February 2013 Current Affairs Study Material


UK, Afghan, Pakistan Leaders Hold Talks in Britain

On 4 February The leaders of Britain, Afghanistan and Pakistan pushed for the Taliban to come to the table for peace talks to end Afghanistan’s protracted conflict and gave themselves a six-month deadline to get a deal.British Prime Minister David Cameron hosted Afghanistan’s President HamidKarzai and Pakistan’s President AsifZardari for trilateral talks on Afghanistan’s floundering peace and reconciliation process.

UNICEF Syria Crisis Humanitarian Situation Report

On 8 February According to the UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund )Syria Crisis Humanitarian Situation Report, The vaccination effort in collaboration with the Ministry of Health is well underway, with over 53,000 children receiving measles vaccinations, over 44,000 receiving vitamin A supplements, and over 10,000 polio doses administered.

Pakistan to Renamed Sindh Province to ‘Sind’

On 12 February 2013, the Sindh Assembly approved a bill to rename the southern Pakistani province as Sind.The assembly approved the Sindh Laws Amendment Bill of 2012, whereby the letter “h” will be removed from the name of the province.

Russia Rejected U.S. Nuclear Warheads Proposals

On 14 February Russia rejected U.S. president Barack Obama proposals , which deployed nuclear warhead delivery systems including bombers, missile launchers and nuclear submarines – a cut of about 60%.In 2010 Russia and the United States signed on “New START” agreement.The New Start treaty limits each side to no more than 800 deployed nuclear warhead delivery systems including bombers, missile launchers and nuclear submarines – a cut of about 50%.

Rafael Correa Re-elected for 3rd term as Ecuador’s President

On 17 February Ecuadoreans president Rafael Correa has been re-elected for a third term with more than 50 percent of votes in his favour.As per the results, Rafael Correa got 56.7 percent while his closest competitor Guillermo could secure only 23.3 percent.Correa is a socialist leader who was first elected in 2006 December and he was sworn in on 15 January 2007 as the 56th president of Ecuador.Correa was re-elected to a second term in 2009.

Pakistan Hands Over Strategic Gwadar Port To China

On 18 February Pakistan and China signed an agreement to hand over control of the strategic Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea to a Chinese company.Under the agreement for transfer of concession rights, the deep sea port will remain the property of Pakistan while the Chinese company will share profits from its operation. China Overseas Port Holdings Limited will fully assume responsibility for Gwadar port in Balochistan province.

Israel’s Netanyahu Announced Coalition Deal with TzipiLivni

On 19 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has announced a coalition deal with former Foreign Minister and the rival centrist Hatnua Party Chairwomen TzipiLivni, at Jerusalem. Under the deal agreement, Livni will serve as the new Justice Minister and will oversee the peace efforts with the Palestinians.TzipiLivni is an Israeli Politician and the first women to be the leader of opposition in Israel. She is the leader of the new centrist party, Hatnuah. She served Israel as its Foreign Minister from 2006 to 2009.

Russia and Brazil Signed on Defence Cooperation Agreements

On 20 February Russia and Brazil signed a Defence, Energy and Agricultural agreements .Brazil agreed to negotiate the purchase of Russian anti-aircraft missile batteries on the condition that Russia transfer the technology to Brazilian defense companies without restrictions.The agreements are signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Brazilian President DilmaRousseff .

NicosAnastasiades Elected as Cyprus New President

On 24 February the centre-right DISY (the Democratic Rally) party leader NicosAnastasiades, has won the presidential elections of Cyprus with 57.5 percent votes.NicosAnastasiades had a very easy going victory over Communist-backed Stavros Malas who secured 42.5 percent votes in the election.

Raul Castro re-elected for Second Term as Cuba’s President

On 25 February Raul Castro has been re-elected as Cuba’s president officially to his last five-year term.The National Assembly of People’s Power approved, in the capital Havana, Army General Raul Castro Ruz as president of the Council of State, and elected Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, as its first vice president.Raul Castro became interim president when his brother, revolution icon Fidel, took ill in 2006. He then formally became president in 2008.


India-Malaysia Double Taxation Agreement in Force

On 2 February India and Malaysia signed on double-taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA). Dividends paid by Indian companies to Malaysian investors or entities will attract a lower withholding tax of 5 percent against 10 per cent earlier. The new agreement has also, in line with international practice, introduced a new article for taxing capital gains from alienation of property.

India Failed To Curb Sexual Violence Against Women

According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW) ‘ World Report 2013 ‘ India has been accused of failure to curb incidents of sexual violence against women and for restrictions on right to free speech, India “has a thriving civil society, free media, and an independent judiciary”, the city-based rights group said in its assessment of rights abuses in India.

Six Indian Institutes in Global 150 Top Think-Tanks

On 3 February Six Indian research institutes, including Centre for Civil Society (CCS), are among top 150 global think – tanks in the annual list released by the University of Pennsylvania for the year 2012.The list was topped by Brookings Institution (United States) followed by Chatham House (United Kingdom) and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (United States).Other Indian think-tanks featured in the list are:- Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis , Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations , The Energy and Resources Institute , Observer Research Foundation and Development Alternatives.

India and Austria Signed a Social Security Agreement

On 5 February India and Austria signed a social security agreement at Vienna, under which the Indian professionals working in Austria would be exempted from paying the social security contribution of the country, if such payments are already made in India. Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi and Austrian Minister for Labour and Social Security, RudoulfHundstorfer signed on the agreement.

India Pledges $100m For Mali Reconstruction

On 5 February India pledges $100m for Mali reconstruction .India has committed to giving $1 million for the upgrade of the Malian army with a pledge to ramp up contributions for reconstruction to $100 million after the situation stabilizes.

India and China Tourists Triple Australian Visits

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics report , Chinese and Indian visitors, with tourist numbers from those countries tripled in the past decade.630,000 visits from Chinese tourists in 2012 compared with 190,000 in 2002. Indian visits went from 45,000 to 160,000 in the same period.Despite a high Australian dollar, Australia’s short-term visitor numbers were up by nearly five percent since 2011 with 6.1 million short trips made to Australia 270,000 more than in 2011.

Special Purpose Vehicle Formed for TAPI Pipeline Project

On 7 February The Union Cabinet gave its approval for formation of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Pipeline Project and to permit GAIL India Ltd. to join the SPV. The four countries involved in the TAPI Gas pipeline project, signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement along with a Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement (GPFA).Turkmenistan and Pakistan agreed to the formation of TAPl Ltd. The 1,680 km pipeline will carry 90 million metric standard cubic metres a day (mmscmd) of gas, and is scheduled to become operational in 2018.

India and Japan to Strengthen Cooperation in Tourism Sector

India and Japan have resolved to strengthen cooperation in tourism sector. This was decided at a meeting between the visiting Japanese Senior Vice-Minister of Tourism, Mr. Hiroshi Kajiyama and Union Tourism Minister Shri K Chiranjeevi in New Delhi on 12 February 2013.

India and France Signed 22 Agreements

On 14 February France and India have signed on 22 agreements after French President Francois Hollande’s meetings with the Indian president and the prime minister in New Delhi.Both nations exchanged views on a number of bi-lateral, regional and multilateral issues and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to facilitate technical cooperation in Railways to each other.Chairman, Railway Board, India and Chairman and CEO SNCF from the French side signed this MoU.Both the nations also concluded negotiations on the short range surface to Air missile to be co-produced in India. They also agreed on the need to reinvigorate economic engagement between the two countries.

India and Bangladesh Signed Land Boundary Agreement

On 16 February India and Bangladesh held the second Joint Consultative Commission meeting in Dhaka .After the meeting , both countries exchanged one strip map as part of the process of the implementation of the agreement signed to resolve land boundary issues between them.In addition, two MOUs were also signed for the construction of a rail link to connect Akhaura in Bangladesh to Agartala in India and for setting up a thinktank to be called Bangladesh-India Foundation.The India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Commission is an interministerial body of the two countries headed by the Minister of External Affairs of India and Foreign Minister of Bangladesh.

CBI probe Ordered into Rs 3700 crore Italian Chopper Deal Scam

In February 2010, India had inked the deal with ItalainFinmeccanica to acquire the 12 three-engine AW-101 helicopters from AgustaWestland for IAF’s elite Communication Squadron ,which ferries around the President, PM and other VVIPs.The deal came under the scanner of Italian agencies after allegations of kickback given in India surfaced.The agencies arrested Giuseppe Orsi, the head of Italian defence and aerospace giant Finmeccanica as part of their probe related to international corruption.Around 50 million euros , about 10 per cent of the deal, were alleged to have been given as bribes to ensure that the company won the contract.On February The Defence Ministry has ordered CBI probe into alleged scam in a Rs 3600 croredefence helicopter deal after arrest of head of Italian firm Finmeccanica on charges of bribery.

India and Britain Discussed on Nuclear Cooperation

“On 19 February Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Britain Prime Minister David Cameron discussed on regional and global issues ,which included key issues of nuclear energy cooperation, security, terrorism and trade .The two sides have also decided to commence negotiations on a bilateral Civil Nuclear Agreement.Britain has assured that it will extend all cooperation to any Indian probe into the multi-million-dollar helicopter scam which involves Italian defense giant Finmeccanica’s UK-based subsidiary AgustaWestland.David Cameron announced that his country is going to introduce sameday visa service for Indian businessmen in a bid to accelerate the bilateral trade between the two sides.”

India won Kishanganga Case Against Pakistan

On 18 February the Court of Arbitration at the Hague allowed India to go ahead with the Construction of the Kishanganga hydroelectric project in Gurez valley near Bandipura in North Kashmir, the court rejected the plea of Pakistan that the construction was a violation of 1960 Indus Water Treaty.The Court of Arbitration, chaired by Stephen M. Schwebel in its orders stated that India can move ahead with the diversion of water plans of Kishanganga that is a tributary of Jhelum, for generation of hydro-electric power. But it restrained India from adoption of the drawdown technique of flushing for clearing the sedimentation of the run-of-the river project that had been designed and asked it to adopt a different technique for generation of 330 MW power facilities.


President Gave Assent to the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013

On 3 February President PranabMukherjee gave his assent to the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013 which provides for, amongst other things, stricter punishment for crimes against women. The Ordinance was to be largely based on the recommendations of the Justice VermaCommittee.However, the Ordinance will have to be passed by Parliament within six months otherwise the same shall lapse.

All Juvenile Crimes 64% by 16-18 yr Old Age Group

On 4 February According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data shows that most juvenile crimes are committed by those in the age group of 16-18 years.In 2011 the growth in rape by juveniles (34%) over 2010 was again among the highest.In 2011, 64% of all juvenile criminals fall in the age group of 16-18. In 2011, 33,887 juveniles were arrested for 25,178 instances of crime.All together make for over 50% of all rape cases by juveniles.

Aero India 2013 “ Held in Bangalore

The Asia’s biggest airshow “Aero India 2013”, a biennial air show and aviation exhibition held from 6 – 10th February at the Yelehanka Air Force Station in Bangalore .In the event displays magnificent aerobatic skills and belongings that created a chance of winning potential business tieups and networking. Defence Minister of India, A K Antony inaugurated the Air Show on 6 February .In the event 53 civil and military aircraft and 27 countries participated and 78 delegations attended from US, Israel and Russia.The first Edition of the show was organised for the first time in 1996.The next Aero India show is scheduled to be held from 18 February to 22 February 2015 at Bangalore.

Cabinet Approved Rs.38500 cr Rural Road Development Plan

On 7 February The Union Cabinet approved a Rs 38,500 crore rupees for road connectivity under the Prime Minister’s Gram SadakYojana (PMGSY).The schemes approved were mainly for connectivity to villages in tribal areas, desert and hilly areas, with a population of at least 250 each.In 82 areas hit by Naxalite violence, villages with less than 250 people are also to be connected under the scheme.

Parliament Attack Case Convict Afzal Guru Hanged

On 9 February in a top secret operation , the 2001 Parliament attack case convict Mohammed Afzal Guru was hanged in Delhi’s Tiharjail.Afzal Guru was given the death sentence by the Supreme Court in 2004.The President rejected the Afzal Guru’s mercy petition on 23 January 2013.The code name of the secret operation was Operation “Three Star “ .

Centre Notified Cauvery Dispute Tribunal Award

After six years,on the directions of the Supreme Court, the Central Government of India has notified the final award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) on sharing the waters of the Cauvery system among the basin States of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala and Union territory of Puducherry on 20 February.The Tribunal, comprising chairman Justice N.P. Singh and members N.S. Rao and SudhirNarain, in a unanimous award in February, 2007 had determined the total availability of water in the Cauvery basin at 740 thousand million cubic (TMC) feet at the Lower ColeroonAnicutsite.In, what was then described as a balancing act, the Tribunal gave Tamil Nadu 419 TMC of water (as against the demand of 562 TMC); Karnataka 270 TMC (as against its demand of 465 TMC); Kerala 30 TMC and Puducherry 7 TMC.After the issuance of the notification, institutions like the Cauvery River Authority (CRA) chaired by the Prime Minister and the CMC will cease to exist.


Sonia Gandhi Launched “Rashtriya Bal SwasthyaKaryakram“ Scheme

On 6 February Congress President and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi launched “ Rashtriya Bal SwasthyaKaryakram (RBSK)”, a new children health care project initiative in Palghar, a tribal block in Thane district of Maharashtra.TheRashtriya Bal SwasthyaKaryakram, is a part of the National Rural Health Mission of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The scheme is aimed at improving overall quality of life of children through early detection of birth defects, diseases and deficiencies, which are among key factors for child mortality.

Maharashtra Promulgates Ordinance To Amend Cooperative Societies Act

On 15 February the Maharashtra Government promulgated an ordinance to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, which aims to promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of co-operative societies.The ordinance is to amend the Act to make it in consonance with the 97th constitutional amendment by Parliament last year.

India’s First Geothermal Plant in Chhattisgarh

On 17 February Chhattisgarh has signed an agreement with the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) to set up the country’s first geothermal power plant in its newlyformedBalrampurdistrict.A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the project was signed between the NTPC and the Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA). The plant will come up at Tata Pani in Balrampur, a district located in extreme northern region of the state.

Rajasthan Constituted a Task Force to Check the Spread of Swine Flu in State

On 19 February the State Government of Rajasthan decided to constitute a task force to control Swine Flu effectively. Chief Secretary of the State, CK Matthew was appointed as the head of the task force constituted.The state had witnessed 148 cases of death and 834 positive cases since April 2012. A central team that constitutes of five doctors and microbiologist is on the state visit and would pay a visit to Jodhpur, Ajmer and Bikaner, areas worst affected from the disease.