Playschool Trustees meeting

Tuesday 7 June 2011 at9.30 am.

Parish Council Office


Present: Sarah Adams, Jo Edwarde, Anne Higgins, Kevin Hawes, Nancy Holmes, Tam Weaver.

  1. Apologies for absence.
Zoe Howard. Zoe will attend when the draft lease is available for comment.
  1. Declaration of Prejudicial Interest.
Members were reminded to declare at any relevant discussion.
  1. Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 29 March 2011
These were accepted as a true record.
  1. Matters arising not included as an agenda item.
a)Item 8 – Playschool Trustees account. The bank statement has still not been received. There has been difficulty with the change of clerk’s address from Debbie to Emma. Emma continues to chase Santander. There have been no payments since the last meeting. The roofer has not submitted an invoice.
b)Item 9 – Trees behind the Goods Shed. The trees behind the building have been removed. The Playschool would like to accept the Parish Council’s offer of Hornbeam trees as replacements.
  1. Update on Playschool Lease.
The cost of advice from Roger Taylor has been paid by the Parish Council. The cost of drawing up a lease will be split between Parish Council funds and the Playschool Trustees account. The management committee wishes to be informed if the total amount goes over £600. It is possible Hedley’s legal charge may affect 3 different titles. Nancy will produce drawings of the property to be leased to the Playschool, adapting Land Registry drawings.
  1. Management Committee report to include any recent maintenance work, not included elsewhere.
The new carpet has been fitted in the quiet room.
Ben Sargent no longer manages the garden and the Playschool are looking for a local person to take this on – preferably on a voluntary basis.
A further £150 commission has been received from Boden’s.
A Quiz Night has been organised for 7 July to be held in The Anchor. Quiz masters from Forest Row who offer the service free. Entry will be £5.
The Garden will be open during the Summer holidays on Wednesdays 1.00 – 3.00 pm. There will be charge of £1.00 for tea/squash. This is a community event and open to all families with young children.
The AGM will be on 29 September. A new committee will be voted in. Consideration will be given before the meeting as to whether the Constitution needs to be changed to reflect the changed relationship between Management Trustees and Property Trustees ie. entering into a long term lease.
One member of staff will be leaving on 24 June. The vacancy will be covered until the end of term by existing staff. A new member of staff will be recruited for the start of the autumn term once the intake number is known. There are 27 leavers in the summer, which is high. Playschool advertises by word of mouth, through the Chronicle and the internet.
  1. Future Maintenance with reference to the Maintenance Programme dated April 2011.
The electric circuits are due to be tested. Sarah will get quotes for consideration. This work will be paid for from the Playschool Trustees account. PAT testing is also due, to be paid for out of Playschool funds.
  1. Items for reporting/inclusion in next agenda.
The Parish Council continues to request that the road leading to the new houses is named. The Playschool would be happy for this to happen. The proposed name is Old Station Road.
The allocation of houses is controlled by Wealden District Council. Thos on the housing list with a local connection will be offered first.
There is a potential difficulty with the pavement leading down the Edenbridge Road which ceases at the start of the “new” road. Pedestrians must walk where there is no pavement before they can pick up the new pavement opposite the Playschool. Cars continue to park on the stretch with no pavement causing a hazard to pedestrians. This matter will be referred to the Parish Council.
The Playschool have benefited from the placement of an OU student who has been working with the children. Unfortunately her funding has been cut for her final year and the Playschool are trying to raise the money through voluntary contributions. She is a valued member of staff.
  1. Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 27 September 2011 at 9.30 am in the Parish Office. / Emma