors a number of programs and competitions for student members, officers, and chapters designed to promote interaction and recognition (see UCAR Section 4.1 for a full list of such activities). Encouraging and organizing participation in these programs and activities is one of the best ways to keep your members interested and involved, as well as to promote IISE on your campus.
4.2 Regional Participation (up to 10 points)
Interacting with other IISE student members and university chapters should be an integral part of any chapter’s plans. It’s a great way to enhance the chapter experience and provide networking opportunities for your members (see UCAR Section 4.2 for a full list of such activities).
Any university chapter attaining the minimum levels of participation as noted below will be recognized with a certificate and/or plaque in the University Chapter Recognition Program. A total of 100 points are available.
Award Level / Points ScoredGold Award / 80-100
Silver Award / 60-79
Bronze Award / 40-59
Award of Merit / 30-39
Certificate of Participation / 29 or less
A chapter must have submitted all documentation on time and maintain GREEN STATUS throughout the year to achieve an award. Again, to remain GREEN, a chapter must meet the requirements listed on this page: .