President’s Update
What is a Community Association (CA)?
There are over 150 community associations in Calgary that are non-profit organizations run by your neighbours that bring us together as residents, advocate as a voice for our Community to all levels of government and other organizations and offer many events, services and endless opportunities close to home.Other municipalities in Canada have similar forms of community governance but they involve City paid staff participation and your tax dollars. Calgary is unique in that more than 20,000individualsare involved on a volunteer basis, contributing 2.4 million hours of public service. Volunteers operate, manage and maintain facilities and amenities with a value of more than $200 million.
Community Association membership is voluntary and available for a very nominal fee; SACA’s fee is $30 per family, $15 for seniors. Programs and services offered are made available often for no cost or at a fee to cover some of the costs incurred to provide the programs. Members also receive discounts for rentals and programs if the opportunities are also available to the public.
Programs and services offered include things such as:
- Soccer. Hockey and other ice sports, Baseball, Volleyball, etc.
- Community gardens
- Managing maintenance for all green and public spaces
- Fitness and Wellness classes (yoga, zumba, pilates,etc.)
- Arts and culture programs
- Youth programs, Senior’s clubs
- Community-wide events likeStampede breakfasts, Movie Nights, etc.
- Languageclasses
- Farmer’smarkets and craft fairs
- Committee work (planning and development, special events, safety, etc.)
- Community advocacy on a host of issues and projects
- Residential development guidance and support
- Public service presentations and training
- Any other opportunity where there is general interest and ability to execute it!
Obviously SACA membership fees don’t even come close to providing the necessary funds to operate our facilities and offer programs, services and events. Funding is derived from provincial casinos and aggressively competing for grants offered at various levels of government and businesses. We also receive some funding from hall rentals but we try to ensure our community centre is readily available for community service opportunities where we would not receive any rental income. Therefore SACA operates within a limited budget and any funding received from grants is restricted regarding the ways it can be spent.
Many of you would be familiar with a Resident Association (RA) and adjacent communities around Scenic Acres have them. RAs represent their private members and property only, similar to a condo association and charge a mandatory fee to all owners. Fees generally are $250-300 annually.
SACA was founded in 1985 and has operated faithfully and successfully ever since. We built our facilities, run them efficiently and were one of three communities that founded Crowchild Twin Arena where we regularly contribute to its operation. Why not show your support for our Community by buying a membership, by volunteering for an event, by volunteering for a board position or a committee. Buy/renew your membership at the office or online. Contact if you are interested in volunteering and we can discuss opportunities where you may want to contribute.
Green Cart and Recycling
We have now had a few months of the new composting program and pick-up schedule. I thought I would share two City of Calgary links that may assist you. The first one guides what container to place items the second provides the garbage pick-up schedule by address
I hope you all have a very blessed 2018! Don’t forget to always be thankful.