When reading this information on each stage of the selection process, please refer to the FCO competence framework

Stage 1: The Written Test : Dates - 17,18 December 2007, 7 January 2008

The first stage of assessment will be a written paper, which tests the competences of Problem Solving and Judgement and Communicating and Influencing. You will be marked against the definitions for these competences, as laid out in the FCO competence framework. You will need to meet the standard required in order to proceed to stage two. If you are invited to this stage of assessment, we will provide you with more detailed information on the competences to be tested.

Stage 2: The Interview : Dates - W/C 15 January 2008

This will be a competence-based panel interview. The panel will consist of a Chair (who will be an FCO senior manager with an HR background), a senior representative from an key area of FCO business and a diversity adviser. If you are invited to this stage you will have the opportunity to demonstrate how your experiences meet the FCO’s competences. It is useful to think in advance of the interview of examples of when you have delivered against these competences. You will also be asked about your understanding of the FCO's core objectives and given the opportunity to talk about how you could add value to them.

Stage 3: The Assessment Centre : Dates - 27 January – 29January 2008, 30 January – 1 February 2008

The Assessment Centre is residential and will be held at the National School of Government, Sunningdale, Berkshire. This is a modern business centre which offers onsite accommodation, a creche and leisure facilities. For more information go to .

The Assessment Centre is made up of a number of written exercises, group and one to one discussions, designed to test your performance against the FCO competence framework. The exercises are set within typical work related situations liable to be encountered by Band D staff. If you are successful at Stage 2 you will be provided with more detailed information on what to expect at the assessment centre, and practice exercises. The following gives you a broad idea of the exercises you will participate in at the Assessment Centre:

  • Written exercises that ask you to make sense of a lot of information; to draw out what is needed to complete the task and to demonstrate how you perform against certain Fco competences;
  • A group discussion that provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to work effectively and supportively with team colleagues to achieve work objectives;
  • Interactive Exercises that assess your ability to deal with people. Actors will play the part of team members and other stakeholders.