International Conference

University Libraries –

bridge to unified european educational space»

17th november 2008, Complex „Izvora“, Arbanasi

9.30-9.45 ч. Official opening of the conference. Greetings.

9.45-10.00 a.m.Ivanka Yankova,Assoc. Prof. PhD. (President of AUL, SULSIT). International collaboration of university libraries: [Project idea in the frames of EY 2008].

10.00-10.15 a.m.Tania Todorova,Assist. Prof. Ph.D.(SULSIT, AUL). Student’s Essay and Photo Competition “My Mobility Project. Real…or Dreamed”.

10.15-10.30 a.m.Anna Goral. “I lived the unforgettable” - Essay-winner (Institute of Information and Library Science, Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)

10.30-10.45 a.m. Evelin Dobrev. “Intercultural dialogue is doomed to success”- Photoes-winner. (Free University, Burgas, Bulgaria)

First panel: Mobility of students and lecturers in the European Union

10.45-11.00 a.m.Stoyan Denchev, Prof. Dr. Habil. (Rector of State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia). SULSIT in international context.

11.00-11.15 a.m.Don Sparling, Ph.D.(Director, Office for International Studies, Masaryk University). Mobility at Masaryk – five fundamentals.

11.15-11.30a.m.Alexander Fedotoff, Prof. Dr. Habil.(Director of CELC, Director of Korean Studies Center at SU). Program “Erazmus” in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – conditions and perspectives.

11.30-11.45 a.m.KatharinaTollkühn(University Library of Humboldt University Berlin). The partnership of the University Library of the Humboldt University Berlin with European University Libraries in the past and future.

11.45-12.00a.m. Coffee breack.

12.00-12.15 a.m. Agnieszka Korycińska-Huras (Institute of Information and LibraryScienceJagiellonianUniversity, Cracow, Poland). Ethnography of the WEB - What recommendations for the academic education?

12.15-12.30a.m.Elke-Barbara Peschke (University Library of Humboldt University Berlin). “EOD – ebooks on demand: A joint project of European University Libraries”.

12.30-12.45a.m.JosKuerten(Lawlibrarian - PrincipalAdministrator; LibraryDirectorate, CourtofJusticeoftheEuropeanCommunities). TheLibrary of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

12.45-1.00p.m. Tania Todorova,Assist. Prof. Ph.D.(SULSIT, AUL), Dimitar Katovski(AUL).“Website “University libraries – bridge to unified European educational space”. Conception, technology, design.

1.00 – 2.00 p.m. Lunch. Leave the hotel rooms.


International Conference

“University Libraries –

bridge to unified european educational space»

17th november 2008 , Complex „Izvora“, Arbanasi

Second panel: University libraries – meeting of sciences, cultures and multilanguages

Session 1. Major conference room:

2.00-2.15p.m. Irena Peteva,Assoc. Prof. PhD., Elena Ignatova, Assist. Prof.(SULSIT). Mission of Library Information Center: Preservation of bulgarian identity in european information space.

2.15-2.30 p.m. Zoia Georgieva (Association of University Libraries). European programmes for young people: [Survey].

2.30-2.45 p.m. Kalina Ivanova (Dep. Director of RNL “P. R. Slaveikov”, Veliko Tarnovo). Public and University libraries – tested partnership in insurance of information comfort for young users.

2.45-3.00 p.m. Persida Rafailova (Director of Library at UACEG). The role of university library in process of internationalization of high education.

3.00-3.15 p.m. Rumen Chernaev, Svetlozar Mechkov („PC-TM“OOD Company). Protection of library funds. Tehnical devices. Software.

3.15-3.30 p.m. Mariana Peteva.(Director of Library at Shumen University “Konstantin Preslavski”), Plamen Miltenoff, Ph.D. (St. CloudStateUniversity, USA). Distance cooperation: possibilities for common work between librarians, based on Web 2.0 and Web 1.0. technologies.

Session 2. Folk-style conference room:

2.00-2.15 p.m.Yulia Savova,Assist. Prof.(SULSIT). Bulgarian library-information education in the European and international educational context.

2.15-2.30 p.m. Vasilka Kotova (Law Library at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”). Law Library – European Documentation Center.

2.30-2.45 p.m. Mariana Peteva. (Director of library at Shumen University “Konstantin Preslavski”).Bulgarian identity in the European educational space. University libraries as heralds of new information technologies for saving and popularizing the literary heritage.

2.45-3.00 p.m. Rumelina Vasileva. (Senior expert in LIC, UNWE ). „Between information competence and knowledge, or where is the role of university library in a society of knowledge?“

3.00-3.15 p.m. Stoyan Raichevski (Journal “”Bulgarian Diplomatic Review”). Legislative organization of the library activity in Bulgaria.

3.15-3.30 p.m.Plamen Miltenoff,Ph.D.(St. Cloud State University, USA), G. Schnellert,Ph.D. (University of North Dakota, USA), G. Tzokov, Ph.D. (Paisii Hilendarski University, Bulgaria), J. Hoover, Ph.D. (St. Cloud State Unviersity, USA). A comparison of the use of Web 2.0 tools between American and Bulgarianstudents and the role of the academic library in the technology process on campus.

3.30-4.00 p.m. Closing the conference in major Conference Room.

4.00-4.30 p.m. Preparing for departure.

4.30 – 9.00 p.m. Travel. Arrival in Sofia.