Rehabilitation Policy Manual13.37/2016

Chapter 13: Supplementary Services

13.3 Transportation Services

13.3.4 Consumers Attending Gallaudet University or the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID)

Transportation for students attending Gallaudet University or the NTID is limited to two round-trip coach tickets by air per year.

13.3.4 Airfare

Central Billing

Consumer airfare purchases are completed using the Consumer Central Billed Account (CBA).

Using the Central Billed Account (CBA) for consumer airfare purchases allows caseload-carrying staff members to purchase consumer airfare at state-contracted rates.

In addition to reducing airfare costs for consumer travel, using the Central Billed Account has the following benefits:

  • Advance purchase is not necessary
  • No minimum or maximum length of stay
  • 100 percent refundable tickets if cancelled or unused

When using the Central Billed Account, reservations must be made at least 14 days in advance and ticketed at least seven days in advance to allow for review and to ensure that the itinerary is acceptable to the consumer. For travel being requested during holiday periods, reservations should be made at least 30 days in advance.

Requesting Consumer Air Travel

The caseload-carrying staff member or the designee must

  • complete and sign a DARS1762, Central Billing Request for Consumer Airfare, and include the service authorization number in the Comments field;
  • email the signed DARS 1762 to Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team at ; or
  • fax the signed DARS1762 to Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team
  • at (512) 424-4360.

Note on the DARS1762 any special needs or requirements the consumer or passenger may have.For example, document whether the consumer

  • needs to be on a specific flight in order to travel with a group;
  • requires accommodations; or
  • requires special seating (describe the circumstances).

[AWS: Enclose the following procedure—the heading, stems, and steps 1-9—in a tinted rectangle with a border.]

Procedure for Consumer Air Travel

The following procedure is used to book and verify the travel.

Accounting—Consumer Airfare Team

  1. authorizes the charge to the Consumer CBA.

Travel Agency

  1. books the airfare; and
  2. emails the reservation and ticket confirmation itinerary to the Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team.

Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team

  1. maintains a printed copy of the itinerary in the Consumer CBA; and
  2. forwards the confirmation by email to the DARS staff member who requested the travel).

DARS Staff Member

  1. must respond by email to the DARS Consumer Airfare mailbox to confirm that the forwarded itinerary is acceptable;
  2. upon confirming the itinerary as acceptable, completes a service record and service authorization using the date, purchase price, and fees information provided; and
  3. does not create the service authorization for payment at this time.

Consumer or passenger

  1. must provide the itinerary or confirmation number and a valid driver's license, photo ID, or other acceptable proof of identification. (Acceptable forms of identification are found at Transportation Security Administration Identification.) [Add link]

DARS Staff Member

  1. receives a mass email from the Accounting—Consumer Airfare Team staff members paying the bank statement once the consumer travel is shown on the bank statement (The email names all consumer(s) that traveled within that bank statement period.); and
  2. adds the service authorization number in the appropriate column for the consumer.


  1. verifies and audits the service authorization and lets the DARS staff member know when he or she can receive and authorize payment for the consumer’s travel.

[AWS: End tinted rectangle]

Creating the Service Record and Service Authorization

When the DARS staff member who requested travel receives confirmation of travel information from Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team, he or she must complete a service record and service authorization (SA) in ReHabWorks. (See ReHabWorks Users Guide, Chapter 16: Case Service Record, 16.2.10 Consumer Airfare for details.)

Processing the Payment

In order for Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team to process payment for consumer travel, you must have created the service record and SA in ReHabWorks.

If discrepancies are noted between the service record, SA, or invoice received by Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team, a team member emails you to resolve the differences.

Cancelled Flights

The ticket is paid for using a DARS CBA credit card. If the consumer's ticket requires cancellation, you must notify the Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team immediately by email at DARS Consumer Airfare or by phone at 1-866-440-0423. Select option 7 for immediate assistance. The following responsibilities and conditions apply:

  • Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team is responsible for contacting the travel agency to cancel the travel request.
  • If a consumer changes or cancels his or her flight itinerary,at any time for any reason, additional costs incurred will be the responsibility of the consumer.
  • You are responsible for closing the service authorization in ReHabWorks.
  • For all Short's Travel itineraries, a cancellation fee is assessed.
Consumers Attending Gallaudet University or the National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Air transportation for students attending Gallaudet University or the National Technical Institute for the Deaf is limited to two round-trip coach tickets per year.

Air Travel Questions

If you have questions regarding consumer airfare procedures, contact Accounting--Consumer Airfare Team by

  • email at DARS Consumer Airfare; or
  • phone at 1-866-440-0423, option 7.

13.3.9 Modified Vehicle or Vehicle for Modifications

For more information on the purchase of vehicle modifications or modified vehicles, refer to Chapter 11: Technology Services, 11.2 Vehicle Modifications.

13.3.9 Helping the Consumer Purchase a Modified Vehicle or Vehicle for Modification

Help the consumer purchase a modified vehicle or vehicle for modification only when it is necessary for the consumer to participate in other planned services, such as vocational training and job-related services, or for employment. Plan carefully whenever you consider offering this assistance. See Helping the Consumer with Purchase of a Vehicle for Modification in the Counselors' Toolbox for guidance.

Note: The ILS program does not help consumers purchase a modified vehicle or vehicle for modification.

You and the consumer must consider first the purchase of a reliable used vehicle, including a used vehicle already modified. Verify all applicable items such as the vehicle's reliability and serviceability, age, mileage, and insurance coverage.

The primary objective of this service is to defray initial costs the consumer must pay to take possession of the vehicle, such as the

down payment,

registration fees, and

initial insurance.

Criteria for Assistance. Consider offering assistance with a vehicle purchase only when all the following conditions are met:

as a result of the disability, the consumer requires a modified vehicle, and accessible transportation is not otherwise available;

no comparable services or benefits are available to meet this consumer's transportation needs;

relocation to an area with accessible transportation is not feasible; and

the consumer has enough income, or the planned employment goal will result in enough income, to cover future payments, insurance premiums, gasoline, and routine maintenance costs.

DRS assistance with the initial purchase of a vehicle is a maximum of $4,000, based on demonstrated financial need. Payment is in the form of a warrant payable to the consumer, which the consumer signs over to the vehicle dealer.

Required Documentation. Consider and document in a case note the following:

the unavailability of accessible public transportation at the consumer's location;

the reason relocation is not feasible;

justification for the vehicle selected, including efforts to locate a reliable used vehicle that has already been modified, or a reliable used vehicle that has not been modified, if a new vehicle is recommended;

best-value justification when purchasing a new vehicle;

justification for the amount of assistance provided; and

the consumer's ability to cover future vehicle costs.

The area manager and regional director must review and approve before you include vehicle purchase assistance on an IPE or IPE amendment for the consumer to review and sign.

Payment Procedure. All payments are made directly to the consumer in a warrant mailed to the field office.

Hand deliver the warrant to the consumer at the vehicle dealer's location.

Witness the consumer signing over the warrant to the dealer as the vehicle down payment.

13.3.10 Helping the Consumer with Payments for a Modified Vehicle

When necessary, DRS may help make the consumer's vehicle payments on modified vehicles, up to the full monthly payment for up to six consecutive months. Provide this assistance only when

the consumer's financial circumstances create a temporary inability to make the payments; or

the consumer's current modified vehicle is being replaced with another vehicle;

the consumer cannot pay for both vehicles at the same time; and

the consumer cannot sell the current vehicle until modifications on the replacement vehicle are completed.

All payments are made directly to the consumer.

The area manager and regional director must approve before you include vehicle payment assistance on an IPE or IPE amendment for the consumer to sign.

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