Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous architect, once

remarked that physicians had it easy when it come to

mistakes: When they make one, they tend to bury it!

Architects, on the other hand, have to suffer with their

mistakes (and look at them) for decades. "The archi-

tect's only option, " remarked Wright, "is to plant


Software developers are a lot like architects.

When they make a design mistake, they (and the

generations that come after them) have to live with it

for many years.

The legacy system (a term popularized as the

emphasis on reengineering (see ESE Component 4)

has grown) is a manifestation of the software devel-

oper's plight. Many legacy systems suffer from design

mistakes that were made years or even decades ago.

Because of these mistakes, legacy systems are hard to

fix, challenging to adapt, and difficult to change.

A rational approach to software design can help

you to eliminate many design mistakes at the begin-

ning of the process. First, you must understand basic

design principles (ESE Module 3-4). Then you should

learn and apply an effective design method. That's

what we'll do in this ESE module.


Design occurs in a series of layers. As we move

through each layer, the level of abstraction with

which we represent the software decreases. In the first

video segment of this ESE module, Dr. Pressman will

discuss the "design pyramid." a graphical representa-

tion of the layers that are part of software design.

The pyramid is an extremely stable structure. It has

a low center of gravity and is difficult to topple.

Software designs that are created using the design

pyramid are also stable, for reasons that will become

apparent as you read the following section and view

the video segment.


The following excerpt has been adapted from

Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach and

presents the layers of the design pyramid.

Data Design

Data design is the first (and some would say the most

important) of four design layers (activities) that are con-

ducted during software engineering. The impact of data

structure on program structure and procedural complexity

causes data design to have a profound influence on soft-

ware quality. Information hiding and data abstraction

provide the foundation for an approach to data design.

The process of data design is summarized by

Wasserman [1]:

The primary activity during data design is to select logical

representations of data objects (data structures) identified

during the requirements definition and specification phase.

The selection process may involve algorithmic analysis of

alternative structures in order to determine the most effi-

cient design or may simply involve the use of a set of mod-

ules (a "package") that provides the desired operations

upon some representation of an object.

An important related activity during design is to

identify those program modules that must operate directly

upon the logical data structures. In this way the scope of

effect of individual data design decisions can be con-


Regardless of the design techniques to be used, well-

designed data can lead to better program structure, modu-

larity and reduced procedural complexity.

Wasserman [1] has proposed a set of principles that

may be used to specify and design data:

1. The systematic analysis principles applied to function and

behavior should also be applied to data. We spend much time

and effort deriving, reviewing and specifying functional

requirements and preliminary design. Representations of

data flow and content should also be developed and

reviewed, data objects should be identified [see ESE

Module 3-3, parts 1 and 2], alternative data organizations

should be considered, and the impact of data modeling on

software design should be evaluated. For example, specifi-

cation of a multi-ringed linked list may nicely satisfy data

requirements but may lead to an unwieldy software

design. An alternative data organization may lead to better


2. All data structures and the operations to be performed on

each should be identified. The design of an efficient data

structure must take the operations to be performed on the

data structure into account. For example, consider a data

structure made up of a set of diverse data elements. The

data structure is to be manipulated in a number of major

software functions. Upon evaluation of the operation per-

formed on the data structure, an abstract data type is

defined for use in subsequent software design.

Specification of the abstract data type may simplify soft-

ware design considerably.

3. A data dictionary should be established and used to define

both data and program design. The concept of a data dictio-

nary has been introduced [ESE Module 3-3, part 3]. A data

dictionary explicitly represents the relationships among

data objects and the constraints on the elements of a data

structure. Algorithms that must take advantage of specific

relationships can be more easily defined if a dictionary-like

data specification exists.

4. Low-level data design decisions should be deferred until late

in the design process. A process of stepwise refinement may

ESE Module 3-5


3-5.2Essential Software Engineering

be used for the design of data. That is, overall data organi-

zation may be defined during requirements analysis;

refined during preliminary design work; and specified in

detail during the detail design step. The top-down

approach to data design provides benefits that are analo-

gous to a top-down approach to software design--major

structural attributes are designed and evaluated first, so

that the architecture of the data may be established.

5. The representation of data structures should be known only to

those modules that must make direct use of the data contained

within the structure. The concept of information hiding and

the related concept of coupling provide important insight

into the quality of a software design. Principle 5 alludes to

the importance of these concepts as well as "the importance

of separating the logical view of a data object from its

physical view." [1].

6. A library of useful data structures and the operations that

may be applied to them should be developed. Data structures

and operations should be viewed as a resource for software

design. Data structures can be designed for reusability. A

library of data structure templates (abstract data types) can

reduce both specification and design effort for data.

7. A software design and programming language should support

the specification and realization of abstract data types. The

implementation (and corresponding design) of a sophisti-

cated data structure can be made exceedingly difficult if no

means for direct specification of the structure exists. For

example, implementation (or design) of a linked list struc-

ture or a multilevel heterogeneous array would be difficult

if the target programming language was FORTRAN,

because the language does not support direct specification

of these data structures.

The principles described above form a basis for a data

design approach that can be integrated into both the defini-

tion and development phase of the software engineering

process. As we have noted elsewhere, a clear definition of

information is essential to successful software develop-


Architectural Design

The primary objective of architectural design is to develop

a modular program structure and represent the control

relationships between modules. In addition, architectural

design melds program structure and data structure, defin-

ing interfaces that enable data to flow throughout the pro-


To understand the importance of architecture design,

we present a brief story from everyday life:

You've saved your money, purchased a beautiful

piece of land and have decided to build the house of your

dreams. Having no experience in such matters, you visit a

builder and explain your desires (e.g., number and size of

rooms, contemporary styling, spa (of course!), cathedral

ceilings, lots of glass, etc.). The builder listens carefully,

asks a few questions, and then tells you that he'll have a

design in a few weeks.

As you wait anxiously for his call, you conjure up

many different (and outrageously expensive) images of

your new house. What will he come up with? Finally, the

design is finished and you rush to the builder's office.

Pulling out a large manila folder, the builder spreads a

diagram of the plumbing for the second-floor bathroom in

front of you and proceeds to explain it in great detail.

"But what about the overall design?" you say.

"Don't worry," says the builder, "we'll get to that later.

Does the builder's approach seem a bit unusual? Does

our hero feel comfortable with the builder's final response?

Of course not! Anyone would first want to see a sketch of

the house, a floor plan, and other information that will pro-

vide an architectural view. Yet many software developers

act like the builder in our story. They concentrate on the

plumbing (procedural details and code) to the exclusion of

the software architecture.

Design methods encourage a software engineer to con-

centrate on architectural design before worrying about the

plumbing. Although each method has a different approach

to architectural derivation, all recognize the importance of

a holistic view of software.

Interface Design

The overall process for designing a user interface begins

with the creation of different models of system function (as

perceived from the outside). The human- and computer-

oriented tasks that are required to achieve system function

are then delineated; design issues that apply to all interface

designs are considered; tools are used to prototype and

ultimately implement the design model; and the result is

evaluated for quality.

Four different models come into play when a human-

computer interface (HCI) is to be designed. The software

engineer creates a design model; a human engineer (or the

software engineer) establishes a user model the end user

develops a mental image that is often called the user's

model or the system perception; and the implementers of

the system create a system image. [2] Unfortunately, each

of these models may differ significantly. The role of inter-

face design is to reconcile these differences and derive a

consistent representation of the interface.

A design model of the entire system incorporates data,

architectural and procedural representations of the soft-

ware. The requirements specification may establish certain

constraints that help to define the user of the system. For

interactive systems, the interface design is as important as

the data, architectural and procedural design.

The user model depicts the profile of end users of the

system. To build an effective user interface, "all design

should begin with an understanding of the intended users,

including profiles of their age, sex, physical abilities, edu-

cation, cultural or ethnic background, motivation, goals

and personality." [3] In addition, users can be categorized

  • novices--no syntactic knowledge [knowledge of the

mechanics of interaction] of the system and little semantic

knowledge [an understanding of the functions that are per-

formed, the meaning of input and output, and the goals

and objectives of the system] of the application or comput-

er usage in general;

  • knowledgeable, intermittent users-reasonable semantic

knowledge of the application, but relatively low recall of

syntactic information necessary to use the interface;

  • knowIedgeabIe, frequent users--good semantic and syn-

tactic knowledge that often leads to the power-user syn-

drome, that is, individuals who look for short cuts and

abbreviated modes of interaction.

The system perception (user's model) is the image of the

system that an end user carries in his or her head. For

example, if the user of a particular word processor were

asked to describe its operation, the system perception

would guide the response. The accuracy of the description

will depend upon the user's profile (e.g., novices would

provide a sketchy response at best) and overall familiarity

with software in the application domain. A user who

understands word processors fully, but has only worked

with the specific word processor once, might actually be

able to provide a more complete description of its function

than the novice who has spent weeks trying to learn the


The system image combines the outward manifestation

of the computer-based system (the look and feel of the

interface), coupled with all supporting information (books,

manuals, video tapes) that describe system syntax and

semantics. When the system image and the system percep-

tion are coincident, users generally feel comfortable with

the software and use it effectively. To accomplish this

melding of the models, the design model must have been

developed to accommodate the information contained in

the user model, and the system image must accurately

reflect syntactic and semantic information about the inter-


In essence, these models enable the interface designer

to satisfy a key element of the most important principle of

user interface design: "Know the user; know the tasks."

Procedural Design

Procedural design occurs after data and program structure

have been established. In an ideal world, the procedural

specification required to define algorithmic details would

be stated in a natural language such as English. After all,

members of a software development organization all speak

a natural language (in theory, at least); people outside the

software domain could more readily understand the speci-

fication, and no new learning would be required.

Unfortunately, there is one small problem. Procedural

design must specify procedural detail unambiguously, and

a lack of ambiguity in a natural language is not natural.

Using a natural language, we can write a set of procedural

steps in too many different ways. We frequently rely on

context to get a point across. We often write as if a dia-

logue with the reader were possible (it isn't). For these and

many other reasons, a more constrained mode for repre-

senting procedural detail must be used.

[1] Wasserman, A., "Principles of Systematic Data Design

and Implementation," in Software Design Techniques, 3rd

edition, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1980, p. 287-293.

[2] Rubin, T., User Interface Design for Computer Systems,

Halstead Press, 1988.

StructuredDesign ·· 3-5.3

[3] Shneiderman, B., Designing the User Interface, Addison-

Wesley, 1987. O


When an architect presents the design of the house, it

is likely that she will first show you a three-dimensional

perspective of the structure so that you will under-

stand what it looks like before its ultimate implementa-

tion in the real world. In addition, the architect will

depict the internal layout of the house by showing

you a floor plan in which each living component

(room) and its interfaces will be shown. Electrical

wiring diagrams, plumbing schematics, the founda-

tion plan, exterior wall construction detail, and roofing

trusses are all part of the design, but initially, this infer-

mation is unimportant -- initially we are interested in

obtaining a big picture view of the design representa-


The modes of representation for computer soft-

ware and the overall design approach are remark-

ably similar to those that the architect uses for a

house. Architectural design focuses on the creation of

the "floor plan" for computer software. Instead of

showing the layout of rooms and their sizes, an archi-

tectural design for software shows the layout of pro-

gram components (modules) and their control hierar-

chy, also referred to as connectivity. The "doorways

and windows" for the software are represented as

module interface specifications in which all incoming

and outgoing data are represented. The "plumbing

and electrical layouts" for software are postponed

until procedural design.

The most commonly used approach for architec-

tural design is called structured design. Structured

design maps a floor plan for software using a data

flow model created during software requirements

analysis work.


The following excerpt has been adapted from

Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach and

presents adetailed discussion of structured design.

Structured design allows a convenient transition from

information representations, the data flow diagram (DFD),

contained in a Software Requirements Specification to a design description of program structure. The transition from

information flow to structure is accomplished as part of a

five-step process: (1) the type of information flow is estab-


lished; (2) flow boundaries are indicated; (3) the DFD is

mapped into program structure; (4) control hierarchy is

defined by factoring; (5) resultant structure is refined

using design measures and heuristics. The information

flow type is the driver for the mapping approach required

in Step 3. In the following paragraphs we examine two

flow types map to transaction structure.

Transform Flow

Recalling the context model (level 0 data flow diagram),

information must enter and exit software in an external

world form. For example, data typed on a keyboard, tones

on a telephone line, and pictures on a computer graphics

display are all forms of external world information. Such

externalized data must be converted into an internal form

for processing.

Information enters the system along paths that trans-

form external data into an internal form and shall be identi-

fied as incoming flow. At the kernel of the software, a tran-

sition occurs. Incoming data are passed through a trans-

form center and begin to move along paths that now lead

"out" of the software. Data moving along these paths are