MQ Data Science Programme 2018

Template Application Form

We realise that applying for funding is a time-consuming process. As such, we have tried to make our funding process as simple and transparent as possible.

Before beginning your application, please make sure you read our Guidance for Applicants, which outlines information about the award, eligibility criteria and our selection process.

Please note that all applications for the 2017 MQ Data Science Programme must be submitted through our online application portal, Flexigrant, by January 22nd 2018 at 17.00 GMT. We will not accept applications submitted in any other way.

Once you have decided to apply for funding, we encourage you to check that you can access the online MQ Data Science application form, even if you are not ready to submit your application. To do this you must have an account on Flexigrant, and create one if necessary.

Please note that Section 12 of the application form must be completed by the applicant’s Head of Department (or equivalent), and Flexigrant allows you to invite your HoD to complete this section. Please make sure you leave sufficient time for this section to be completed, and we strongly advise applicants to send the invitation to their HoD early as possible. Please see Flexigrant for more information about this process.

We have made this document available for candidates to draft their applications offline before submitting though our online system. There is no requirement to use this document, but candidates are welcome to use it as a drafting tool if they wish.

If you have trouble submitting your applicaton through our online application portal, please get in touch with us at .

1.  Cover Sheet

1.1. Contact details

Please enter the contact information of the project’s Principal Investigator(s)

·  ORCID iD:

·  Contact name:

·  Contact type:

·  Phone:

·  Email:

·  Address:

1.2. Please enter the title of your project:

1.3. Abstract

This section should give a summary of the proposed research including key goals for use by a scientifically qualified assessor (250 words max):

1.4. Lay summary

Please give a summary of the proposed research, including key goals, for the general public. (250 words max):

1.5. Relevance to call

Please briefly summarise how the proposed project is relevant to UK data resources and to mental health, and any other way that the project addresses the aims set out for this funding call (250 words max):

2.  Applicant’s CV

2.1.  Does your application have a Co-PI?

Yes No

If you answer Yes, you will need to complete the majority of the questions in Sections 2 & 3 for both PIs. The online application form will auto-duplicate the relevant questions.

Current Post

2.2. Please give details of your current post

Make sure to include:

·  Your current organisation

·  Department name

·  Job title, and

·  Date of appointment

2.3. With which organisation do you have your contract of employment?

2.4. Is this a permanent position?

Yes No

Please state the end date of your contract (if applicable)


Previous Posts

2.5. Please give details of your previous posts

Make sure you clearly state:

·  The organisation,

·  Your job title, and

·  Start date and end date

Education and Training

2.6. Please begin with your most recent qualification, listing university level and professional education and training, including both completed and current qualifications.

Make sure you clearly state:

·  The qualification gained,

·  The year,

·  Subject, and

·  The organisation who granted the qualification

2.7. If you are from outside academia, or if have not completed a PhD, DPhil, DClinPsy, MBBS, MD, you are still eligible if you have at least 3 years of full time research experience (equivalent to post-graduate research). Please give details:

2.8. Please choose up to three disciplines that best apply to you. In this case, disciplines are broadly defined as follows:

Biology & Neuroscience Clinical Research Data & Computational


Developmental Science Economics & Education & Policy

Political Sciences

Health Sciences Methodological Psychology & Behavioural Research Sciences

Sociology & Anthropology Other

If other, please specify:

3.  Grants, Publications, Organisation & Collaborators

Previously secured research grants

3.1. Please list the top five research grants you have been awarded in the last five years (starting with the most recent).

For each, please list:

·  Name of the awarding body,

·  Title of project

·  Role in the grant (eg. PI, Co-PI)

·  Amount awarded

·  Start and end dates

·  Time commitment in hours per week (for active grants only)

Publication history

3.2. Please list your top five most relevant and/or significant publications. For each, please give the citation in full

Please use the following format:

·  author's names (last name, initials),

·  ​year of publication,

·  ​title of article,

·  ​journal name,

·  ​volume number, and

·  ​page number(s)

3.3. Please state your total number of peer reviewed publications (academic journals, book chapters, etc.):

Please do not include posters, conference presentations, etc.

3.4. Please state your total number of peer reviewed publications as first or last author:

3.5.  Please enter your ORCID ID number.

Please ensure that you make your ORCID profile public

Host Organisation

3.11. Please briefly describe how your organisation will be able to facilitate the proposed project.

If your organisation is not primarily a research institution, please include information on the organisation’s involvement in research in general.

If the application has Co-PIs, one host institution must be nominated as the lead organisation for contractural purposes. (250 words max)

3.12. Please upload a statement of commitment from your host organisation. This statement should confirm that the organisation will accept the award funding on behalf of the Applicant and adhere to MQ’s Award Policies.


3.13. If any collaborators are involved in this project, please list them here.

For each collaborator, please detail:

·  Their name,

·  Email address,

·  Organisation, and

·  How they will contribute to the project (max 100 words per collaborator)

3.14. Where did you hear about this funding programme?

Please select all that apply:

Colleague Conference/Event MQ website

MQ staff, Trustee,Committee Social Media University/Department


If other, please specify:

4.  Project Description

4.1. Please describe the proposed project.

This description must include sufficient detail for the MQ research team and reviewers to assess the feasibility and scientific merit of the proposed project (max 1500 words)

This description should address the following:

·  Research question, aims, expected outcomes

·  Design and methodology, and how these are suitable to address the aims of the proposal

·  Plan for data processing and statistical analysis including statistical methods, power & sample size considerations and outcome variables

Feasibility and reproducibility are of fundamental importance to us as a funder and projects are more likely to be funded if methods and analysis are clearly specified. Where needed, please consult with experts and let us know if you have done so.

A single page pdf of graphs, figures or unpublished supplementary data may be uploaded in section 4.2. below.

Applicants should use no more than 10 different citations in the Project Description, and should provide full references in section 4.3. below.

4.2. If needed, a single page pdf of graphs, figures or unpublished supplementary data may be uploaded below:

4.3. Please give full references of no more than 10 citations used in the Project Description above.

5.  Impact

5.1. Please explain why your proposed research matters in the field of mental health and for those living with mental illness. (max 250 words)

5.2. Please describe what the possible tangible impact of your research could be in 2030. (max 250 words)

5.3. What additional indirect benefits might your work bring, and who might use the output of your research? (max 250 words)

5.4. How does this proposal build on previous research and findings, and how is it different? Why is this new/innovative? (max 250 words)

6.  Feasibility & Implementation

6.1. Please give the proposed start and end dates of the project

·  Start date:

·  End date:

6.2. Data access, regulatory and ethical approvals

Please explain how you will be able to access the designated data resources and/or to perform linkage studies as needed within a secure platform for analysis. Please list the regulatory and ethical approvals needed for the project, and any other regulatory approvals required for data access, linkage and storage.

·  Please also state the date when you expect to have all necessary approvals in place and/or be able to access any proposed data sources

·  If available, please attach a letter of support from the organisation that grants access to the proposed data sources

6.3. Consent

Please explain how consent has been or will be obtained, where applicable. If the proposed project uses data where consent is not required, please explain why this is the case

6.4. Patient & Public Involvement and Dissemination

MQ is committed to patient and public involvement throughout the research process and across the translational pipeline. In what way will this project be informed by the public, including patients and/or carers? How will this be implemented? (PPI costs can/should be included in your project budget).

Please note that MQ has a Young Person's Advisory Group that exists to give their perspective on mental health research and is a resource available to you during your project. For more information on patient involvement in research, please see the NHS INVOLVE website:

7.  Budget

Please give your budget in £ Sterling (GBP), and note that MQ will make all award pauments in GBP, based on the below budget given in GBP.

7.1. Is £ Sterling (GBP) your local currency?

Yes No

If no, please state your local currency:

What conversion rate (from your local currency to GBP) are you using?

Why did you choose this conversion rate?

7.2. Please upload your budget using MQ’s budget template (available within the online application form).

Please note that the total amount you can request from MQ for this Award is £50,000.

7.3. If you would like to explain any part of your budget, please do so here.

If you have other funding sources for your project, please let us know what the total budget for your project is and list the other funders.

8.  Review Process

Conflict of Interest

8.1. Do you have any conflicts of interest with a member of the MQ Data Science Committee? Details of the Committee members can be found here.

By conflict of interest, we mean previously working or publishing together, being at the same institution, or being a family member or close friend

Yes No

If yes, please specify with whom you are conflicted, and what your relationship is

External Reviewer Recommendations

8.2. Please make two recommendations for possible external reviewers.

Applicants should ensure their suggested external reviewers are not members of the MQ Data Science Committee. Suggested reviewers should also not have collaborated with any member of the research team within the last five years, and should not be at the same institution as a member of the research team.

For each suggestion, please provide their name, organisation, email address, and why you think they are suitable.

External Reviewer Exclusion Request

8.c. If desired, applicants are permitted to request that MQ excludes one person as an external reviewer.

Please provide name and organisation.

9.  Consultancies, Equities & Directorships

9.1. Do you or any members of the research team have any consultancies or equity holdings in, or directorships or, companies or other organisations that might post a conflict of interest to the current application?

Yes No

If yes, please give details

9.2. Will the proposed research use technology, materials or other inventions that, as far as you are aware, are subject to any patents or other forms of intellectual property protection?

If any aspect of the proposed research, in whole or part, is subject to any intellectual property protection, including license or material transfer agreements with commercial, academic or other organisations, please list here:

9.3. Is the proposed research likely to lead to any patentable or commercially exploitable results?

Yes No

If yes, please give details:

10.  Diversity Information

MQ is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. This means that we will treat all applicants fairly and equally, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion or disability.

We want to ensure that we attract and promote a diverse range of talents. In order to assess how successful we are in this, we ask you to provide answers to as many questions as you want from the options below, but this is in no way obligatory. Please be assured that any information you provide will be treated in confidence.

10.1. How would you describe your gender?

Female Male Prefer not to say

10.2. Please select your age range:

Under 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Prefer not to say

10.3. Please select the region that best describes where you live and work:

Asia Australasia Europe Latin America/Caribbean Middle East & North Africa North America

Sub-Saharan Africa UK

10.4. Please let us know the ethnicity you most identify with. If you would prefer not to answer, please leave blank:

10.5. Do you consider yourself to be disabled?

Yes No Prefer not to say

11.  Applicant Certification

Before submitting your application, please read the following two documents:

·  MQ's Award Policies, available here

·  MQ's Data Protection Statement, available here

Please carefully read the statements below, and then enter your details below to confirm your consent:

1.  I confirm that I (and all those providing personal information in the application) have read and understood the MQ: Transforming Mental Health Data Protection Statement.

2.  To the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application is accurate and complete and I agree to inform MQ: Transforming Mental Health of any material changes to this information during the period of the grant/award.

3.  I have read the MQ Award Policies and agree to abide by the conditions should a grant/award be made.