Kent County Jr. Council Report

May 2017

By: Maci Carter

This year’s last meeting began with a Health Talk Hints Training. Everyone learned about what to do before, during, and after a doctor’s appointment. Members learned that they must share, record, and repeat the information that the doctor tells you.

4-Hers have been busy selling Horse Show Advertisements. All Ads are due May 25th. These help fund our county events so please continue selling them! The Kent County 4-H Horse Show is on June 11th at the DSF. They are looking for volunteers to help with the show, so if you are interested please contact Jenny or Kristin at the KC 4-H Office.

Jr. Council Members are busy preparing for this summer’s Kent County Day Camp. It will be held at the Harrington Moose Lodge from July 10-14. We are working to make the week a fun and memorable experience for all campers. The second Day Camp Counselor Training is on June 1st at 6:30 pm at the Kent County Extension Office.

Delaware State Teen Council Officer 2017-2018 Applications have been released! They are due to Jill Jackson by June 30th. If you are 14 years or older and an active 4-H member, I recommend you apply for an officer position. Also, KC Jr. Council Officer 2017-2018 Applications are released. Anyone who is a member of Jr. Council should apply if they want to be an officer.

The Delaware State Fair is fast approaching, and will be here on July 20-29. Before the fair can begin, 4-Hers are needed to help check in, judge, and setup exhibits. The more hands we have the faster the setup will take, so please come help prepare the 4-H building.

Our next Jr. Council meeting is not until August at the Kent County Extension Office. Hope to see everyone 13 years and older next 4-H year!