Synthetic Division

***Only use with linear divisors***

***Use “0” for missing terms****

Uses other than division:

1) To test factors or roots/zeros/solutions:

Synthetic division for a value of “x” with a remainder = 0

indicates that it IS a factor/root/zero/solution.

2) To find missing factors/roots/zeros/solutions:

Divide by known or given roots in order to factor or solve remaining polynomial.

3) Remainder Theorem:

INSTEAD of substituting a value of “x” into the polynomial,



Synthetic Division

***Only use with linear divisors***

***Use “0” for missing terms****

***Value of “x” goes in “box”***

***Bring down 1st coefficient, multiply, add***

***Each division reduces degree by 1***

***Numbers represent new coefficients***

Long Division

***Use with ANY divisor***

***Use “0x” for any missing terms***

***Same process as for numbers: Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring down***

Finding Polynomials

***Use roots/zeros to write factors***

***Always have OPPOSITE of irrational and imaginary roots too***

***Multiply factors and combine like terms***

***Write in standard form***

Binomial Expansion

***use instead of multiplying binomial factor by itself repeatedly***

***Use row of numbers from Pascal’s Triangle with descending powers of first term and ascending powers of last term***

Graphing Polynomials

End Behavior

***Describes the direction of the right and left ends of a polynomial function***

***Depends of if degree is EVEN (both same direction) or ODD (opposite directions)


sign of “a” (+ right side up,

-- right side down)***

Roots/ Zeros

***Real roots/zeros represent X-INTERCEPTS***

Solving/Finding roots or zeros

By factoring:

***Check for and factor GCF***

***Technique depends on number of terms***

2 terms: formula

sum of cubes : (a+b)(a2-ab+b2)

difference of cubes: (a-b)(a2+ab+b2)

difference of squares: a+ba-b

***no sum of squares***

3 terms: guess and check

4 terms: grouping

***set each factor = 0 and solve***

Rational Root Theorem

***use when you can’t factor***

***possible roots =±factors of the last number±factors of "a"

***divide by roots found in calculator until

degree= 1 or 2***

***solve remaining polynomial***

Other Uses of Synthetic Division

1. Is (x-3) a factor of the polynomial 2x3+4x2-10x-9?

(Show work to justify your answer.) Explain how you can tell.

2. Use the remainder theorem to evaluate

2x3-4x2+10x+5 if x = 12

3. If x = 2 is a root of x3-7x2+14x-8 , write the complete factorization of the polynomial.

4. Is 4i a zero of x4-3x3+6x2-48x-160? (Show work to justify your answer.)

Finding Polynomials

For each of the following, find the polynomial in standard form:

1. roots are x = 3, 13 , and -32

2. roots are x = 0 multiplicity of 2, and x = -1 multiplicty 2

3. roots are x = 3, 4

4. root is x = -2i +3

5. x+22-4x-x4+11

6. Use binomial expansion: (x+2)5

Solving/Finding Zeros/Roots

Solve each equation according to directions:

1. 3x3-81=0 by factoring

2. x4-18x2+32=0 by factoring

3. x3+6x2-5x-30 by factoring

4. x4-9x3+11x2-19x-40=0

5. If x=3-4i is a zero of x4-6x3+29x2-24x+100, find all other zeros.

Khan Academy Practices:

“Graphs of Polynomials”- Use roots and end behavior to match graphs to polynomial equations.

“Dividing Polynomials with remainders”-

Use synthetic or long division to divide. Remainders should be entered as a fraction with +/- sign in front.