Date Submitted:

Project Title:

Principal Investigator:

Complete all sections below in the space provided, respecting the word limits. Save as a Word or PDF file and returnto by February 23, 2013. Attach all additional information as separate Word or PDF files. Proposals must demonstrate a strong thematic link to CIGI’s mandate and a contribution to policy-oriented research relevant to Global Governance that addresses one or more of its four program areas: Global Economy, Environment and Energy, Global Development and Global Security. This is a key requirement of all proposals and a significant part of the Research Advisory Committee’s adjudication criteria.

Aim of the Seminar:[max. 100 words]

Clearly state the themes of the seminar, the specific issues it aims to address and its potential impact.

Short Summary: [min. 300 to max. 750 words]

Identify a set of advanced research questions that the seminar will consider. The thematic area of research must align with one or more of CIGI’s program areas, must span academic disciplines and must have the potential to inform international policy making.Provide an annex that lists at least 10 scholarly references that will inform the research.

Seminar Participants:

List the expected seminar participants, and provide a one-paragraph biography of each. Provide an annex with a short CV —two pages max. — for the principal investigator.(Note themin. of 8 to a max. of 12 participants, including at least: one faculty member from each UW and Laurier; one CIGI researcher; one faculty member from an additional university; one non-academic expert [from receptor community, such as think tank, government or private sector]. These experts must be drawn across two or more academic disciplines. In addition, a maximum of two graduate students may be named as observers.)

Funding Proposal:[max. 150 words]

Briefly outline a strategy to complete a comprehensive external funding proposal by the end of month 12. Identify the funding agencies that will be approached and why this subject will be of interest to them.

PotentialDeliverables:[optional; max. 150 words]

Are additional deliverables —beyond the external funding proposal —envisioned to be produced over the course of the seminar? Will these include publications or other events? Note that you must consult with CIGI’s Vice President of Public Affairs or his designate regarding this before submitting your proposal.

Link to CIGI Mandate:[max. 150 words]

How will the seminar contribute to CIGI’s mandate to explore international governance challenges? To which of its four program areas — Global Economy, Environment and Energy, Global Development and Global Security — will the seminar’sfindings be most relevant?

Project Team: [max. 150 words]

Identify the main researchers involved in the project and what contributions each will make. Ensure that all requirements for the project team are met. Provide an annex of short CVs — max. two pages each — for the principal investigator and each of the main researchers.

CIGI is currently reviewing its policy regarding compensation for team members specified in CRA submissions. CIGI would not normally expect university faculty, whether at the university of the principal investigator or other universities, to receive compensation in this budget. Any compensation for graduate student researchers linked to the CIGI CRA’s proposal must be explained and differentiated from all other sources of graduate student funding (from universities, teaching or research assistantships, foundations, councils or government grants or scholarships), along with details about how this commitment will contribute to the student’s degree completion. Similarly, CIGI would expect that support for post-doctoral researchers would be received from other external sources (universities, part-time teaching, foundations, councils or governments), and the CIGI CRA’s budget would be viewed as a complement to enhance research opportunities and performance. External “consultants” are not normally anticipated, but if the proposal includes such individuals, a full rationale will be expected to demonstrate that such essential expertise is not available from within the existing university partnerships. If necessitated by the research, the proposal may include funds budgeted for additional research support staff salaries (such as administrative, [provide examples]). Any such proposed compensation should explain in detail how it is essential to the project’s success.

Schedule andBudget Estimate: [max. 150 words]

Provide an overview for the schedule of meetings (min. of eight over 12 months), including timing and expected locations.

Complete the budget below with estimates of annual and total cost implications. Clearly identify the level of support requested from CIGI and how it will be directed. This should also show all sources of revenue, including cash or in-kind contributions from your home university.

Max. 2 pages. Delete any budget categories that are not applicable to your request. All budget costs must be fully justified in terms of the needs of the research.


Include participant travel, catering etc. Consult with CIGI Events regarding cost estimates.


This must include printing expenses. If any, consult CIGI Publications regarding formats and costs.

Professional/Technical services


Note that purchases of equipment would not normally be accepted, but if they are required by the research please note that all purchased equipment will remain the property of CIGI.

Other expenses (specify)

Required Attachments:

ANNEX 1: List of scholarly references

ANNEX 2: Short CV of the Principal Investigators

ANNEX 3: Brief biographies of seminar participants to be Invited

CIGI Collaborative Research Awards | Deadline: 23 February 2013 Page 1