Purpose of an Equality Impact Assessment
All our projects, policies and processes are at the heart of Equality Impact Assessments (EIA’s) which need to be undertaken and understood to help project managers analyse the potential impact of their project to make sure they do not discriminate or disadvantage people. EAIs also improve or promote equality.
How to complete the form
This document is made up of the following key elements:
· Part 1 - Details of Change Project
· Part 2 - Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment
· Part 3 - Equality Matrix Assessment
· Part 4 - Assessor details
As a minimum, parts 1, 2 and 4 should be completed however should the Equality and Diversity impact assessment (part 2) be scored as a Medium or High then there is a requirement for part 3 to be completed.
Part 1: Details of Change Project
Name and overview of initiative / serviceProposed replacement of Mickle Trafford Police Base with Mickle Trafford Police Community Base at Mickle Trafford Village Hall.
A proposal to continue to provide a building based local police presence office in Mickle Trafford whilst consolidating the Cheshire Constabulary estate. The proposed new location is very close to the current site with parking facilities. It is a two storey building and has level access from the outside (Police element being on the ground floor). The proposed new location will bear Constabulary signage advertising the days and times when PCSO(s) will be in attendance to conduct local surgery. The proposal will achieve capital and revenue savings whilst offering a more consistent and certain opportunity for the public to speak face to face with the Constabulary.
Details of Assessor / Dominic Ellis (Head of Estates) / Laura Crawshaw (Human Resources Advisor)
Details of others involved in the assessment (if applicable) / David Bryan (Head of Legal Services)
Lynn Marsh (Head of Communications and Insight)
Who is responsible for the implementation of the policy / initiative / service? (function head /department manager) / Dominic Ellis (Head of Estates)
What past experience do we have of this area e.g. a similar initiative, organisational learning? Have any other police forces or local authorities carried out any similar projects? / Previous police station moves e.g. Relocation of Widnes Police Station and Frodsham Police Station.
Part 2: Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment
If any of the boxes below are ticked the impact is high and the Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment must be reviewed annually.
High / - Exercise of statutory powers?
- Dealing with or providing services to the public?
- Recruitment & selection, transfer or redundancy processes?
- Training opportunities or career development schemes?
- Other processes for managing staff? (i.e. discipline, pay, allocation of benefits, etc.)
- Any other high risks not detailed?
If any of the boxes below are ticked the impact is medium and the Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment must be reviewed every 2 years.
Medium / - Dealing with the public, but not involving the exercise of statutory powers?
- Providing services or facilities to staff? (i.e. welfare, shower rooms, parking, intranet, etc.)
- Any other medium risks not detailed?
If any of the boxes below are ticked the impact is low and the Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment must be reviewed every 3 years.
Low / - Administration processes?
- Any other low risks?
If this project scores has a medium or high impact then you should go on to complete the remainder of the form.
The below table will help you identify the potential impact on the community as a whole and each of the protected characteristics.
1. Impact on groupsDoes this project impact (positively and negatively) on any of the protected characteristics or workplace demographics? If so, which groups and how are they impacted? / The proposed new location is a village hall used for a variety of community/social/recreational purposes. It is close to the current Police Base (approximately ½ mile) and has off road parking facilities. It is two storey and has level access from the outside. The community hall will bear Constabulary signage advertising the days and times when PCSO(s) will be in attendance to conduct local surgery. Overall it is not envisaged that there will be any impact either positive or negative on those with protected characteristics.
2. Information sources
What sources of information have been used in the development and implementation of this project? / Finance Information, condition survey information, operational data, site inspection.
3. Use of legislation
Does the project relate to any legislation? If so, which? And does this project ensure compliancy? / Equality Act 2010
4. Data collection
What data is collected for this project?
How is the data collected?
What is the frequency and governance for reviewing this data?
How are the recommendations identified through the data collection actioned? / Finance data from both a revenue and capital perspective. Operational data around use of the existing Police Base. Engagement with current staff in regard to the change of location.
5. Consultation process
Who has been involved in the consultation process for the project?
Have any changes been made as a result of the feedback? If so, what?
Have the consultation group been updated on the feedback received and changes made? / Prior to public consultation the following internal consultation has taken place: Force Command Team, Chief Officer Group, Police and Crime Commissioner, Legal Services, Communications and Insight, Estates, Unison, Human Resources, Police Federation, officers and staff of Chester Local Policing Unit Mickle Trafford Village Hall group.
This assessment has been reviewed taking account of the results of a public consultation exercise
Part 3: Equality Matrix Assessment
Almost certain / 5High Probability / 4
Possible / 3
Low Priority / 2
Unlikely / 1
Severe - Legal action (discrimination claim) / 5
Major – Serious matter that may lead to negative publicity or disciplinary action within a Service context / 4
Moderate – External complaint OR internal grievance / 3
Minor – Additional small amendments or controls to the policy/initiative/service required / 2
Negligible – Little impact / minor considerations only needed / 1
Impact Score
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Likelihood / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
4 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
3 / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15
2 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Use the matrix above to calculate the overall score, multiply the level of impact by the likelihood.
Use the guide below to identify the overall risk.
Rating / Description
1 – 5 Manageable risks / The risk may be so low that we choose to accept it and instead simply record that the risk has been identified and that due to its low likelihood or impact no further action will be required. Alternatively, minor considerations may be needed on implementation e.g. provide more chairs at open days, use alternative equipment, or provide information or policies in alternative formats,
6 -10 Medium / The project owner will need to consider slight amendments or further controls to the substance of the project to take account of any issues identified OR GM to confirm that all reasonable steps have been taken to mitigate the risk and no further reasonable action is possible
12 – 15 High / The project cannot be rolled out until detailed external and/or internal consultation has taken place with those that the project affects. Consultation should go ahead with the assistance of the Corporate Communications department.
16 – 25 Very High / Take immediate action. If legal action is certain to occur then we cannot go ahead with the project, without fundamentally changing it. If even with this mitigation, the impact remains severe, then consultation with internal and/or external groups will need to go ahead as described above.
Outlined below are relevant groups who may be affected by the project and suggested impacts (please note that these suggestions are not exhaustive and you will need to consider whether there are any further impacts). Enter a commentary explaining the potential impacts both on employees and external community groups. Specify any controls which are currently in place to address and mitigate these impacts. Identify who is/will be most affected by the policy / initiative / service. Please document all impacts, positive, negative and no impact.
Likelihood / Impact Rating / Overall / Impacts identified
Age (young and old) / 1 / 1 / 1 / No identifiable impact on any age group.
Those with a disability including:
- Physical impairments (including wheelchair users)
- Sensory impairments
- Mental health issues
- Learning disabilities / 1 / 1 / 1 / The proposed building is within close proximity to the current site and accessible using the same existing public transport links. Disabled parking will be available. The proposed building will display clear police signage to the exterior. The staff facilities at the proposed building include disabled/accessible toilet.
Gender (including pregnancy/maternity) / 1 / 1 / 1 / No identifiable impact on gender.
Gender reassignment / 1 / 1 / 1 / No identifiable impact on gender reassignment.
Race / 1 / 1 / 1 / No identifiable impact on race.
Religion and Belief (including no belief) / 1 / 1 / 1 / No identifiable impact on religion and belief.
Sexual Orientation (Lesbian, Gay, heterosexual, bisexual) / 1 / 1 / 1 / No identifiable impact on sexual orientation.
Socio - economic status / 1 / 1 / 1 / The cost of travelling to and accessing the proposed building will not materially change in view of its proximity to the existing Police site.
Other community groups / 1 / 1 / 1 / This has been considered however the proposal is to locate within the current Mickle Trafford Village Hall building. This building is within close proximity to the current site so it is not expected that there will any identifiable impact. It is noted that this site is used by other community groups on a weekly basis.
Do any of the above criteria have a score of 12 or above?
Yes / No / xPlease use the boxes below to detail the additional control mechanisms or amendments that could be implemented to reduce the score? Please identify what the score will be after the control mechanism is in place.
No risk to consider based upon scoring method.What positive outcomes or changes will be taken as a result of any points identified by this impact assessment?
NoneWhat are your main gaps in information and understanding of the impact of the (change to) function. Please indicate whether you have identified ways of filling these gaps?
No gaps identified.Post Event Evaluation - Where applicable, please provide an overview (age range, gender, ethnicity etc) of who attended the event, or were involved in or affected by the project, and any relevant comments or complaints that were received in terms of equality and inclusion. The information should then be used to address any relevant concerns.
Part 4: Assessor Details
Assessor Name and collar number: (please print) / Dominic Ellis (Head of Estates)Date Initial Assessment Completed: / 01/11/2017
Date Assessment to be reviewed: / At outcome of public consultation
Once completed please return to
Need assistance with the completion of this form?
If you require further assistance in relation to the completion of this form, please contact the Positive Action team using the following details:
Tel: 01606 364700