Jewish Practices and Milestones


Groups will be responsible for leading the class in one of the following Jewish practices or milestones. For each, the group should prepare for the entire class to participate in some way, and must explain key aspects, beliefs, rituals and meaning for their practice or milestone.

Practice / Milestone / Group
1. Passover Seder Feast
2. Bar Mitzah / Bat Mitzah
3. Wedding / Marriage
4. Sabbath – synagogue, worship, services, Torah
5. Hanukkah
6. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
6. Milestones: naming a child, kosher, death

Jewish Presentations Rubric

Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
Facts / Information
T/I) / -exceptional quality of information / facts with rich details, examples and analysis
-exceptional demonstration of knowledge / -proficient quality of information / facts with many details, examples and analysis
-good demonstration of knowledge / -adequate quality of information / facts with some details and analysis
-adequate display of knowledge (reads off slide / paper) / -poor quality of information / details, examples and analysis
-weak demonstration of knowledge (heavily relies on paper, slides and does not show competence of concepts)
Interactive Component
(A/ C) / -exceptional class interactive that is very original and creative and clearly reviews the key beliefs and practices as well as reflects and analyzes the religion / -proficient interactive that is creative and reviews the central beliefs and practices / -interactive needs to be more creative and should explain / review concepts more in depth / -interactive lacks any structure and needs to needs to review basic facts and concepts more in depth
(A/C) / -exceptional structure and clearly organized presentation using music, costumes, props and food
-all members of group have clear role and responsibilities are all met / -presentation is well organized and structured and flows smoothly with music, props, costumes and food
-most members have a clear role and responsibilities are reflected / -presentation lacks structure and needs to be more organized with music, props etc.
-some members do not have a clear role / -poor overall presentation that needs to be more organized and structured and use of props, music or costumes
-no flow or unclear roles and responsibilities


1. Based on the presentations and using textbook, create a visual representation of the following practices or milestones by:

A)  drawing an relevant image that represents each practice / milestone

B)  providing a brief explanation or caption for each term


-synagogue (230)

-Torah scroll (230)

-blessing (231)

-naming a child (235)

-bar mitzvah (236)

-marriage (237)

-divorce (237)

-death (237)