Canadian Geography Introduction to Canada Ms. Ripley
Geography 11
Which Province or Territory Am I?
Complete the following using your atlas.
1. I border the Pacific Ocean on the west, Alberta on the east, the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories on the north and the United States on the south.
I am______.
2. I have a short land border on the north and a long border on the Atlantic Ocean.
I am______.
3. I border the Great Lakes and the United States on the south, Quebec on the east, Manitoba on the west and Hudson Bay on the north. I am ______.
Canadian Geography Introduction to Canada Ms. Ripley
4. I border the Northwest Territories on the west, the Atlantic Ocean on the north and east, and Manitoba on the south. I am ______.
5. I border Quebec on the north, the United States on the west, the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Bay of Fundy on the south. I am ______.
6. My eastern border is on Nunavut, my northern border is the Arctic Ocean and my western border is on the Yukon Territory. I am ______.
7. To the north I border the Northwest Territories, to the south I border the United States/on the east I border Saskatchewan and on the west I border British Columbia. I am______.
8. I border Nunavut on the north, the United States on the south, Ontario on the east and Saskatchewan on the west. I am______.
9. My western border is the state of Alaska, my eastern border is the Northwest Territories, my northern border is the Arctic Ocean and my southern border is British Columbia. I am ______.
10. My border is the Atlantic Ocean, l am______.
11. I border Alberta on the west, Manitoba on the east, the Northwest Territories on the north and the United States on the south. I am ______
12. I border Ontario on the west, the United States and New Brunswick on the south, Newfoundland and Labrador on the east and James Bay, Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay on the north. I am ______,
13. I border Quebec on the west and south, and the Atlantic Ocean on the east as well, as all around me. I am ______.