
Appendix B


Appendix B

Proposed Outline of the Consequential Amendment to the Aeronautical Information Manual, Doc 8126 as a Result of Draft Amendment 38 to Annex 15

FOREWORD: Revise to incorporate the Amendment 38concepts/changes as appropriate.


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of an aeronautical information management service (AIMS): Include background on the requirements of the air traffic management (ATM) system and the performance driven processes that should be maintained to provide for the mutual exchange of aeronautical information and aeronautical data with the components of ATM. (Similar to content added as guidance for Amendment 37 with some expansion of guidance on performance driven processes.)

1.2 Information handled by an AIMS: Provide outline on the scopeof the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package to be made available in printed format and in electronic format suitable for delivery online or other electronic media; include an outline of the scope of data products and services. Additionally refer to Chapter 9 for guidance on electronic aeronautical information and aeronautical data that should be made available by use of a common aeronautical data exchange model to meet the needs of the global air traffic management community. (Parts similar to content added as guidance for Amendment 37.)

1.3 Quality system: (Same or similar to content added as guidance for Amendment 37.)

1.4 Common Reference Systemsfor Air Navigation

1.5 Human Factors considerations

1.6Use of automationInformation Management: Move to Chapter 4 to include the subsection on Use of automation there under along with guidance for the new information management SARPS that were in Amendment 37.

1.67 Copyright and cost recovery

Chapter 2. Provision of raw data

2.1 Assignment of responsibility fororigination of raw data: Provide reference to the information management requirements for quality assurance and integrity at the origin and throughout the aeronautical information and aeronautical data chain. (Similar to content added as guidance for Amendment 37.)

2.2 Basic information

2.3 Information of a temporary nature and of short duration

2.4 Working arrangements: Include guidance for the provision of data from other responsible ATM components/services by use of a common aeronautical data exchange model. Also, include the requirements for the timelinessof aeronautical information and aeronautical data.

2.5 Modes of communication: Include general guidance on system-wide information management, web services, and service oriented architecture for delivery of aeronautical information and aeronautical data from originator to end user. (More detailed guidance could be presented in Chapter 5.)

2.6 Aeronautical information regulation and control (AIRAC)

Chapter 3. Organization of an aeronauticalinformation managementservice (AIMS)

3.1 Status of an AIMS within the aviation administration: Update content for transition from AIS to AIM.

3.2 Organization

3.3 Resources

3.4 Arrangements for exchange ofaeronautical information with other States: Include reference to data exchange processes covered in Chapter 4.

3.5 Recording, filing and distribution of information

3.6 Basic reference material (Publicationsof ICAO and other international organizations)

Chapter 4. Integrated Aeronautical Information PackageInformation Management

4.1 General

4.2 Elements of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package

Include the guidance materials for information management that were developed for the SARPSadded in Amendment 37.

4.1 Information management requirements

4.1.1 General (System-wide information management concepts to be further developed)

4.1.2 Information Lifecycle Management

4.1.3Safety management system

4.1.4Security management system

4.2 Use of automation

4.3 Data handling

4.4 Data quality

4.5 Data exchange

4.6 Data traceability

4.7 Metadata

4.8 Data protection

4.9 Tool management

Add Appendix A., B., etc. as needed to providemore detailed guidance on selected information management topics such as System-wide information management, Legal and Institutional Issues, Safety and Security Management and Tool Management(to be determined). (Similar to content added as guidance for Amendment 37 – except moved to Chapter 4.)

Chapter 5. Aeronautical InformationPublication (AIP)Products and services

5.1 Introduction:Scope: Describe the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package made available in printed format and/or in electronic format with guidance on transition to electronic aeronautical information and aeronautical data made available by use of a common aeronautical data exchange model.

5.2 AIP Content and format

5.32.1 Specimen AIP and explanatory notes

5.42.2Compiling and editing

5.52.3Presentation of information

5.62.4Specifications for index maps and diagrams

5.72.5Charts to be included in the AIP

5.82.6Notification of differences in the AIP

5.92.7AIP Amendments

5.102.8AIP Supplements


Appendix. Explanatory notes on theSpecimen AIP[Move to new Volume 2 to 8126 after a section with the contents moved from Annex 15 APPENDIX 1. Contents of Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).]

Chapter 6.5.3NOTAM

5.36.1 Origination

5.36.2 Distribution

5.36.3 Specifications for NOTAM

5.36.4 NOTAM Format

5.36.5 Use of the NOTAM Code and abbreviations

5.36.6 SNOTAM

5.36.7 ASHTAM

5.4 Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)

5.4.1 Contents

5.4.2 Annual review and checklist

5.4.3 Distribution

5.5 Electronic AIP (eAIP)

5.6 Digital data services

5.6.1 General requirements

5.6.2 Digital data baseline services

5.6.3 Digital data update service

5.7 Pre-flight and post-flight Information

5.7.1 Provision of pre-flight informationservice

5.7.2 Location of an AIS unit

5.7.3 Layout of an AIS unit

5.7.4 Coverage zone

5.7.5 Detailed information to be held for each coverage zone

5.7.6 Verbal briefing

5.7.7 Self-briefing

5.7.8 Post-flight information

Appendix A. NOTAM, SNOWTAM and ASHTAM(Remove duplicated guidance from Annex 15.)

Appendix B. NOTAM selection criteria

Appendix C. Guidance on the use of the AFS

Appendix D. Guidance on use of the internet and web services

Appendix E. Guidance on data link (if required)

Chapter 7. Aeronautical InformationCirculars (AIC):Move contents to 5.4.

7.1 Contents

7.2 Annual review and checklist

7.3 Distribution

Chapter 8. Pre-flight and post-flight:Move contents to 5.7.


8.1 Provision of pre-flight informationservice

8.2 Location of an AIS unit

8.3 Layout of an AIS unit

8.4 Coverage zone

8.5 Detailed information to be held for each coverage zone

8.6 Verbal briefing

8.7 Self-briefing

8.8 Post-flight information

Chapter 6. Electronic terrain and obstacle data(Chapter contents and associated Appendices moved to here (or to Volume 2 of 8126) from Annex 15.)

Chapter79. Organization of an automatedaeronautical information services system(As updatedas a consequence to Annex 15 Amendment 36 to include the aeronautical information exchange model and digital data services support.)

79.1 General

79.2 Basic principles

79.3 Users’ operational requirements in an automated system

79.4 Type of information to be provided

79.5 Database contents

79.6 Harmonization of AIS and MET information

79.7 Concept for an integrated automated AIS system

79.8 Planning for and implementation of anintegrated automated AIS system

79.9 AFS addressing

Appendix A. Use of automation in thecompilation, processing and distribution of NOTAM

Appendix B. Common AIS query proceduresfor self-briefing by end-users

Appendix C. Common query messages forthe interrogation of other AIS databases

Chapter 10. Preparation of original copy, reproduction and distributionMove to new Volume 2 to 8126

10.1 Reproduction process

10.2 Preparation of copy

10.3 Selection of method

10.4 Paper

10.5 Equipment

10.6 Maintenance of distribution list

10.7 Sale of AIS documentation

10.8 Mailing

10.9 Automation

SPECIMEN AIP: Move to new Volume 2 to 8126

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